AP Toes
- IR 8x10 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt supine or seated on table, knee flexed, plantar surface in IR. Center MTPJ of affected digit to IR.
- CR: angle 10-15º toward the calcaneus entering MTPJ in question. Collimation to all four sides, including part of the digits adjacent to one being imaged. Include distal half of MT
Lateral Toes
- IR 8x10 portrait (landscape for more than one image), 40 SID
**- Mediolateral for digits 4-5 - Lateromedial for digits 1-3**
- Pt supine or seated. Rotate affected leg and foot. Adjust IR to center and align long axis of affected toe to CR & long axis of IR being exposed. Use tape/gauze, or tongue depressor to separate & flex unaffected toes t prevent superimposition.
- CR perpendicular directed to IPJ of 1st digit & PIP for digits 2-5
AP Axial Foot
- IR 8x10, 40 SID
- Pt seated or supine flex knee rest plantar surface on IR
- CR 10-15º angle posteriorly entering 3rd MTP
- Collimate 1” on all sides of the toes to include distal ends of metatarsals
Oblique Foot
- IR 10x12 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt supine or sitting, flex knee with plantar surface on table with body turned slightly away from side of injury. Align and center ling axis of foot to CR & long axis of IR. Rotate foot medially to place plantar surface 30-40º to plane of IR. The general plane of the dorsal surface of foot should be parallel to IR & perpendicular to CR. Use sandbags or sponge for support if necessary
- CR perpendicular to 3rd MT base. Collimate to outer margins of ST on 4 sides (approx. 1” each side)
Lateral Foot
- IR 10x12 portrait (14x17 may be used if patient’s foot is large), 40 SID
- Place patient in lateral recumbent position. Flex knee of affected limb about 45º, place opposite leg behind affected leg to prevent over-rotation. Dorsiflex foot for a true lateral foot and ankle. Place leg and knee support so plantar surface is perpendicular to IR (do not over-rotate). Align long axis of foot to long axis of IR center base of MT’s to IR.
- CR perpendicular to medial cuneiform (at level of 3rd MT base). Collimate to skin margins & 1” proximal to ankle joint (approx. 1” all sides).
Plantodorsal Axial Calcaneus
- IR 8x10 Portrait, 40 SID
- Pt seated or supine with leg fully extended. Center and align ankle joint to CR and portion of IR being exposed. Dorsiflex foot so plantar surface is near perpendicular to IR.
- CR angle 40º cephalic to long axis of foot entering base of third MT exiting at level distal to lateral malleolus. Collimate close to region of calcaneus
Lateral Calcaneus
- IR 8x10 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt in seated or lateral recumbent position. Place uninjured leg behind injured. Center calcaneus to CR and IR with long axis of foot parallel to plane of IR. Support knee and leg as needed to place plantar surface parallel to IR. Dorsiflex foot so plantar surface is at a right angle to leg
- CR perpendicular to IR, directed to a point 1” inferior to medial malleolus. Collimate to include distal ankle joint and all of calcaneus.
AP Ankle
- IR 10x12 IR landscape, 40 SID
- Pt supine, legs fully extended. Center ankle joint to CR and long axis of IR. Dorsiflexion. Ensure lower leg is not rotated. Intermalleolar line should not be parallel
- CR enters perpendicular to midpoint between malleoli. Collimate to lateral ST margins and include prox. MT and distal tib/fib
Mortise Oblique Ankle
- IR 10x12 portrait, 40 SID
- Place pt supine or seated with leg extended. Center and align ankle with CR and IR. Do not dorsiflex unless protocol of site or DR. preference. Internally rotate entire leg and foot about 15-20º until intermalleolar line is parallel with IR.
- CR perpendicular to IR midway between malleoli. Collimate to lateral ST and include distal tib/fib and prox. ½ MT
Lateral Ankle
- IR 10x12 IR portrait, 40 SID
- Center and align ankle with CR and IR (long axis). Place support under knee for true lateral. Dorsiflex foot.
- CR perpendicular to medial malleolus. Collimate to include distal tib/fib and mid MT area (include 5th MT tuberosity)
AP Tib/Fib
- IR 14x17 portrait (or diagonally), 48” SID
- Pt supine with leg extended fully. Align pelvis, knee & leg to true AP position (no rotation). Dorsiflex foot 90º. Ensure ankle and knee joints are 1-2” from either end of IR to prevent divergent rays from projecting anatomy off the image. If leg will not fit on IR, do 2 projections, use smaller IR to include other joint.
- CR perpendicular to midpoint of lower leg. Collimate to include as much of the knee and ankle joint as possible.
Lateral Tib/Fib
- IR 14x17 portrait or diagonal, 48 SID
- Pt in lateral recumbent position on affected side. Place unaffected leg behind (or across) affected leg. (across works well for knee). Ensure true lateral position by evaluating plane of patella & have it perpendicular with IR. Ensure 1”-2” of knee and ankle joint on IR for divergent rays.
- CR perpendicular to midpoint of tib/fib
AP Knee
- IR 10x12 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt supine with no rotation of pelvis. Align & center leg and knee to CR, and table or IR. Rotate leg internally 3-5º for true AP. Average side patient CR will be perpendicular (19-24 cm measured at ASIS to table top)
**- ASIS to TT <19 cm 3-5º caudal - ASIS to TT >25 cm3-5º cephalic***
- CR enters ½” distal to patellar apex (knee joint)
Lateral Knee (mediolateral projection)
- IR 10x12 portrait, 40 SID
- Lateral recumbent position. Rotate pt onto affected side and support unaffected leg posterior to affected leg (or cross anterior to affected leg). Flex knee 20-30º. Adjust rotation of body until leg is in true lateral position-femoral epicondyles superimposed. Plane of patella perpendicular to IR. Align and center leg and knee to CR and table or IR
- CR 5-7º cephalic directed 1” below medial epicondyle.
AP Medial Oblique Knee
- IR 10x12 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt supine with entire body and leg rotated partially away from side of interest. Support under elevated hip. Align and center leg and knee to CR and midline of table or IR. Rotate entire leg internally 45º- interepicondylar line should be 45º to plane or IR.
- CR (most likely) 3-5º cephalic entering ½” distal to patellar apex at midpoint of knee. Collimate to ST margins with full collimation at ends to IR borders to include maximum femur and tib/fib.
Settegast Knee
- IR 8x10 portrait, 40 SID
- PT prone/supine/ or sitting. Flex knee to a minimum of 90º.
- Direct CR tangential (15-20º from lower leg) to patellofemoral joint space. Collimation.
AP Femur
- IR 14x17 lengthwise (portrait), 40 SID
- Pt supine with femur centered to midline of table or stretcher. Rotate leg internal 5º for distal femur and 15-20º for proximal femur. Condyles should be parallel to IR even if proximal or distal. Ensure knee joint is included on IR (2” of knee joint).
- CR perpendicular to IR and femur, direct to midpoint of IR. Overlap 2-3” of shaft. Marker placed lateral, in thinnest area of ST shadow
Lateral Femur
- IR 14x17 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt in lateral recumbent on affected side (supine if x-table is performed). Flex knee 45º, pt on affected side. Align femur to midline of table or IR. Place unaffected leg behind patient.
- CR perpendicular to femur and directed to midpoint of IR
Adjust IR to include 2” of knee joint. Collimate on both sides. MARKER ANTERIOR FOR LATERAL
AP Pelvis
- IR 14x17 landscape. Minimum 40 SID (can use more distance for a larger pelvis to project divergent rays & decrease magnification)
- Pt supine, arms by side or on chest, can be done upright to evaluate joint spaces. Align MSP of pt to center of bucky/IR. Ensure pelvis is not rotated (ASIS equal). Separate legs and feet, internally rotate WHOLE LOWER EXTREMITY 15-20º. Use support devise if patient can’t hold position (tape/sandbags). Suspend respiration
- CR perpendicular to IR directed midway between between the level of ASIS & pubic symphysis (2” below ASIS). Ensure top of crest is in light field. Collimate to 4 sides of anatomy
Bilateral Cleaves- Pelvis
- IR 14x 17 landscape, minimum 40 SID
- Pt supine, align patient to midline of table/IR. Ensure no rotation by ASIS equal distance to table top. Flex both knees 90º. Place plantar surfaces of feet together and abduct femora 40-45º from vertical. Center CR at level of femoral heads, top of IR 1” above iliac crests. Ensure both femora are abducted equal amounts. Suspend respiration.
- CR perpendicular to IR, direvted to a point 3” below level of ASIS (1” below symphysis pubis).
AP Hip
- IR 10x12, 40 SID
- Pt supine, arms by side or on chest. Locate femoral neck and align to CR and midline of table/IR. Ensure no rotation of pelvis (palpate ASIS). Rotate affected leg 15-20º internally. Suspend respiration.
- CR perpendicular to femoral neck (femoral neck 1-2” medial & 3-4” distal to ASIS). 2 sided collimation at least.
Lateral Hip
- IR 10x12 landscape (can be done portrait, depending on patient), 40 SID
- Pt supine, align affected hip with CR, midline of table or IR. Flex knee and hip of affected side, sole of foot against inside of opposite leg, as near knee as possible. Abduct femur 45º from vertical (optimal is 20-30 º to prevent foreshortening), angle sponge under knee, sole of foot next to other tib/fib. Center affected femoral neck to midline of CR & IR. 1-2” medial, 3-4” distal. Suspend respiration
- CR perpendicular to IR, directed to midfemoral neck. Collimate to all 4 sides of interest
AP Axial C-Spine
- IR 10x12, 40 SID
- Pt supine or upright, arms by sides. Align MSP to CR and IR, TT or bucky. Adjust head so a line from lower margin of upper incisors to mastoid tips are perpendicular to IR. Ensure no rotation of head or thorax. Suspend on exhalation
- CR angle 15-20º cephalic to open up joint spaces due to superior vertebral body projecting inferiorly. CR enters C4 (Adams Apple). Collimate to ST margins
AP Axial Oblique C-Spine
- IR 10x12 portrait, 72 SID
- Pt erect, arms by side. Align MSP to CR, TT, IR, Bucky. Rotate patient 45º (may rotate head more to prevent superimposition of the mandible and upper vertebrae). Elevate chin to prevent mandible from superimposition of vertebrae, (AML) parallel with floor. Suspend respiration
- CR: RPO & LPO directed 15-20º cephalic to C4
Collimate to 4 sides of anatomy- soft tissue margins
Lateral C-Spine
- IR 10x12 portrait, 72 SID Upright bucky
- Position patient in lateral either sitting or standing with left shoulder against IR/bucky. Align MCP to CR and midline of IR- placing top of IR about 1-2” above EAM (top of ear attachment). Have patient relax and depress shoulders. Elevate chin so AML is parallel to floor. Suspend on full expiration
- CR perpendicular to center of IR, entering C4 (upper level of thyroid cartilage). Collimate to 4 sides of anatomy (ST margins)
Open Mouth C-Spine
- IR 8x10 IR portrait, 40 SID
- Patient erect, arms by sides. Align MSP to CR and midline of the table/bucky/IR. Adjust head with mouth open so occlusal plane is perpendicular with IR lower margin of upper incisors to base of skull (mastoid tips). Ensure no rotation, mandibular angles and mastoid tips equidistance from IR
Last step: have patient open mouth by dropping jaw and resting tongue in lower jaw. Suspend on exhalation - CR perpendicular to center of open mouth, Center IR with CR. Tight collimation to all 4 sides approx. 5”x5”
AP Thoracic Spine
- IR 14x17 lengthwise, 40 SID
- Pt supine, arms by side, head towards anode side of table. Flex knees and hips to reduce thoracic curvature. Upright: arms by side, feet hip width apart, pt AP. Align MSP to TT, bucky, or IR
CR perpendicular to IR. Suspend respiration on expiration - CR directed to T7- 3-4” below jugular notch or 1-2” below sternal angle. Collimate to 2 sides of anatomy minimum.
Lateral Thoracic Spine
- IR 14x17 portrait, 40 SID
- Lateral recumbent or Erect: Lay patient on left side recumbent with knees and hips flexed, with support between knees. Place sponge under lumbar region for patients with broad shoulders
(or use 10-15º angle of CR) - Upright: have patient place feet hip width apart with left shoulder against bucky. Have patient hold on to devise or bend elbows and rest hands on head. Ensure no rotation of thorax by aligning scapulae and hips (or spinous processes)
- CR perpendicular to long axis of thoracic spine directed to T7 (3-4” below jugular notch), can also use inferior angle of scapula. Orthostatic breathing
Swimmers Thoracic Spine
- IR 10x12 IR portrait, 72 SID
- Pt erect or supine (for trauma). Place patient in preferred erect position. Align MCP to CR and midline of bucky/IR. Place patients arm and shoulder closest to IR up, flexing elbow and resting forearm on head- left side. Position arm furthest from IR down and rotate slightly posterior to place humeral head post to vertebrae. Ensure no rotation of head and thorax. Suspend respiration on full expiration.
- CR perpendicular to IR (slight caudal angle of 3-5º if shoulders can’t be separated). CR directed to T1- approx. 1” above jugular notch ant. and C-7 prominens posteriorly. Collimate on all 4 sides of anatomy.
AP Lumbar Spine
- IR 14x17 lengthwise/portrait, 40 SID
- Supine: lay patient supine on center of table, align MSP to center of IR/table. Flex knees to reduce lordotic curve (will help open intervertebral joint space). Ensure no rotation of pelvis and thorax (palpate ASIS)
- Standing: have patient stand at wall bucky with MSP centered to IR, feet hip width apart. Ensure no rotation
- CR perpendicular to IR directed to level of iliac crest. Collimate to 4 sides of anatomy. Suspend on expiration
AP Oblique Lumbar Spine
- IR 14x17 portrait, 40 SID
- Lay patient supine on table (can be done upright) with MSP along midline of IR/ bucky/ TT. Patient 45º rotation LPO/RPO. Place 45º sponge under patient for support. Suspend respiration on expiration
- CR perpendicular entering 1-2” above iliac crest, 2” medial to upside ASIS. Collimate to 4 sides of anatomy (often required to include SI joints).
Lateral Lumbar Spine
- IR 14x17 portrait, 40 SID
- Supine: Patients left side closest to IR, MCP aligned with mid TT, flexed knees with support under knees. Radiolucent sponge under waist to keep spine lateral.
- Upright: patient stand with feet hip width apart, ensure hips and thorax are not rotated.
- CR level of iliac crest, just posterior to MCP
L5/S1 Lumbar Spine (Spot)
- IR 8x10 IR, 40 SID
- Use lead behind patient. Patient in left lateral recumbent (or upright) position. Align MCP to midline of TT/IR. Place radiolucent sponge under waist to place spine parallel to IR. No rotation of thorax or pelvis
- CR perpendicular to IR if spine is parallel to IR (5-8º caudal if not). Entry point 1½” distal to iliac crest and 2” posterior to ASIS. Collimate to 5”x5”. Suspend respiration
AP Axial SI Joints
- IR 10x12 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt supine with legs extended and knees supported. Align MSP to CR and midline of TT/IR. Ensure no rotation of pelvis (ASIS equidistance from TT)
- CR angle 30-35º cephalad directed 2” below ASIS. Collimate to 4 sides of interest. Suspend respiration
AP Oblique SI Joints
- IR 10 x 12 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt supine aligned msp to TT. Rotate body 25-30º posterior oblique with side of interest elevated (LPO for rt joint, RPO for left joint). Place angle sponge under elevated hip and flex elevated knee
- Cr perpendicular to IR directed 1” medial to upside ASIS. Collimate to anatomy of interest.** Suspend respiration**
AP Axial- Sacrum
- IR 10x12 portrait, 40 SID
- Patient supine with arms at side (or across chest), legs extended with support sponge under knees. Align MSP to CR and midline of IR/ TT. No rotation by equal levels of ASIS
- CR angled 15º cephalic directed 2” inferior to ASIS. Collimate to 4 sides of anatomy. Suspend respiration
Lateral Sacrum
- IR 10 x 12 portrait
- Lead masking behind patient. Patient in left lateral recumbent position knees flexed, support between knees. Align long axis of sacrum & coccyx to CR & midline of TT/IR
- CR perpendicular to IR directed 3-4” posterior to ASIS
Suspend respiration
AP Axial Coccyx
- IR 8x10 portrait, 40 SID
- Pt supine with arms by side or across chest, legs extended with support under knees. Align MSP to midline of TT or IR, ensure no rotation of pelvis. Center CR to IR
- CR 10º caudal directed 2” superior to pubic symphysis. Collimate to all 4 sides of anatomy. Suspend respiration
Lateral Coccyx
- IR 8 x 10 portrait, 40 SID
- Patient in lateral recumbent position with left side down and knees flexed, support between kneed. Ensure no rotation of pelvis. Align long axis of coccyx with CR & TT/IR
- CR perpendicular to IR directed 3-4” posterior and 2” inferior to ASIS (@coccyx). Suspend respiration