export_midterm Flashcards
Disegno and Colorito
- disegno : florentine style of painting that emphasized design preparation based on preliminary drawing; Michelangelo, Botticelli, Raphael, Picasso; used for tempera paint and fresco; study of ancient sculpture and anatomy; modeling with light and shadow
- colorito : ventian style of painting that emphasized color an light over line and form; to color; bold brush strokes; emphasizes painting from nature, reality; Matisse, Velasquez;
Wofflin’s stylistic terms
Renaissance : linear, classic, planar, closed forms, absolute
clarity, clear, calm, rational, controlled, and harmony
Baroque : painterly, romantic, recession, open form, relative
clarity, light & shadow, drama, movement, color, and emotion
Paragone and Bel Composto
- debate in which one form of art is championed as superior to the others. This theoretical comparison begins in the Italian Renaissance
- stylistically and thematically unified interior space that transgresses normal boundaries of painting, sculpture, and architecture Elicits sensual, emotional, and intellectual reactions following devotional exercises promoted by Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises
Eucharist - transubstantiation
- believed by the Catholics
- the liturgical commemoration of
Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection
- transformation of the bread to the body and wine to the blood of Christ
- elevation, the altar is flooded
with divine presence, conjoining the
terrestrial liturgy with the perpetual
celestial liturgy
Genre painting: peasants and lower classes
genre about everyday life
rather than history painting of
Biblical or mythical scenes.
Northern Renaissance and Italian Renaissance
Northern Renaissance took place in areas of Eastern Europe (like the Netherlands). During this time, there was an emphasis on daily life–the lives of peasants. A greater emphasis was put on living a pious, simple life.
Italian Renaissance, on the other hand, focused more on the wealthy class (aristocracy). Paintings were elaborate, detailed, and showed how wealthy and powerful people were. This was because alot of trade was going on during the time of the Itailian Renaissance, especially in the Mediterranean. Therefore, individuals were becoming very wealthy, and thus gaining poltical influence. Also, the Itailain Renaissance focused on religion–Roman Catholicism. Popes were wealthy, king-like figures in society and they were often painted in elaborate settings. Greek-Roman revival was VERY important.
res in society and they were often painted in elaborate settings. Greek-Roman revival was VERY important. Oftentimes, paintings reflected themes of the Classical times, and some artists nearly copied the forms of ancient Greek statues and artwork. Also, think of the “Last Judgement.” It showed alot of Italian Renaissance themes. Humanism (the focus of the individual, emphasis on anatomy) , Greek-Roman revival, and religion.
The Northern Renaissance was a lot more religious and the Italian used a lot of Mythological themes. The Northern also had a lot of portraits and genre paintings. The Northern was very naturalistic while the Italian was very geometric
Medieval v/s Renaissance
medieval - confined in space, stiff stand in niche renaissance - contropostto since of weight on one foot imagine moving, speaking and talking akimbo - hand on hip
• Painting techniques: perspective, anatomical modeling, geometry, impasto, chiaroscuro, Tenebrism
Perspective: the construction of a
convincing illusion of space in two dimensional
imagery while unifying
all objects within a single spatial
One-point Linear Perspective:
allows artists to determine
mathematically the relative size of
rendered objects to correlate them
with the visual recession of space
Atmospheric Perspective (or aerial perspective):
creates the illusion of distance by the diminution of contrast and color
intensity (tone and value shifts toward white), and the blurring of contours
as the intended distance between eye and object increases
- Impasto: thick application of
pigment- garments and hands
Chiaroscuro: strong contrast between light and dark.
Tenebrism: objects wrapped in shadows with only a few illuminated
Sculpture techniques: S-curve, contrapposto, clothing, nudity, anatomy
s-curve: figure’s body and posture is depicted like a sinuous or serpentine “S”.
contrapposto: counterbalance of anatomy on either side of the spinal axis
that expresses the potential for movement
Compare and contrast the mediums of tempera, oil, and fresco.
- Eggs dry quickly
- Paint applied in tight regular parallel hatchings; forms are modeled by
gradually shifting through a range of tones
-Paint applied thinly and evenly so that painting has a regular, flat surface
- Opaque so colors have to be applied next to each other rather than on top
of each other
- mineral powders: bright colors
- dries slowly so other colors can be applied while paint is still wet; colors
can be blended together
- increases the chromatic range of the picture- tonal fields are not separate,
more gradual transitions between colors
- painters can create new tones on the palette or on the surface of the
- oil is translucent- see colors beneath and glazes can be created to create
new coloristic effects; softness and radiance
- medium was fluid and adjustable so painters could vary application and
achieve texture
Intonaco: wet plaster
Pigments: diluted in water
Binder: lime of the plaster
Cartoon: drawing to transfer
Giornata: day of painting
What is the role of gold in these works?
Symbolism - associating wealth and beauty
- Wealth of patron
- More value to painting
- Purchase by church
- Mainly paid by members
- Religious context
- Later changed
- Tempera paint - dries quickly need drawing before painting changes with oil
Honoring key Figures in painting Visual effect, reflects back mystical Tarnish of the church Reflects /retracts Enhance shine To art Glow from the distance Goldmesses with landscape natural realism
How was a panel or canvas prepared?
Wood panel
Composed of vertical planks of popular woods sometimes supported by horizontal planks
Don’t want bad wood for paintings
Need quality wood
Preping was important
Covered with animal glue then linen to create smooth surface
Prepped with gesso (gypsum/chalk with ) layers of gympsum and animal glue, then smoothed out
Takes months for it to prepped
Many layers
Art within the court of Spain- position of the artist
renditions of scenes of historical and cultural significance, he painted scores of portraits of the Spanish royal family, other notable European figures
Different types of art produced in the North and in Protestant countries
Artists in Protestant countries diversified into secular forms of art likehistory painting,landscape painting,portrait paintingandstill life.
Protestant Reformation:
No images in the church. New
types of patronage. Now
scenes of life instead of
devotional art.
iconoclasm, or the destruction of religious imagery
Genre painting
the art of the Counter Reformation
Counter Reformation: Catholic Church's reaction to Protestantism (begun in 1517 with Martin Luther). Council of Trent decided tenants of faith between 1545-1563. Included a new celebration of Christianity and the Church as well as a new ideal of the painter: desiring qualities of simplicity, clarity, emotional stimulus, and close adherence to Biblical text. Council of Trent: Italy, France, & Spain from 1545-63 Purpose: correct corruption within the Church and to reassert the Church's position on matters of doctrine, like the primacy and intercessory role of saints and the validity fo the Eucharist Also important: Sacraments, Role of the Priest, Role of Good Works or Charity One session defending the use of sacred images but also establishing the need to "clean up" the art
Papal art of Julius II
They served political, spiritual and aesthetic purposes.
Widespread patronage
What are the civic projects for art in Florence?
Instrument to teach the faithful through art
Excite through art
Move emotionally to a particular place in church
Recall stories of jesus
• What is the guild of painters?
guild of doctors and pharmacists because they sold and dealt in color
- Minerals
What is a guild?
independent association ofbusinessmen, bankers, and artisan
manufacturers that could be found
in every sphere of commercial and
political life within Florence.