Final Supply Chain 16 Flashcards
What is scheduling
Pertains to establishing the timing of the use of that organizations resources. The use of equipment facilities and human activities Scheduling decisions are the final step in the transformation process before actual output occurs.
What are impacts of effective scheduling
Can yield call saving increase in productivity and other benefits can reduce the need for expansion of faciliddy’s can give a company a competitive advantage in terms of customer service shorter. Wait times
Efficient utilization of staff equipment facilities and minimization of customer waiting time, inventories and process times
What is the goal of scheduling
Obtain a smooth flow of goods or customers through the system to get a high utilization of labor and equipment.
What is a low volume system (job shops)
Products are made to order and services are performed according to need orders differ considerably in. Terms of processing requirements, materials needed processing time and processing sequence and setup.
What are two important issues for schedulers in low volume job shop systems
How to distribute the work load among work centers? And what job processing sequence to use?
What is loading?
Refers to the assignment of jobs to processing (work) centers. Loading decisions involve assigning specific jobs to work centers and to various machines in the work centers.
When making assignments managers often seek an arrangement that will minimize processing and set up costs.Minimize idle time among workcenters and minimize job completion time depending on situation
What are Gantt charts
Are used for a variety of purposes related to loading and scheduling. Name.
From Henry Gant pioneered use in early 1900s
Organize and visually display the actual or intended use of resources in a time framework.
Managers may use the charts for trial-and-error scheduled development to get an idea of what different arrangements would involve.
Two most commonly used are load chart and scheduled chart2 most commonly used are load chart and scheduled chart.
What is infinite loading
Assigns jobs to workcenters without regard to the capacity of the workcenter.
Lead to overloads and some periods and underloads and othersCan.
Lead to overloads and some periods and underloads and others.
Result in the formation of cues and some or all work centers that requires a second step to correct the imbalance
What ia finite loading
Projects actual job starting and stopping times at each work center, taking into account the capacities of each work center.And the processing times of jobs , so that the capacity is not exceeded
One output is A detailed projection of hours each work center will operate
Might have to be.
Updated often perhaps daily due to processing delays at work centers and the addition of new jobs or cancelation of current jobs.
What is forward scheduling
Scheduling ahead from a point in time.
Used when?
The issue is, how long will it take to Complete This Job?
Enables the scheduler to determine the earliest possible completion time for each job and the amount of lateness. Or the amount of slack that can be determined.
Can be combined with information from other jobs and setting up a schedule for all current jobs.
Shat is backward scheduling
Scheduling packards from a jobs due date.
Used when the issue is when is the latest? The job can be started and still completed by the due date.
What is sequencing?
Concerned with determining job processing ordertermines. Both the order in which jobs are processed at various workcenters, and the order in which jobs are processed at individual workstations within the work centers
What are priority rules?
Simple heuristics used to select the order in which the jobs will be processed. The rules generally rest on the assumptions. That job set up costs and time are independent of processing sequence. Job processing times and due dates are important pieces of information.
What is job flow time?
The amount of time it takes from when a job arrives until it is complete
Not only actual processing time, but also anytime waiting to be processed transportation time between Operations and waiting time related to equipment breakdowns, unavailable parts, quality problems and so on.
Is the cumulative sum of job times
What is job lateness?
The amount of time the job completion date is expected to exceed the date. The job was 2 or promised to a customer. It is the difference between the actual completion time and the due date.
Zeros are assigned to jobs that are early.
What is average number of jobs
Jobs that are in a shop are considered to be working process inventory. The average working process for a group of jobs
If the jobs represent equal amounts of inventory then the average number of jobs will also reflect the average work in process inventory.
Spt advantages
Results in the lowest optimal average completion flow time result in lower in process inventories.
Lowest optimal average tardiness results in better customer service levels
Involves a lower number of jobs at the work center tends to be less congested In the work area
Also minimizes down stream idle time
Spt disadvantages
Tends to make long jobs wait perhaps for longer times
How do you minimize scheduling difficulties?
Set realistic due dates focus on bottleneck operations. Consider lot splitting for large jobs. This usually works best when they are relatively large differences in job times
What problems do Scheduling service systems present that aren’t generally encountered in manufacturing systems
One primarily due to the inability to store or inventory services to the random nature of customer requests for services 3, the fact that when waiting, customers can observe the services.
What does scheduling in service systems involve
One scheduling customers to the workforce and 3 equipment scheduling.Customers takes the form of appointments or reservation systems
What are appointment systems?
Intended to control the timing of customer arrivals to minimize customer waiting, while achieving high degree and capacity use.
Problems include late arrivals and no-shows, but even with these, the appointment system is tremendous improvement over random arrivals.
What are reservation systems
Design to enable service systems to Formulate a fairly accurate estimate of the demand on the system for a given period and to minimize customer disappointment generally, if by excessive waiting or an inability to obtain service.
Late arrivals and no-shows can disrupt the system.
What is capacity management
Scheduling the work force
Works best when Demand can be predicted with reasonable accuracy.
Capacity can be adjusted by having cross-trained. Workers who can’t be temporarily assigned to help out on bottom neck operations during periods of peak demand.
What effects work for scheduling flexibility
Behavioral and technical , such as workers qualifications to perform Certain operations in budget constraints Union or federal work Rules and vacations can make scheduling more complicated
What are some Supply chain considerations
The responsiveness of suppliers to change in purchasing requirements.
Variations and customer requirements that will strain company scheduling systems.
Level of integration that is desirable among the supply company’s scheduling systems.
Achieving the right communication balance within the capabilities of the members of a supply change should be part of any scheduling strategy