Unplanned Biodiversity
Weeds (in field) Surrounding (none – all) Soil Biota Arthropods (except releases of biocontrol agents) Non-domesticated animals
Planned Biodiversity
Crop Varieties
Some surrounding vegetation (none – all)
(e.g., other monocrops, intercrops, non-crops)
Domesticated animals
Loss of Biodiversity in agriculture
Conventional practices
Conventional practices work primarily to manage a few factors perceived to be of direct importance to the system The crop plants A few nutrients (N,P,K) Tillage/herbicides Insecticides
Loss of Biodiversity in agriculture
simplification / homogenization
Homogenization + Simplification = Productivity/Profitability
Biodiversity: The Challenge
As agroecologists: the challenge we face is to:
try and understand what the identities of the larger, unplanned biota,
what function they serve,
what value we wish to assign to their functions,
How management practices can be modified to optimize biodiversity, taking into consideration both short-term (profit) and long-term (sustainability) goals
Biodiversity includes:
genetic variability~
Within and between species
Biodiversity includes:
Alpha diversity~
Measure of a species richness and abundance within a community
Biodiversity includes:
Beta Diversity~
species diversity across communities or along gradient transects
Biodiversity includes:
Gamma Diversity~
Species diversity along a biogeographic region
Identifying biodiversity
Alpha biodiversity!~
Spatial component: Within field
Identifying biodiversity
Beta Diversity!~
Spatial Component:
Number and evenness of species over a landscape
Gamma Diversity!~
Number and evenness of species over region
Can you have a high alpha biodiversity low beta biodiversity agroecosystem?
Shannon-Weiner index
Accounts for #species and evenness
Ecosystem functions:
Processes critical to ecosystem vitality
Nutrient, water, air cycling
Biomass production