What is the most common postsurgical problem?
Delayed healing, extensive grafting, wounds, infection, allergic reaction
Can occur during any stage of rehab process
Treatment for skin include?
Daily massage
Compression wrapping
Skin checks
Gradual wearing schedule
Sensation affected after limp amputee?
Hyperesthesia - desensitization of residual limb includes texture stimulation, tapping, and massage
What is Neuroma?
Small ball of nerve tissue caused by axons attempting to re-grow toward the distal limb.
Can cause pain with pressure.
Most occur 1-2 in from end of the residual limb
What are treatement for nueroma?
Sugery Adjustemnt of socket Injection US massage stretching
Phantom Limb
Sensation of the limb that has been amputated
Normal sensation mayh reduce over time or may remain
TX: education and counseling and use of residual limb
Phantom Sensation
Cramping, pain, squeezing, numb/tingling, stuck, cold, moving, hot, achy
COnstant to intermittent
What are some treatments for Phantom Sensation?
Isometric exercises, AROM, mirror therapy, biofeedback, Tens, US, relaxation exercises, controlled breathing, tapping, massage, pressure.
What Bone sours are when it comes to amputee?
Excess bone usually at the end of the residual limb
DX by X-ray
Pain, continued drainage
TX surgery (may grown back)
What factors affect wound healing ?
Smoking, DM, renal disease, Cardiac disease and infection.
What are considerations for prosthesis?
Age health status Amputation level Skin condition Cognitive status Pt's preference
Preprosthetic training preparing residual limb
Desensitization -tapping massage, vibration, pressure textures
Scare management/skin grafts massage
Shaping the limb - wrapping, figure of 8 method
Circumference measurements
Education - hygiene wrapping, sensitization program, insensate skin, SKIN INSPECTION.
Prosthetic Program
Prosthetic is used as ‘helper’ will not mimic lost limb
If patient was R handed and had RUE amp, they are now L handed.
Wearing schedule (15-30 Min, 3x per day, increasing 30 min daily (Skin inspection).
Prosthetic sock ?
Absorbes perspiration and protects skin from irrotation. Used for volume change in socket
Socket ?
Cast molding or residual limb is used to make socket. All other components are attached.
Harness and Controle System
FIgure of 8 harness commonly used
Action of the UB creates tension when operates the prosthesis
Terminal Device?
To grasp and maintain an object Hook function Voluntary opening (VO) - opens when wearer exerts tension on cable Voluntary closing (VC) - closes when wearer exerts tension on cable. Hand (Cosmetic) - min function
Electronic powered prosthesis
Uses muscle surface electricity to controle the prosthetic hand function
Frustrating process
Improve muscle control and strength
Financial considerations
Prosthetic program for myoelectic limb
Orientation of prosthesis
Education - donn/doff skin checks,charging procedure, residual limb care.
Wearing Schedule of electronic prower prosthesis?
15-30 min to start with increase 30 min increments 2-3 perday.
Check for redness
If redness if present for more then 20 minutes after removal. prosthesis should be returned to prosthetist for adjustments.
Taining of electronic power prosthesis consist of?
Contole training - opening/closing 1/2 way in warious positions.
Use training - repetitive grasp and release objects, pressure training, steps visualize motion, preparation hand.
FUnction training - purposeful B/L activities, used to stabilizer and assist
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