Financial Reporting Flashcards
Revenue recognition (ASPE) - criteria
Risks and rewards of ownership have transferred / Performace obligation met
Revenue can be measured reliably
Collection is reasonably assured
- Revenue (IFRS)
Recognition criteria:
Step 1: identify contract
Step 2: identify separate performance obligation
Step 3: determine overall transaction price
Step 4: allocate transaction price to separate performance obligation
Step 5: determine when performance obligation is complete and revenue can be recognized
Revenue recognition - Performace obligation timing
A. at the inception of the contract
B. over the course of the contract
Revenue criteria (IFRS)
parties have approved the contract
each party’s rights
payment terms
commercial substance
Revenue - Loyalty program
Under IFRS 15.B39, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, loyalty points are considered customer options for additional goods or services
Discontinued Operations - held-for-sale criteria
6 criteria:
1. Approved plan to the sell
2. Available for imediate sale
3. Active program to locate a buyer
4. Sale is probably within one year
5. Actively marketed at reasonable price
6. Significant changes are unlikely
Subsequent event - types
Adjusting events provide evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period.
Non-adjusting events are indicative of conditions that arose after the reporting period.
Accounting change - types
A. Voluntary (reliable and more relevant information) -> Retrospectively
B. Standard requires -> depends on standards
C. Change in estimate (new information that was not previouly available) -> Prospectively
D. Error in prior year -> Retrospectively
Impairment - steps
- Individual asset or CGU?
- Indicator of impairment exists?
- Calculate the fair value less costs to sell
- Calculate the value in use
- Determine recoverable amount (the higher of fair value less costs of disposal and value in use)
- Calculate impairment loss
Leases (IFRS) - Leesee
For leesees, ROU and Lease Liabilities must be recorded
Exempt: short-term leases of one year or less and leases for low-value items
Revenue recognition - right of return
A. susceptible to factors outside entity’s influence
B. lack of experience with similar arrangements
C. expected consideration may fluctuate
PPE - betterment
Output or capacity increase
Operating cost decrease
Life or useful life is extended
Quality of output is increased
Lower of cost and NRV (net realizable value)
Financial Instruments (IFRS)
Amortized cost:
hold with the business model
cash flow is solely principal and interest
Non-monetary transaction (NMT) - fair value exemptions
commercial substance
ordinary course of business - similar in nature
no reliable fair value
non-monetary non-reciprocal transfer to owners