Final - Stroke, Post Stroke Gait Flashcards
Anterior cerebral artery CVA characteristics
-memory and behavioral impairments
-frontal lobe involvement
-probs w/ imitation, bimanual tasks, urinary incont, apraxia
Mid cerebral artery CVA characteristics
-UE and face
-contralateral homonymous hemianopsia
-dominant side (aphasia)
-R side (perceptual probs; unilateral neglect, depth perception, agnosia, apraxia)
What is homonymous hemianopsia
Visual field lost on B sides
R occipital lobe lesion
Wernicke’s aphasia
-fluent, sensory, receptive aphasia
-lesion in temporal lobe
-auditory comprehension impaired
Can’t understand but can speak
Broca’s aphasia
-expressive aphasia
-premotor area of L frontal lobe
-comprehension good
-speech is labored or lost
Define apraxia
Inability to carry out learned sequential movements on command
Define agnosia
Inability to recognize an object by sight, touch, or hearing
What are 4 main characteristics of vertebrobasilar artery stroke
-poor prognosis
What CN does the vertebrobasilar artery affect
Locked in syndrome characteristics
-rapid progression from hemiparesis to tetraplegia
-progression from dysarthria to anarthria
-pt can’t move or speak, but is AO
Cause of lacunar syndrome
small vessel deep in cerebral WHITE matter
What structures are involved in lacunar syndrome for pure motor
Post limb of internal capsule, pons and pyramids
What structures are involved in pure sensory lacunar syndrome
Ventrolateral thalamus or thalamocortical projections
What are the results of a cerebellar stroke
-coordination of voluntary movements
-gross and fine motor coordination
-postural control
-balance and equilibrium
-coordination of eye movements
What are the results of a brain stem stroke
-ANS control
-arousal and sleep regulation
-balance and movements
Symptoms of right CVA
-neglect, spatial perceptual probs
-poor judgment, impulsive
-short attention span, short term memory loss
-weak facial mus
-cognitive probs
Symptoms of L CVA
-aphasia (wernike’s or broca’s)
-personality changes (cautious, compulsive, disorganized)
-difficulty with new info (decreased memory)
How is spasticity assessed and graded
-resistance to passive jt
-Ashworth or Modified Ashworth
What 4 outcome measures can be used to assess arm, hand, and/or finger fxn
-action research arm test
-box and block test
-nine hole peg
-wolf motor fxn test
Describe UE flexion synergy
-scap retract, elevation, or hyper extension
-sh ABD, ER
-elbow flexion
-forearm sup
-wrist and finger flex
Describe UE ext synergy
-scap protraction
-sh ADD, IR
-elbow ext
-forearm pro
-wrist and finger flexion