Final Q2 Flashcards
removal of the adenoids
aka pharyngeal tonsils
occurs when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance that doesn’t cause a reaction in most people.
anemia – different types
Vitamin deficiency anemia.
Aplastic anemia.
Sickle cell anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia.
Protein substances produced in the blood or tissues in response to a specific antigen, that destroy or weakens the antigen. (Part of immune system)
Substances that stimulate the production of an antibody when introduced into the body.
Includes toxins, bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances
appearance of these bacteria: diplo, strep & staph
Diplo: in pairs
Strep: chain formation
Staph: grape like clusters
Harvesting a patient’s own healthy bone marrow before treatment, then reintroducing the bone marrow later.
Made by the liver
a break down product of red blood cells
blood tests performed – CBC, differential, ESR, PT & WBC
CBC: (complete blood count): RBC, HCT, HGB, WBC
Differential: Part of CBC, approx. number of circulating RBC in blood. (Measures WBCs via blood smear)
ESR: (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate): Used to measure the degree of inflammation in the body
PT: (prothrombin time) measures how long for blood to clot.
WBC:(White blood cell): estimate number of leukocytes in blood (diagnosis of leukemia)
blood types – universal donor and recipient
Universal donor: Type O-
Universal recipient: AB+
Blood urea nitrogen
centrifuge and what it does
an instrument to separate solids from liquids
it needs to be balances so therefore an even number of tubes and weight at all time
process of changing liquid into a solid
culture & sensitivity testing
Culture detects organism in body fluid (ie. blood, sputum, urine) and sensitivity testing to determine antibiotics that would inhibit organism
Chemical messengers that are secreted by cells of the immune system that direct immune cellular interactions
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
**A hormone **that is produced by the kidney cells and travels to the bone marrow to stimulate red blood cell formation
Fasting Blood Sugar
Glucose tolerance test
hemoglobin A1c
Measure A1c levels to assess and manage long term care of patients with diabetes
hematocrit - reasons test would be low
An insufficient supply of healthy red blood cells (anemia)
The study of blood cells and coagulation
The process of blood formation
Blood in the urine
An oxygen carrying pigment of red blood cells that contains iron.
Group of inherited blooding disorders characterized by a deficiency of one of the factors ( 8, 9, or 11) necessary for coagulation of blood
The stoppage of bleeding
leukocytes – types and their purposes
White blood cells
Neutrophil: Engulf & destroy foreign substances. (Bacteria)
Eosinophil: Helps in the destruction of parasites and fungi
Basophil: Helps in the destruction of allergens
Monocytes: Engulf and destroy foreign substances. (Senescent and malignant cells
Lymphocyte B cell: Destroys foreign substances by producing antibodies
Lymphocyte T cell: Destroy foreign substances. (intracellular pathogens)
Abnormal increase in WBC’s
Abnormal decrease in WBC’s, aka. leukocytopenia
lymph gland (node)
lymphocytes, types and what organ produces them
- Lymphocytes: B & T cells: Produced in bone marrow & recognize pathogen as foreign substances
The molecules needed for metabolism: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, amino acids (building blocks of protein)
microhematocrit test – layers
- Sealing Compound/clay
- Pack RBCs
- Buffy Coat
- Plasma
micro molecules
organic compounds such as sugars, amino acids
mononucleosis – what is it and another name for it
the kissing disease. (common acquired as a child or adolescent) can be passed by kissing, sneezing, coughing, or by sharing eating/drinking utensils.
pathogenic organisms – what temp do they survive in & how long viable
Secreted in the urinary system (kidneys) and is involved with increasing blood pressure
Rh immunoglobin
An injectable drug given to women with Rh-negative blood during pregnancy
shapes for bacteria: spirilla, spirochetes & streptobacilli
spirilla: spiral shaped
spirochetes: tightly coiled
streptobacilli: chain
stem cell
Undifferentiated cells that can become specialized cells in the body
how to perform test for pinworms
- Tape tongue depressor with sticky side out
- Press against anal folds
- Place the tape, adhesive side down onto microscope slide
A steady state that is created by all the body systems working together to provide a consistent and unvarying internal environment .
An increase in platelets (clot)
tinea – different types
Tinea corporis: on trunk and limbs
Tenia cruris: on groin (jock itch)
Tenia capitis: on scalp
Tenia pedia: athlete’s foot
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Removal of tonsils
The study of poisonous substances and drugs, and their effects on the body
I and T
To aid in diagnosis of myocardial infarction
Study of urine disorders
the various types of needles and syringes used for phlebotomy
PPD: 1/4-1/2 in needle: 27 gauge: syringe 1mL
Subcut: 5/8 in needle: 25 gauge: syringe 3mL
IM & gluteal: 1 in needle: 21-23 gauge: syringe 3mL
skin cleaning prep for phlebotomy
Alcohol wipes (up and down motion)
w/ friction, back and forth motion.
sites for phlebotomy and sites you should not collect blood from
1: Antecubital space
Draw from cephalic (thumb side)
NO COLLECTING FROM basilic vein (little finger side)
tests to detect strep throat and stomach ulcers
strep throat
- History and physical
- Rapid antigen test
- Throat culture
stomach ulcers
- History and physical
- Test for H. pylori
- Stomach biopsy
- Imaging tests –> Endoscopy, Xray after barium swallow
technique for drawing blood
As a note…
When collecting LAST tube, pop tourniquet, remove full tube, cotton ball, remove needle and SAFETY!
tube color for a routine CBC
tourniquet, where is it placed, how long should it be on and what happens if you go over this time
3-4 inches above elbow
1 minute
needlestick safety and injury
- Never recap
- Use safety devices (with one hand)
- Plan for safe handling and disposal before procedure
- Dispose in appropriate containers
- Report injury promptly
- Participate in appropriate trainings
blood components
Plasma (55%)
RBC (45%)
Platelets (< 1%)
capillary blood components
Mixture of venous and arterial blood
small volume of tissue fluid present in first draw
blood specimen rejection causes – which one happens frequently
pregnancy test types
-Lateral flow Immunoassay (most common)
-Quick vue
urine samples, testing times, storing specimens
culture and sensitivity (C&S) 72 hours Store: room temperature
urinalysis, values, color (abnormal & abnormal reasons), turbidity, specific gravity, glucose, ketones, nitrates
10-12 mL minimum vol. needed.
Color: pale, straw, yellow, amber, dark amber
Turbidity: Scale from clear to cloudy: caused by cells, bacteria, yeast, or crystals
SG: normal-1.005-1.030: a change in number = kidney disease
Glucose: reabsorbed in nephron tubule: if positive: diabetic
Ketones: End products of fat metabolism
Nitrates: if positive= UTI
urinalysis for diabetes at home screening
pH, Creatinine & Ferritin test which functions
pH: acidity or alkalinity
Creatinine: measures how well kidneys are filtering waste from blood
Ferritin test: Will test iron level
Based on the chemical reductions of copper, it is used to detect reducing substances (sugars) in the urine
drug screening, chain of custody
legal term that refers to the ability to guarantee identity and integrity of specimen from collection to reporting of results
process used to maintain and document the history of a specimen
what analytes will be positive in urine for a female that has a UTI
urine smells of sweet or mousy, what conditions may be present
Urine smells sweet: Diabetes
Urine smells mousy (children):
conditions where you will see decreased or increased RBC count