Final: Sensory Systems: Ears Slides Flashcards
Other names for sensory cells
Receptor cells and modified neurons
Types of receptors (7)
Photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors, nociceptors, electroreceptors, magnetoreceptors
Function of sensory cells
Transduce physical or chemical stimuli into action potentials (convert signals into electrical activities)
Which types of receptors do humans have, and which do we lack?
Have: photo, mechano, chemo, thermo, nociceptors
Lack: electro, magneto
Photoreceptor function and location
Respond to light, found in eyes
Mechanoreceptor function and location
Convert their motion to electrical activity, found on skin and ears
Chemoreceptor function and location
Sense chemicals, can be internal (monitor pH/O2/CO2/etc. levels) or external (on tongue, nose, etc.)
Thermoreceptor function
Sense temperature
Nocicpetor function
Pain receptors
Electroreceptor function
Sense electrical fields (sharks have them)
Magnetoreceptor function
Sense magnetic fields (birds have them)
What is sound and how does it travel?
Vibration of air molecules; waves that dissipate as they travel
How can sound waves be characterized?
Amplitude (loudness) and frequency (pitch)
What organs does sound pass through as it’s transmitted (external to internal)?
Pinna, auditory canal, tympanic membrane, ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes), oval window, stimulation of hair cells in cochlea, auditory nerve, relay to temporal lobe of brain
Pinna (oracle) structure and function
Shaped like funnel; directs sound into ear