Final practical Flashcards
What are 1 and 2?
1: ovary
2: mesovarium
What is 3?
What is 5?
What are 3 and 5?
3: ostium tubae
5: ovary
What are 6 and 7?
6: nidamental gland
7: mesovarium
What is 9?
What are 1 and 2?
1: mesorchium
2: testes
What are 3 and 4?
3: epididymis
4: Leydig’s gland
What are 5 and 6?
5: ductus deferens
6: opisthonephric kidney
What are 7 and 8?
7: seminal vesicle
8: sperm sac
What are 1 and 2?
1: ductus deferens
2: kidney
What are 3 and 4?
3: rectal gland
4 seminal vesicles
What are 5 and 6?
5: sperm sac
6: urogenital papilla
What is 1?
What’s 2?
What is 3?
What is 3?
What is 2?
What are 1 and 2?
1: superficial ophthalamic nerve (trunk)
2: trochlear nerve
What are 3 and 4?
3: dorsal oblique muscle
4: deep ophthalmic nerve
What is 5?
5: dorsal Rectus muscle
What is 8?
8: spinal cord
What are 9 and 10?
9: cerebral hemispheres
10: olfactory sac
What are 11 and 12?
11: olfactory bulb
12: epithalamus
What is 14?
14: optic lobe
What are 15 and 16?
15: cerebellum
16: trigeminal and facial nerves
What are 17 and 18?
17: vestibulocochlear nerve
18: glossopharyngeal nerve
What is 19?
Vagus nerve
What are 1 and 2?
1: superficial ophthalmic nerve
2: telencephalon
What are 3 and 4?
3: diencephalon
4: deep ophthalmic nerve
What are 5 and 6?
5: optic lobe
6: cerebellum
What are 7 and 8?
7: medulla oblongata
8: spinal cord
What are 9 and 10?
9: olfactory sac
10: olfactory tract
What are 11 and 12?
11: optic nerve
12: oculomotor nerve
What are 13 and 14?
13: trochlear nerve
14: trigeminal and facial nerves
What are 15 and 16?
15: vestibulocochlear nerve
16: glossopharyngeal nerve
What is 17?
Vagus nerve
What are 1 and 2?
1: olfactory sac (bulb behind it)
2: 3rd ventricle
What are 3 and 4?
3: hypothalamus
4: aqueduct of Sylvius
What is 5?
4th ventricle
What are ventricles I and II called?
Lateral ventricles
What are 1 and 2?
1: anterior Rectus
2: dorsal Rectus
What are 3 and 4?
3: posterior Rectus
4: ventral Rectus
What are 1 and 2?
1: anterior Rectus
2: superficial ophthalmic trunk
What are 3 and 4?
3: optic nerve
4: trochlear nerve
What are 5 and 6?
5: dorsal oblique
6: deep ophthalmic nerve
What are 7 and 8?
7: dorsal Rectus
8: posterior Rectus
What are 1 and 2?
1: dorsal Rectus
2: dorsal oblique
What are 3 and 4?
3: anterior Rectus
4: ventral oblique
What are 5 and 6?
5: ventral Rectus
6: posterior Rectus
What is 1?
What is 2?
What is 3?
What are 1 and 2?
1: ciliary body
2: iris
What are 3 and 4?
3: pupil
4: retina
What are 5 and 6?
5: choroid
6: lens
What is 7?
What is the tapetum lucidum?
The reflective part of the eye
What is the vitreous humor? Aqueous humor?
Vitreous: Gel-like substance that fills the eye
Aqueous: Clear liquid inside front part of the eye
What is the cornea?
The clear dome shaped outer layer that covers the iris and the pupil
What are the ampullae of Lorenzini
Sensory organs that have pores on the rostrum of the shark
What are 1 and 2?
1: oculomotor nerve
2: trigeminal nerve
What are 3 and 4?
3: facial nerve
4: spinal accessory nerve
What is 5?
What are 1 and 2?
1: oculomotor nerve
2: trigeminal nerve
What are 3 and 4?
3: glossopharyngeal nerve
4: vagus nerve
What are 5 and 6?
5: abducens
6: optic
What are 1 and 2?
1: vagus nerve
2: glossopharyngeal nerve
What are 3 and 4?
3: vestibulocochlear nerve
4: trigeminal
What are 5 and 6?
5: abducens nerve
6: optic nerve
What are 1 and 2?
1: oculomotor nerve
2: hypoglossal nerve
What are 3 and 4?
3: spinal accessory nerve
4: optic nerve
What are 5 and 6?
5: trochlear nerve
6: abducens nerve
What are 1 and 2?
1: hypothalamus
2: pyriform lobe
What are 3 and 4?
3: pons
4: olfactory bulb
What are 5 and 6?
5: optic nerve
6: optic chiasma
What are 7 and 8?
7: oculomotor nerve
8: trigeminal nerve
What are 9 and 10?
9: abducens nerve
10: facial nerve
What are 11 and 12?
11: vestibulocochlear nerve
12: glossopharyngeal nerve
What are 13 and 14?
13: vagus nerve
14: hypoglossal nerve
What is 15?
Spinal accessory nerve
What are 1 and 2?
1: longitudinal cerebral fissure
2: cerebral hemispheres
What are 3 and 4?
3: gyrus
4: sulcus
What are 5 and 6?
5: cerebellar hemisphere
6: spinal cord
What is 7?
What are 1 and 2?
1: olfactory bulbs
2: medial olfactory band
What are 3 and 4?
3: optic nerve
4: optic chiasma
What are 5 and 6?
5: pyriform lobe
6: hypophysis (pituitary gland)
What are 7 and 8?
7: pons
8: medulla oblongata
What are 9 and 10?
9: spinal cord
10: spinal accessory nerve
What are 11 and 12?
11: abducens nerve
12: trigeminal nerve
What are 13 and 14?
13: optic tract
14: lateral olfactory band
What are 1 and 2?
1: anterior colliculus (optic lobe)
2: pineal gland
What are 3 and 4?
3: intermediate mass (bulge of thalamus)
4: septum pellucidum
What are 5 and 6?
5: olfactory bulb
6: optic chiasma
What are 7 and 8?
7: third ventricle
8: cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius)
What are 9 and 10?
9: posterior colliculus (auditory lobe)
10: fourth ventricle
What are 11 and 12?
11: spinal cord
12: medulla oblongata
What are 13 and 14?
13: pons
14: cerebral peduncles
What are 1 and 2?
1: cerebellum (with arbor vitae)
2: anterior colliculus (optic lobe)
What are 3 and 4?
3: arbor vitae
4: posterior colliculus (auditory lobe)
What are 5 and 6?
5: medulla oblongata
6: pons
What are 7 and 8?
7: fornix
8: trunk
What are 9 and 10?
9: genu
10: mammilary body
What are 11 and 12?
11: tuber cinereum
12: optic chiasma
What are 13 and 14?
13: infundibulum
14: hypophysis
What are 1 and 2?
1: septum pellucidum
2: olfactory bulb
What are 3 and 4?
3: fornix
4: intermediate mass
What are 5 and 6?
5: optic chiasma
6: third ventricle
What are 7 and 8?
7: hypophysis
8: mammilary body
What are 9 and 10?
9: pons
10: cerebral aqueduct
What are 11 and 12?
11: spinal cord
12: fourth ventricle
What are 13 and 14?
13: cerebellum
14: splenium
The genu, splenium and trunk make up what?
The corpus callosum
What are the 5 parts of the mammal brain?
What are 1 and 2?
1: corpora quadrigemina
2: intermediate mass
What are 3 and 4?
3: thalamus
4: pineal gland
What are 15 and 16?
15: lateral ventricle
16: splenium
Label the 3 parts of the meninges
1: dura mater
2: arachnoid
3: pia mater
What are 1 and 2?
1: urinary bladder
2: vas deferens
What are 3 and 4?
3: epididymis
4: testis
What are 5 and 6?
5: ureter
6: spermatic cord
What are 7 and 8?
7: prostate
8: penis
What are 1 and 2?
1: ureter
2: urinary bladder
What are 3 and 4?
3: vas deferens
4: prostate
What are 5 and 6?
5: spermatic cord
6: penis
What is 7?
What are 1 and 2?
1: kidney
2: ureter
What are 3 and 4?
3: vas deferens
4: epididymis
What are 5 and 6?
5: testis
6: urinary bladder
What are 7 and 8?
7: prostate
8: spermatic cord
What are 9 and 10?
9: testis within cremasteric pouch
10: penis
What are 1 and 2?
1: ureter
2: urinary bladder
What are 3 and 4?
3: vas deferens
4: prostate
What are 5 and 7?
5: spermatic cord
7: epididymis
What are 8 and 9?
8: testis
9: penis
What are 6 and 10?
6: inguinal canal
10: os penis
What are 1 and 2?
1: urinary bladder
2: ureters
What are 3 and 4?
3: vas deferens
4: prostate
What are 1 and 2?
1: ureter
2: suspensory ovarian ligament
What are 3 and 4?
3: oviduct
4: ostium tubae
What are 5 and 6?
5: body of uterus
6: cervix
What are 7 and 8?
7: vagina
8: urethra
What are 9 and 10?
9: urogenital sinus
10: kidney
What are 11 and 12?
11: ovary
12: uterine horn
What are 13 and 14?
13: mesometrium
14: body of uterus
What are 15, 16, 17?
15: urinary bladder
16: vagina
17: urethra
What are 1 and 2?
1: uterine horn
2: body of uterus
What are 3,4,5?
3: urethra
4: urinary bladder
5: vagina
What are 1 and 2?
1: arcuate vessels
2: renal vein
What are 3 and 4?
3: renal papilla
4: ureter
What are 1 and 2?
1: kidney
2: ureter
What are 1 and 2?
1: uterine horn
2: vagina
What are 3 and 4?
3: ureters
4: body of uterus
What are 5 and 6?
5: urinary bladder
6: urethra
What are 1 and 2?
1: ovarian vessels
2: oviduct
What are Fimbriae?
Finger-like projections on the ends of the ostium tubae that catch the egg
What are 3 and 4?
3: ureter
4: uterine horn
What are 5 and 6?
5: body of uterus
6: urinary bladder
What are 7 and 8?
7: urethra
8: vagina
What are 1 and 2?
1: right kidney
2: suspensory ovarian ligament
What are 3 and 4?
3: left kidney
4: ureters
What is 5?
Urinary bladder
What are 5 and 6?
5: renal medulla
6: renal cortex
What are 7 and 8?
7: renal pelvis
8: renal artery
What are 7 and 8?
7: renal pelvis
8: renal artery
What is 9?
(Where vessels emerge)
What are 1 and 2?
1: ureter
2: ovary
What are 3 and 4?
3: oviduct with fimbriae
4: uterine horn
What are 5 and 6?
5: urethra
6: ureter
What are 7 and 8?
7: body of uterus
8: urinary bladder
What is 9?
What are efferent ductules? (Vas efferentia)
Connects the testis and the epididymis
list the cranial nerves (and whether sensory, motor or both)
Olfactory S
Optic S
Oculomotor M
Trochlear M
Trigeminal B
Abducens M
Facial B
Vesstibulocochlear S
Glossopharyngeal B
Vagus B
Accessory M
Hypoglossal M
acronym for cranial nerves
acronym for cranial nerves (sensory, motor or both)