Final Review Flashcards
Elements of fire and how to put out a fire
Fire triangle - oxygen, heat, fuel
smother, cool, remove fuel, remove an element of fire triangle
Classes of fire
A – ordinary combustibles, B-flammable liquids, C-electrical, D-metals, Ksubclass of B, or kitchen fires
flame spread rating- what is it based off of
Based off how fast red oak burns red oak FSR=100, FSR 1/A=1-25, 2/B=26-75, 3/C=76-200 Class1 is less flammable than class 3
types of piping arrangements
tree, grid, loop
FD connections sizes - fire engines, boat, hyd calc’d, risers < 3”
- Fire engines min 4”
- Min 6” for boat
- If hyd calc’d can be 4” but not smaller than the riser
- If riser is < 3” you only need one input
power line approach procedures
If within 20’/7m required to call operator to determine voltage and distances.
fall arrest distances
10’ or lower when above dangerous situation, 6’ with shock absorber and 4’6” without
shock absorber
underground and trenching requirements
1.5m requires cutting back/shoring, box or cage, not required in solid rock
High pH vs low pH effects on piping
- high pH=mineral buildup
- low pH=pipe corrosion
equal spread offsets
Equal offsets have equal distances between runs and travels, solve with 22.5
degree triangles, the fitting don’t line up
unequal spread offsets
Unequal don’t have the same distance between the pipes on the runs vs travels, solve with 45 triangles and fittings line up
- 6’ above permanent
- 11’ when above temporary
hanger support and spacing requirements
HANGER - 5x waterfilled pipe + 250 lbs structure
STRUCTURE - weight of waterfilled pipe + 250lbs
power line approach procedures
If within 20’/7m required to call operator to determine voltage and distances.
grade formulas
rise = grade x run
sprinklers and ABC
NFPA provided minimum standard adopted by ABC and AFC. Standpipe requirements are changed - 500gpm per ABC, in NFPA its 500 + 250 up to 1000 or 1250, sprinklers can’t be omitted on top floor per ABC
scaffolding requirements - weight
Designed for 4x load, height < 3x smallest base dimension < 2x when workers are on; flat
level surface, guardrails @ 36-42” when > 10’, bracing at 15’vertical and 21’horizontal
Division of ABC
A-compliance, objectives and functional statements, B-Acceptable Solutions, C- Administrative provisions
Purpose of ABC
Establish standards while a building is being built - Safety in Health, Accessibility, Environment, Protection, safety
What’s a STANDATA?
Variance information, is provided when changes or additional information is required with the codes or acts.
Stages of fire
Incipient, smoldering, flame, heat
What’s a STANDATA?
Variance information is provided when changes or additional information is required with the codes or acts.
Stages of fire
Incipient, smouldering, flame, heat
Flushing requirements
10’/sec until flows clear