Finals pt. 2 Flashcards
There are 2 key elements in giving a good suspicious activity report (SAR).
1) accuracy
2) timelines
You cannot identify a terrorist by what characteristics?
1) how a person looks
2) what a person eats
3) where a person is from
4) what a person says
What are the 5Ws when it comes to suspicious activity?
1) WHO did I observe?
2) WHAT did I observe?
3) WHERE did I observe the suspicious behavior
4) WHEN did I observe the suspicious behavior?
5) WHY do I think the behavior is suspicious?
What is the purpose of an interview?
to gather and test the validity of information in order to determine the particulars of the event under investigation
An interview is a _____________ in which facts or statements are ________ from another
Interviews are used to identify other ___________, _________ and ________
When describing suspicious people look at what characteristics?
1) hair color
2) facial hair/no facial hair
3) race
4) age
5) size
6) scars, tattoos
7) clothing
___________- a person that contacts officials
_____________- people who saw what happened
Psychologists, fingerprint technicians, and CSI are examples of _______ ____________
expert witnesses
What are the characteristics of a good interviewer?
1) listen and concentrate on what is being said
2) polite
3) good physical appearance
4) controls emotions (don’t get angry)
5) flexible and persistent
6) sympathetic to suspect situation
What is the 8 step process of an interview?
1) Preparation
2) Introduction
3) Rapport Building
4) Questions
5) Verification
6) Catch-All Questions
7) Departure
8) Critique
What happens during the preparation (1st) step of an interview?
- What’s your objective?
- Review the case
- Know the elements of the crime
- Know the interviewee
- Where will you be located?
- Who will participate?
- When will it happen?
- What will you tell the interviewee?
What happens during the introduction (2nd) step of an interview?
- Initial information
- Who you are (name)
- Who you work for
- What you want (purpose)
What happens during the rapport building (3rd) step of an interview?
The establishment of non-threatening common ground between the interviewer and interviewee
What are the different kind of Questions (4th step) used during an interview?
1) Open ended
2) Close ended
3) Indicator questions
What are open-ended questions?
Questions designed to prompt the suspect or witness to give a narrative response rather than just a “yes” or “no” answer
“Tell me what happened…” and “Describe your activities…” are” are what types of questions?
What are close ended questions?
used to get specific responses, usually to clarify information provided during narrative responses to open ended questions
What are different types of close ended questions?
1) identification questions
2) multiple choice questions
3) yes-no questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
what color was his hat? shirt?
identification questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
how fast were you driving?
identification questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
what kind of car was she driving?
identification questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
was the car a four door or two door
multiple choice questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
was the suspect running or walking when he left the house?
multiple choice questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
were you in the house when this occurred?
yes-no questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
do you own a gun?
yes-no questions
Which type of close ended question is this:
did you point the gun at him?
yes-no questions
“Do you think that the person who did this deserves a second chance?” what type of question is this?
Indicator questions
“If someone were to say that they saw you at the bank, would there be any explanation for that?” what type of question is this?
Indicator questions
What type of questions should you avoid?
1) leading
2) compound
3) unclear
4) “loophole”
Which type of avoiding question is this:
“Was the car a red Chevy?”
Which type of avoiding question is this:
“did you notice anything unusual or did you look outside your window that night?”
Which type of avoiding question is this:
“describe please, if you can, the moment when you first realized that you were about to be contacted by the assailant and then how you responded to the attack?”
Which type of avoiding question is this:
“Is there anything else that you want to tell us about”
“__________” questions allow for a truthful but incomplete answer
What happens during the verification (5th) step of an interview?
- to ensure accuracy
- to provide opportunity to take notes or additional notes
- to prompt further recall
What happens during the departure (7th) step of an interview?
- How can they contact you?
- How you can contact them?
- Lay the foundation for recontact
- Leave positive impression
What happens during the critique (8th) step of an interview?
- What worked well?
- What went poorly?
- What would I do differently?