where does cell division occur in plants?
in the apical meristem and in the cambrium
what is the significance of mitosis?
mitosis is responsible for growth and repair of multicellular organisms, and reproduction in single celled organisms
what is mitosis?
is the process by which a nucleus decides to produce 2 daughter nuclei identical in genetic material
tendency of small particles or molecules to spread from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration
plasma membrane
surrounds the cell, controls the diffusion of all molecules in and out of the cell. it is selectively permeable
is a special case of diffusion. it is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of low solute to high solute concentration (water moves from an area of high to low water concentration)
based on your test strip result, what can you conclude happened to the glucose molecules in the experiment?
glucose diffused out of the dialysis tube, it went from high–> low concentration
Observe whether or not a blue-black colour is evident and where this colour is located.
Blue-Black colour is present in the dialysis tube but not outside of it. the outside area remained the same
on the basis of the chemical test for starch, what must have happened to the iodine?
Iodine diffused through the dialysis tube and came in contact with starch (reason for Blue-black colour)
what must have happened to the starch?
it stayed in the same place because its too big
if starch is made up of glucose monomers, how would you account or the fact that the starch did not leave the bag?
Starch is a polymer (bigger molecule) and glucose is a monomer (much much smaller). starch is too big too pass through the plasma membrane
what materials diffused in opposite directions via the dialysis tubing?
glucose diffused out of the bag and iodine came into the dialysis tube.
cell membrane
To protect the cell from its surroundings.It also recognizes certain chemicals and molecules that can or can’t go into the cell.
it stores the cell’s DNA, and it coordinates the cell’s activities, which include growth, intermediary metabolism, protein synthesis, and reproduction (cell division).
nuclear membrane
A nuclear membrane or envelope surrounds every nucleus. It’s composed of an inner membrane and an outer membrane separated by the perinuclear space. The nuclear membrane keeps DNA inside the nucleus and protects it from materials in the cytoplasm
Function: produces ribosomes then they move out and to position in on the rough endoplasmic reticulum where they are critical in protein synthesis
It is found in both animal and plant cells
shaped like a tub with rounded ends, it’s where sugar is converted into energy for the cell to use
rough endoplasmic reticulum
Function: produces and modifies proteins
Located next to the nucleus
Called the rough endoplasmic reticulum because it has ribosomes on the surface.
Both plant and animal cells
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Function: lipid and carbohydrate synthesis.
Structure: has no ribosomes therefore it is smooth.
In both animal and plant cells
very small organelles that carry out protein production. Free floating = make proteins & attached = carry proteins out of the cell
Golgi apparatus
stack of “pancakes” membrane disks that sort and package proteins for transport within or out of cell
One of the key organelles involved in digestion and waste removal is the lysosome. Lysosomes are organelles that contain digestive enzymes. They digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria. Lysosomes are like the stomach of the cell.
found in animal cells only. may help organize microtubules assembly; a pair is found within the centrosome in animal cells (the plant cell centrosome lack centrioles)
found only in plant cells. Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells and eukaryotic algae that conduct photosynthesis. Chloroplasts absorb sunlight and use it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to produce food for the plant
cell wall
found only in plant cells.The cell wall is the protective, semi-permeable outer layer of a plant cell. A major function of the cell wall is to give the cell strength and structure, and to filter molecules that pass in and out of the cell.
central vacuole
found only in plant a cellular organelle found in plant cells. It is often the largest organelle in the cell. It is surrounded by a membrane and functions to hold materials and wastes. It also functions to maintain the proper pressure within the plant cells to provide structure and support for the growing plant.
what is an ideal organism to study?
organisms should be easy to grow or rear, have a rapid generation time, produce many offsprings and take up little space
what did Mendel use for his genetic experiments?
Garden sweet peas because they are easy to grow, had many distinct observable characteristics + he could control mating by transferring pollen between specific flowers
what is the large chromosome called in a fruit fly?
Polytene. which can be easily seen and studied under a compound microscope.
what is the shape of the onion cells?
square or rectangular