what does CTE stand for
Career Technical Education
what does FCS stand for
Family Consumer Science
our foods class is
a pathway onto hospitality service
what does the unit price sticker on a store shelf label tell you
price per pound or ounce
what is the highest grade of meat
how quickly should you use leftovers for optimal health
48 hours/ 2 days
what is highest grade of eggs
poultry is a good source of _____ iron, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin
when buying poultry, beware of pale, dry, frosty areas that indicate ___
freezer burn
ducks and geese have ___ meat
all dark
what is the best quality of poultry
grade A
what is the most common poultry grade in the grocery
grade A
what is common in poultry
how do you prevent salmonella in poultry
cook until the temperature reaches 180 degrees
what are the 3 stages of cheesemaking
producing curd
concentrating curd
ripening curd
list the 4 types of cheeses
hard cheese, soft cheese, semi soft cheese, processed cheese
list 9 cheese families
cheddar, blue veined, dutch, fresh uncured, parmesan, provolone, surface-ripened, swiss, whey
if bread gets stuck in a toaster, how do you remove it
unplug, handle of a wooden spoon
what are herbs
leafy part of the plant
what are robust herbs
herbs with tough stems
list 1 robust herb
what are tender herbs
herbs with soft stems
list 1 tender herb
basil or dill
how do you substitute fresh herbs when the recipe calls for dried
use 3 times the amount
how do you bring out the flavor in dried herbs
pinch or rub between fingers
where do spices come from
bark or root of tree
2 forms of spices
whole, ground
what is the most expensive spice in the world
which plant does the most expensive spice come from
purple crocus
list 3 types of salt
table salt, kosher salt, sea salt
why is it important to have the water be the right temperature when you mix yeast in
if it is too hot: it will kill the yeast
if it is too cold, the yeast won’t activate
should be lukewarm
name 2 types of flour for making bread
rye flour, all purpose flour
how can you tell if you have kneaded the bread long enough
when you make an indentation it stays
list the 5 basic food groups
citrus tree fruits berries melons tropical
the color in veggies
list 3 things to look out for in fast food
saturated fat
trans fat
when percentage of american men are overweight or obese
what percentage of american women are overweight or obese
list 2 diseases that excessive body weight can lead to
heart disease, type 1 diabetes
how many teaspoons of sugar are in a can of soda
boys drink an average of ___ cans of soda daily
girls drink an average of ___ cans of soda daily
what is high fructose corn syrup
sweetener from corn that is cheaper and sweeter than sugar
what are the recommended daily servings or milk/ dairy
3 cups
what is the farm to table concept
the distance food travels from where it’s grown to where it is eaten. it is reducing this distance
what is the safe internal temperature for cooked non-ground beef
what is the yield of the recipe
of serving the recipe makes
how big is a dash, pinch, or speck
smaller than 1/8 of a teaspoon
baking is like a ____ the _____ is the formula, and the ____ are the chemicals
science , recipe , ingredients
4 different types of cookies
bar cookies, rolled cookies, refrigerated cookie, drop cookies
what makes quick breads rise so quickly
baking soda, baking powder
vegetable peeler
used for peeling veggies and for zest of lemon and life
rubber spatula
used for mixing, scraping sides of bowl and folding ingredients
dry measuring cups
used for measuring dry ingredients
rolling pin
used for rolling out dough and to flatten things
slotted spoon
great for draining solids for liquids, and used in serving lines
wire whisk
used for mixing and getting out lumps
pastry blender
used for mixing dry ingredients with the fat
used for serving liquids
chef’s knife
universal blade for cutting things
measuring spoons
used for measuring small quantities of liquid or dry
5 important things for good nutrition for teens
follow my plate more lean protein more fruits and veggies be more active choose drinks wisely
what determines the color of the egg
feather and earlobes
how and where should eggs be stored
refrigerator near the back and in original carton
how can you prevent salmonella
wash hands before and after handling eggs
store eggs in fridge
cook thoroughly
reduce cross-contamination
what temperature should the griddle be to prepare an omelet
275 to 300
differences in egg bakes
quiche- baked in a pie crust
strata- has crouton on bottom (bread)
frittata- base is potatoes
what does FATS stand for
F- find nutritional values
A- add high fiber foods, avoid high fat and sugar foods
T- take time to exercise
S- substitute new habits
what does PLAN stand for
P- pinpoint risky situations
L- list alternative
A- apply alternatives
N- New habit
13 super foods
avocado, broccoli, black beans, blueberries, cantaloupe, dark chocolate onion oats spinach salmon sweet potatoes tomatoes yogurt
list 5 kitchen hazards
poisoning, falls, electrical shocks, burns, cuts
what does PASS stand for
P-pull the pin
A- aim at base of the fire
S- squeeze the lever
S- sweep back and forth
list 5 steps of hand washing
- wet hands and arms
- apply soap
- scrub hands and arms
- rinse hands and arms
- dry hands and arms
after handling raw meat or poultry, always _____
wash your hands in hot soapy water for 20 secs
what is the correct way to extinguish a grease fire
put a lid on it or use baking soda and flour
why is it important to use separate cutting boards for meat and vegetables
avoid cross contamination
a food bourne ilness is
illness caused by contamination of food by virus or bacteria
3 common food borne illnesses
e. coli
4 important safety rules
primary materials used for cutting boards
wood and plastic
what is the claw
knife closer to knuckles than finger tips to keep blade for cutting you
what is a rough chop
chop that cuts pieces in undefined size
what types of food would you use serated knife to cut
food with soft inside and a hard outside
daily serving size for fruits
2 cups
daily serving size for vegetables
3 cups
daily serving size for proteins
6 ounces
daily serving size for grains
6 ounces
daily service size for dairy
3 cups