finals quiz bee Flashcards
In walking, the pelvis of the suspended leg is raised by which the following muscles acting on the supported side of the body?
Gluteus medius
Erb Duchenne Paralysis has injury to the:
Intervertebral disks is an example of what kind of cartilage?
In a newborn, how many sacral vertebrae are there?
The proper normal anatomy of the proximal carpal row from lateral to medial
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
A physiotherapist is checking for the athlete’s hamstring flexibility by asking the her to do trunk flexion in standing position. If you were the physiotherapist, how will you instruct her?
Reach your toes
What is the action of the latissumus dorsi
Extends, adducts, IR arm
In adult, the chief arterial supply to the femoral head is from the:
Medial circumflex artery
Prevents abduction of the tibia at the knee joint
A female patient diagnosed with bilateral frozen shoulder is doing shoulder shrugging exercise. What muscle is being used?
The obturator nerve will innervate the following muscles of the:
Medial compartment of the thigh
Houses your pituitary gland (which release your growth hormone, ADH etc.)
Sella turcica
Ribs ___ are known as true ribs because their costal cartilages articulate anteriorly directly with the sternum
You see a balloon floating upwards and towards the right side. What eye muscles are working?
(R) IO, (L) SR
Your patient has a TMJ problem and complains of difficulty in mouth closing. Which of the following muscles will close the jaw?
Internal pterygoid
A patient came to your clinic with a diagnosis of fracture of the astragalus bone. What is the other name of that bone?
The _____ is especially engaged with elbow joint flexion if the forearm is fully pronated
A PT is assessing radial deviation ROM at the wrist. What carpal bone is directly proximal to the third metacarpal bone?
Os magnum
Extensor Tunnel 5
A female patient you are assessing has a metatarsal classification that the second metatarsal is longer than the first and third metatarsals. The fourth and fifth metatarsals are progressively shorter than the third
Index minus type