Final: VIP Diagnosis Flashcards
What is Visual Motor Integration also known as?
Hand eye coordination
What is hand eye coordination dependent on?
Five motor skills and visual analysis.
ability to manipulate small objects and identify important aspects of them.
What are 6 common signs/symptoms of someone with poor visual motor integration? (hand eye coordination)
- Difficulty copying from the board.
- Sloppy handwriting/poor pencil grip.
- Poor spacing, inability to stay on lines when writing.
- Difficulty with completing written assignments on time.
- Difficulty aligning numbers in columns (math problems).
- Anything timed, involves writing.
What 3 tests can be run to test visual motor integration (hand eye coordination)?
1) Beery VMI
2) Wold Sentence copy
You perform a Berry VMI to test visual motor integration (hand eye coordination), how would you perform this test and how do you grade it?
You perform by giving the patient a figure and they have to copy the picture as closely as possible. It is not a timed test. It is tedious to score, you use a protractor to grade.
Ages 2-99/11 mos for norms, obtain a z-score to compare to norms
You perform a developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP) to test visual motor integration (hand eye coordination), how would you perform this test and how do you grade it?
You have the patient to stay within a certain area with a pencil. Could be a track in shape of circle, zig-zag, or straight line. is for ages 4yr/0mos - 10yr/11 mos. The patient is not allowed to lift the pencil when they start. There is a max score of 8, if patient goes outside lines, points are deducted.
You perform a Wold Sentence Copy to test visual motor integration (hand eye coordination), how would you perform this test and how do you grade it?
Have the patient copy sentences onto the bottoms of the page on the lines. The total time to copy the sentence is recorded. If it takes longer than 3 minutes, stop the test. Qualitative judgements are made about spacing, letter formation, skipping words. You grade by comparing letters per minute on a GRADE-level norm (not age based)
What are the 2 types of responses on processing speed?
Impulsive: Quick to analyze and make decision, many errors.
Reflective: Slow to analyze and to make decision, makes few errors
What are some signs and symptoms of patient with Visual-Auditory integration problem?
- Poor ability to follow directions.
- Poor rhythm.
- Poor spelling / phonetics.
What 2 tests can be run for patient to test for Visual- Auditory Integration problem?
1) Auditory Visual Integration Test (AVIT)
2) Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills (TAPS)
You test a patient for Visual-Auditory Integration problem and run the Auditory-Visual Integration Test (AVIT), how do you run this test? What is it also known as?
AKA Birch Belmont test
You will tap a pattern and have the patient to choose the best visual representation of that pattern on a card. You must make sure the patient doesn’t see you tapping the pattern.
This is for patients 6 and up. Different patterns exist for different ages.
You test a patient for Visual-Auditory Integration problem and run the Auditory-Perceptual skill (TAPS), Describe this test.
It takes a long time and not run often…
Has different subtests that can be run individually, for ages 4-18 years. Different questions by age.
You run a Motor-free Visual Perception Test (MVPT) to analyze Visual-analysis, what does that test consist of?
5 areas that are not broken into subtests and must all be run (spatial relationships, closure, discrimination, memory, figure ground).
It has fewer questions that TVPS, no fine motor component, ages 4-95, separate norms exist for children, adults, adults with dramatic brain injury.