Final Paintings Flashcards

Watteau, Pilgrimage to Cythera, Rococo, c. 1716
Fete galante: Watteau invented this genre of images; scenes
of bucolic and idyllic charm, suffused with theatricality
Group of dedicated to venus
Fantasy, imaginative
Outside of reality
Element of fantasy and transportation
Red fabric
Rocol boat??
Green - fertility exceed boundaries
Lush landscape
Pink - popular pastel
Eye to roses - statue of venus
Aesthetic beauty of landscape
Size and figures vs landscape size

The Swing
Request from wealthy aristocrat
of mistress
Cupds - “shh” figure as if a secret
Scandalous/ teasing play of seeing above ankles
Teasing patron below can see
Rat at the bottom with mouth open - covers with cupid???
(or dog - can also show that woman on swing is a stranger)
Eyes moving like the swing
Pink - sweetness, love
Cupid on top of beehive
Sting of bee/like cupid
Queen bee
Birds and bees
Mystical mist haze dreamlike
Transported into a place
Ray of light in dense place
Bolle???/tree branch
Shot by lightening
Like falling in love
Light vs dark
Cupid shhing

Monkey as a Painter
Academic Art
-money as a painter
Makes fun of painters replicating a replication of a famous artwork
Imitation of former works of art
Not inventors
Honor learn from books
Make money

Oath of the Horatii
Commissioned by Louis XVI
Battle between Rome and Alba, representatives of three sons from two
prominent families; virtue for the state

Death of Marat
Radical pamphleteer of the Revolution, sparked 1792 riots that killed
hundreds of people; he was assasinated by Charlotte Corday d’ Amont.
Painting: martyr of the Revolution

Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Painting of Napoleon; Napoleon never actually posed for painting so David used his
son instead; horse is depicted to look crazy - fantastical, to heighten the story that
represented in painting; major leaders began hav ing equestrian portraits;
composition of painting is on a diagonal, horse, napoleon, the mountains; cape is
used to make Napoleon look larger

Napoleon on the Throne
Ideal clarity - emulated renaissance
With precise drawing, formal idealization, classical composition
And graceful lyricism
His work is devoid of emotion
Mantel - venus wars in bottecelli
Solvantry leadership
Red velvet and fur
Expensive color and silkepacked together
Napoleon of the thrones 1806
Gold embroidery with thread
Sunbursts glory image bernini
Controls church and state
Half circle perfection and divinity
Reef / crown
Lots of gold realistic texture
Lush velvet
Gold, fur
Dome with pigmenation
Light and shadown
Geometry concious
Eagle - symbol of jupiter
Idealized - not indication of ages——–?

Grand Odalisque
Recline in bed
realsque painter like
Sultans - no one can come in
Fascination with unknown
Awkard leg crossing (statisons)??
Lush bedding
Blue satin with embroidery
Cabuks place opium and smoke
Sonnet of women art and ideas
Flowers of evil
3 ini 1
Burning incense
Sultery mood
Smooth soft skin
Lay around with smoking opium
Elongation of body abstract
- curves not sharp
- if standing, body looks awkard
Oribque other???
Imagination > reasoning
Pain, exotic, drugs, art itself
Complex composition, contrast of light and darkness
Disegno - drawing and colorito - color and sensualness of it
The orient
- countries under islamic rule / muslim
- morocco
- napoleon put under seige???
- opium
– 60 to 50 years legal
New form of sensuality
French army in process of fighting spain and italian want to rule lower half of europe
French council republic
King of italian
Emperor of france
Ruling an empire

Women of Algiers
More realism
Closer to treegreds???
Larger dark hair - realistic not western ideal
Causual, 4 women
Domestic servant
Women - friendship commutal bond
Can see brush strokes
*** Kim’s notes
Delacroix did paintings of the east - introducing the new fascination for things in the
east in 19th century Europe; France’s area of connection was Morocco, traded fabric
and opium; a large sense of sensuality and pleasure was presented in paintings of
the east; painting depicts women inside a harem smoking opium - theme of
painting again is on pleasure in women and smoking; probably odalisques -
presented in a different way than normal - looks to be enjoying themselves rather
than being enjoyment for others

Saturn Devouring His Children
found in his own house
described as romantic
chiaroscuro - contrast between light and darkness
dark night scene but a beaming ray of light shines on figures
tenebrism - figures are enveloped in darkness and are kind of hard to see
possible to have chiaroscuro without tenebrism
romanticism: strike fear, explore extreme states of ecstasy, horror, violence
expressive body
dark palette
theme - direct opposite of the kind in The Parasol
passage between paint and blood - paint drips into blood…
Saturn has an extreme madden state seen in his face - entirety of white in his eyes
distorted forms, gestures, expression

The Third of May, 1808
creates a new type of history painting
generally history paintings have focused on the heroism of the conqueror — the triumphs of the winner
Goya focuses on the violence of war and the vulnerability of those that are being conquered
focuses on gesture - clearly relating story to viewer
about death and injustice - can be seen in facial expressions
to immortalize the event of war - show violence of war
figure about to die resembles Christ on the cross
white shirt directs your attention to figure
unable to see faces of soldiers about to kill the figure
everything is focused on the reactions and emotions in the defeated
uses chiaroscuro effect
day scene vs. night scene between 2nd of May and 3rd of May
night time effect adds mystery and heightened emotions
Goya shows action and time through individuals waiting in line, grasping faces and dead bodies underneath central individual
passage of time — 3 part story - waiting in line: fear, about to die: anger - central figure in process of dying, bodies of already dead
compositionally puts hill behind figures to feel as though there is no escape
image of Spanish town in background historically sets the scene
looseness of brushwork
a lot of changes between 2nd of May and this painting

Thomas Cole
The Oxbow
American Landscape
Sublime: grand beauty that
inspires admiration and awe in
a way similar to divinity
National hero
Unique form
Contrast of wilderness and maintained nature
Storm vs sunlight
Lush green vs yellow/dead grass landscape
Clear cutting of landscape
Smoke, from houses
burning wood
crops growing
Identity of America
America the beautiful
Idea of nature
Before West has been settle
History and stability
Paint of oil in tubes
Made painting portable
Making landscape painting possible
Development of Railroad
Ability to move around to different place

Albert Bierstadt
Mountain Brook
American Landscape
based on discussion
a pleasurable aesthetic mood
that a natural landscape
inspires, achieved through the
harmonization of opposite
elements; parts are unified
into the whole
Inspired by Romanticism, it is
also an emotional vista.

Albert Bierstadt
Among the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA
American Landscape
Manifest Destiny: Belief that it was
America’s destiny, ordained by God,
to spread across the continent.
Without mythic cultural traditions,
America saw their vast and pristine
wilderness as central to their identity.
Believed that the principles of
freedom and the pursuit of
prosperity and happiness were to be
fulfilled by territorial expansion.
Gold discovered in CA in 1848.

Gustave Courbet
The Stone Breakers
Raised poor die poor
Threadbear clothes
Setting- rural, landscape
No aesthetic landscape
Pot- carrying what they cook
Pose - painful bending
Twisted foot
Knee on hay
Making gravel
Government political policy that people no longer in proverty
Living middle class
Yellow ocher white lead earth brown
Romantique - different - not lush
Dry paint and applied thickly , roughness
Never ending cycle of proverty
Art style colors
Rougness like rembrant

The Gleaners
Scene from country side of the lowest jobs
Someone can get scraps of grain after harvest
Back breaking work
Difficulty of —–?
Tension between touch - like MA
Back ground
Huge stacks of harvest
Unfairness - on this land
Vs not wealthy peoplpe
Why cnat they provide for these peoplpe
Male workers
Empathetic feelin
Not sharing wealth
Not just uses earthly colors
Blue and red used
Pleasing to the eye
Compared to courbet
Beauty in portrayal
Not as harsher mustard color
Landscape; horizon line vast and color
Contrast of sky and gree field
3 of the them isolated in the foreground
And mimick in landscape
Christian value morality aspects
Not morality
Not impline of virtue???
Virtuist portray

Birth of Venus
Academic Art
Academic Nude
Addresses the spectator, sometimes
through the nude female’s gaze but
also through male figures in the
painting (here cupids).
Female: coy, candid, dreamy
offering of self
Body arranged at a distance, near
but far; it is also generalized,
abstract and feminine.
Hair: long and flowing as a symbol
of luxuriance
Ideal nudity and beauty function like

Street Singer
Subject: a cabaret singer leaving a bar in the early morning
Model: Victorine Meurent, his favorite model
Women an available model for his pleasure
Everyday women/social – upper class
Looseness in brushwork
Unfinished edges of painting
Use of colorization
Thick contour lines
Was brushwork thin
Smooth blending of colors
Fumato effect not perfectiono of geometry