Final Reveiw Flashcards
To be called a “classical” a civilization generally needs to show evidence of
High levels of organization
What is the Maurya Empire from India most closely associated with
A centralized government
In what way did the crusades help begin the renaissance period in Western Europe
New learning and trade products were introduced to the Europeans
The Renaissance was considered to be a rebirth of
Greek and roman culture
The main reason the Renaissance began in Italy was
Italy’s location led to trade and wealth
The guiding philosophy behind the intellectual pursuits of the Renaissance were based on the concept of
Because many Renaissance works of literature were written in the vernacular the were written in
The local language
The Japanese concept of bushido is similar to the European concept of
The Ming dynasty of China is known for doing which of the following
Re-establishing Chinese rule over China and encouraging ethnocentrism
What is not a reason the Europeans decided to explore the world
They wanted to learn from other cultures
The economic concept of using a colony to help a home nation make money is called
European exploration of the world helped Europeans
Become the most powerful region on earth
A strong nation taking over and dominating a weaker region is called
The use of native peoples to work as slaves on European colonial plantations was known as
Encomienda system
What would best describe the complaints of the Protestants during the reformation
Thy wanted the church to be less involved in secular activities
What is true about the reformation
Individuals began to believe that they had choices in how they lived their lives
India’s golden age is said to have been during the Gupta empire. This may be because the Gupta’s developed great concepts in the field of
After the fall of Rome the eastern half of the empire became the
Byzantine Empire
The main cause of the conditions that prevailed during the Dark Ages was
The fall of the Roman Empire
Which of the following would most likely show evidence of the existence of a civilization A: many hunters and gatherers B: a system of writing C: reliance on oral language D: rural living
B: a system of writing
Judaism, Islam and Christianity share a belief in
Monotheism and ethical conduct
One similarity between the five pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments is that both
Provide a guide for proper ethical and moral behavior
The Koran, jihad, and the hegira are most closely associated with the practice of
Jewish religions and cultural identity has been greatly influenced by
The Torah and the diaspora
What is one belief held by Muslims, Jews and Christians
Belief in one God
Before Muhammad became the prophet of Islam he was a
Pilgrimage to Mecca required of all Muslims who are able is called the
Jesus proclaimed that his mission was to
Bring spiritual salvation to believers
Central figure in Christianity
Holy two of Christians
The bible
Judaism began in the
Middle East
The Jews were driven out of _______ by the Romans
The holy text of Judaism
Jews worship in temples called
This person is generally recognized as the founder of Judaism due to his covenant with God
Moses went atop mount Sinai and returned with two stone tablets containing laws that all Hebrews needed to follow, these are known as
The Ten Commandments
The flight of Muhammad from Mecca to media is known as the
Christians belief that Jesus was the
The word of Christ was spread by his
The place of worship for Muslims is called
A mosque
What took place during th Erie of the Tang Dynasty in China
Japan borrowed most of the Chinese cultural ways such as writing and Buddhism
One of the greatest accomplishments of the Byzantine empire was
The code of laws created by emperor Justinian
Much of the traditional culture of Russia is linked to which of the following cultures
Byzantine Empire
What is a main reason why the Muslims were able to spread their empire so quickly
They tolerated other religions and this made their conquest easier
An important achievement of the golden age of Muslim culture was the
Preservation of the Ancient Greek and roman ideas
What is a true statement about Byzantine economy
It was prosperous
The Byzantine empire preserved the cultural heritage of
Greece and Rome
What group finally conquered the Byzantine empire
Ottoman Turks
Religious community of non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire
The elite force of the ottoman army
These helped Muslim invaders triumph over the Hindus
Mounted Archers
Tomb built by Shah Jahan for his wife
Taj Mahal
Buddhism is not a major religion today in India today because of the __________ were destroyed and the __________ were killed off
Monasteries; Monks
What would not be a valid characteristic of the dark ages in Western Europe
There was a strong central government
The main cause of the conditions that prevailed during the dark ages was
The fall of the Roman Empire
What is the best reason best describes why the Roman Catholic Church had so much power in Western Europe during the Middle Ages
Because most Europeans were Christians and the rules of the church became the rules of society
The economic system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages
The growth of feudalism in Europe during the Middle Ages was primarily caused by the
Collapse of a strong central government
What is a characteristic of feudalism
Land was exchanged for military service and obligations
As the Middle Ages ended the rise in trading activity and market places in Western Europe can be attributed to which of the following
Cultural diffusion brought by the crusades
One result of the crusades of Western Europe was
A return of Ancient Greek and roman cultural ideas to Europe
What was a main result of the Battle of tours
Muslim advances into Europe were stopped
What event helped create the culture and language known as English
Battle of Hastings
What did not help bring about the end of feudalism in Europe
The fall of the Roman Empire
What was a main effect of the hindered years war
New weapons helped bring about the end of feudalism
What was the purpose of the doomsday book
Taxes and it acted like a census
Two weapons that brought the end of feudalism
Longbow and. Cannons
One improvement that occurred during the agricultural revolution
The iron plow
The earliest people who migrated to the Americas came from
What civilization ruled an area that included the Andes mountains
The Incan chosen women were trained to
Serve the sun god
The first people who migrated to North America came by way of a land bridge across the present day
Bering Strait
Maya’s developed an accurate solar calendar so they could
Hold religious ceremonies at the correct moment
What best describes the Mayan government
Each city has its own ruling chief
What group of people United their empire with a road system that extended more than 12,000 miles
Who made the clothing worn by the saps inca
The chosen women
Payment from conquered people’s
Knotted, colored strings used for keeping records
Aztec sun god
The Mayan empire was located on the _______ peninsula
The _______ replaced the Mayans
What is the Pax Romana
Roman peace
In roman government, who represented the rights of plebeians
What was not related to the fall of Rome
The assassination of Julius Caesar
Foreign soldier who serves for pay
Roman farmer, trader or artisan
Bridge like stone structure that brought water from the hills to cities
Basic unit of the roman army
The Punic wars resulted from conflict between
Rome and Carthage
Geographically Italy was easy to unite because it is a
Peninsula with low mountains and plains
Some of the practical achievements of the Romans included the
Building roads, bridges and aqueducts
Large estates owned by the wealthy were called
What was a result of Greece’s geography
They formed independent city-states
All citizens in Athens had the right to attend an assembly where they could meet in the open to discuss and cast votes. The situation is an example of
By mixing the culture of Greece with cultures of India Persia and Egypt, Alexander the Great helped create
Hellenistic culture
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were all famous
How did ancient Egyptians view their pharaohs
As gods
Egyptians believed in
Life after death
The need to keep records led to the development of what in Egypt
Sumer was made up of
Independent city states
The code of Hammurabi was a major achievement because
It was the first major collection of laws
What had the greatest influence on ancient Egypt
The Nile river
Most Egyptians were
How did Sumerian and Egyptians differ in the way they viewed their rulers
Sumer saw their rulers as the god’s chief servant
What geographic characteristic of Greece provided a link to the outside
From childhood Spartan boys were trained to be
Athens enjoyed a golden age under the leadership of
The island of Crete was the location of what civilization
The blind poet credited with creating the Iliad and the odyssey
Government by the people