What are some consideration in treating tendinosis?
Avoid painful activities
Symptoms may come/go over years
Pasture is important to assess and provide education
Increasing aerobic exercises
Ergonomic modification
proper positioning during tasks
Exercise proximally if joint is to painful.
Lateral Epicondylosis know for?
AKA tennis elbow
What are the signs and symptoms of lateral epicondylosis ?
Pain with palpation to LE, often times distal to LE and into extensor wad
Pain with gripping (Elbow extension )
Tight extrinsic extensors
What two muscles are involved with lateral epicondylosis?
EDC 2nd most common
Special testing for tennis elbow is?
Cozen’s Test
Mills Tennis Elbow Test
Treatment for LE in acute phase include?
ICE, US, friction massage, orthoses, counterforce brace, AROM, gentle isometrics.
True or False?
Counterforce brace placement over the RN, pay attention to complaints of nerve symptoms or wrist pain
Treatment of LE in restorative phase?
ROM, strengthening (concentric and eccentric ex with caution
Medial Epicondylosis what is the name other ?
Golfer’s Elbow
What are common muscles associated with ME?
Pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus.
What are the symptoms of ME?
Pain with resisted elbow ext with forearm supinated and wrist ext
Repetitive pronation and resisted wrist flex also causes pain.
What is treatment for ME?
Follow the same guidlines as LE however the focus is on flexors.
What muscles are involved with DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis?
What are the symptoms of DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis?
Pain localized over the radial styloid
Swelling can often be observed.
What activities or factors can contibute to DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis?
Pregnany women and new mothers high risk
Women are 4 times likely then men
Between 33-55 yo
Forcefull, repetitive thumb abd with UD of wrist.
Knitting, wringing towels, opening jars, scissors, typing, piano, racket sports.
What are specialty test for DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis?
Finkelstein’s test.
Nonoperative treatment for DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis?
Forearm based thumb spica
Treatment methods same as LE/ME
Isometric strengthening of EPB, APL, wrist ext/flex, AROM and thumb IP flex/ect
What are operative treatment of DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis?
Release of the first dorsal compartment
Orthosis postop
AROM, scar mgt, gradual strengthening
What is another name for Digital stenosis tenosynovitis ?
Trigger finger
What are the symptoms of trigger finger?
Inability to smoothly flex/ext digit
digit gets locked in flexion
What are common sites for trigger fingers?
A1 pulley
RF and TH
common in women.
What are the nonoperative treatment for trigger finger
Orthosis fabrication
avoid triggering
hook fisting, passive fisting with no triggering
corticosteroid injection.
What is an operative for trigger finger?
Release of the AJ pulley
OT tx edema and sacre mgt, ROM and strengthening.
What tendon is commonly involved with lateral epicondylitis?
A pt is referred to you for lateral epicondylitis. You decide to add a splint into your treatment protocol. What splint would be most appropriate?
Wrist immobilization splint
Cumulative trauma injuries can benefit from a general exercise program such as aerobic fitness?
Golfers elbow is another name for lateral epicondylitis?
What type of splint would you use on a pt referred to you with De Quervains?
Long thumb spica with IP jt free
De Quervains is a tenosynovitis of which tendon?
When assessing a patient with lateral epicondylitis grip strength will be increased with the elbow ext?
Which dorsal wrist compartment are involved with DeQuervains?
DeQuervains is associated with use of the wrist with which of the following motions?
ulnar deviation
A 50 yo female is referred for ring and small finger triggering. Which of the following attributes are associated with trigger finger?
All of these answers