Forma grave de leptospirosis
Sx de Weil
renal damage, hepatic damage, and vascular damage
multisystemic #1 renal failuure = cause of death, jaundice, hemorrage, shock, inflammatory sx
Aumento de alaninoaminotransferasas hepáticas
b. Hipoprotrombinemia
c. Proteinuria
d. hypoproteinemia
b. Cilindruria
c. Piuria
can also cause liver dysnfunction and enlargement, respiratory distress, anemia, and heart failure
Forma grave de meningococcemia
Sx water houss friedman
enfermedad del beso
mononucleosis infecciosa
agente causal de fiebre escarlatina
estrep beta hemolitico grupo A - aka pyogenes
RD we use for malaria…
which causes linfoma de burkitt
mononucleosis infecciosa
when can you detect leptospirosis in blood
first week / 10d
when can you detect leptospirosis in urine
wk 1-3
describe the lesions of varicella
maculopapular rash of all different stages –> vesicles (24h transparent ) –> leukocytes –> cistras
3 eruptions over 3-4d
back of neck/head –> trunk –> extremeties
nikolsky sign
Nikolsky sign is a skin finding in which the top layers of the skin slip away from the lower layers when slightly rubbed.
+++ scalded skin syndrome
— in bullous impetigo
atypical lymphocytes in…
infectious mononucleosis
> 10% @ 2nd/3rd wk
Incubation period of mono
incubation period of scarlet fever
12h-7d (nfectious)
incubation period of malaria
5-15d (vivax/ovale)
The time from the initial malaria infection until symptoms appear (incubation period) typically ranges from: 9 to 14 days for Plasmodium (P.) falciparum. 12 to 18 days for P. vivax and P. ovale. 18 to 40 days for P. malariae.
How soon will a person feel sick after being bitten by an infected mosquito? For most people, symptoms begin 10 days to 4 weeks after infection, although a person may feel ill as early as 7 days or as late as 1 year later. Two kinds of malaria, P. vivax and P. ovale, can occur again (relapsing malaria).
incubation period for leptospirosis
approx 10 days (2-26 days)
incubation for food poisoning
incubation period for varicella
10-21 days
fiebre cuaternaria benigna
plasmodium malaria
72hr cycles
tertiary feber
48hr cycles
malignant teriary fever
irregular fevers of 36-48hr
other cepas of malaria
knowelsi, inuii, brasilinam
treatment of osteomyelitis
Traditionally, antibiotic treatment of osteomyelitis consists of a 4- to 8-week course.
minimum 6 wks
Recommended agents are as follows:
Piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375 g IV q6h or
Ampicillin-sulbactam 3 g IV q6h or
Ticarcillin-clavulanate 3.1 g IV q6h
Patients with penicillin allergy and osteomyelitis from contiguous spread of infection:
( Clindamycin 600 mg IV/PO q6h or metronidazole 500 mg IV/PO q8h) plus ( ciprofloxacin 750 mg PO or 400 mg IV q12h or levofloxacin 750 mg PO daily), or moxifloxacin 400 mg PO daily
If MRSA is suspected:
Add vancomycin 15 mg/kg IV q12h
If a contraindication exists to the use of vancomycin, an alternative anti-MRSA agent such as linezolid, daptomycin, or ceftaroline [6] may be used
Oral therapy following IV treatment for patients with osteomyelitis from contiguous spread of infection:
Amoxicillin-clavulanate 875 mg/125 mg PO q12h or
Ciprofloxacin 750 mg PO q12h plus clindamycin 300-450 mg PO q6h or
Levofloxacin 750 mg PO daily plus clindamycin 300-450 mg PO q6h or
Moxifloxacin 400 mg PO daily
septic or suppurative arthritis
staph invasion most commonly via bloodstream of synovial membrane
causes painful swollen joints and decreases range of motion
caused mpstly by neisseria gonorrea and staph aureus
how will fluid look in septic arthirirs from staph infection
yellow turbish
>1000000 neutrophils
gram +
most common resevoirs of staph
nasal cavity skin vagina fomites (clothes) water
structure of staph
micrococcaecea G+ spheres of approx 1um
in racimos de uva
breathing of staph
aerobes and facultative aerobes
Staphylococcus aureus is Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, non-motile, non-sporulating, catalase-positive, coagulase-positive
structure of CMV
herpes viridae with bicatenario DNA about 200nm
biggest herpes
structure of leptospira
mobile spiochete
Bacteria muy fina.
6 a 20 µm de largo y 0,1 a 0,2 µm de ancho.
Flexible- helicoidal.
Extremidades incursadas en forma de gancho.
breathing of lepospira
strict aerobe
Puede sobrevivir largo tiempo en ambiente húmedo, templado, en agua fresca.
structure of meningococo
gram negative diplococo Neisseria meningitidis (meningococo) Familia: Neisseriaceae Diplococo gram- (0.6x0.8 um) Inmóvil Encapsulado
fermentation of meningococo
glucose and maltose\
oxidase and catalase +
blood agar
not lactose so not gonorrea
structure of varicella zoster
Familia: Herpesviridae Cápside con simetría icosaédrica Envoltura lipídica con espículas de glicoproteínas Tamaño: 150-200 nm ADN bicatenario Más pequeño de los virus herpes humanos
The genome is a linear double-stranded DNA molecule made up of two segments (L and S) joined covalently
VVZ sintetiza 7 proteinas gb-gk, la gE es la principal. Europeo, japonés y mosaico. Las 3 sepas, E, J,M.
varicella zoster
Sarcoma de Kaposi
structure of EBV
Familia Herpesviridae (VHH4)
2 cepas A y B
A más frecuente en occidente y B más frecuente en Africa central
ADN bicatenario lineal
Es sensible a los ácidos, disolventes, detergentes y desecación.
Cápside es icosaédrica con 162 capsómeros
dentro una doble cadena de DNA lineal de distinto tamaño (larga y corta)
Cubierta de glicoproteínas
Entre cápside y cubierta esta el tegumento repleto de proteínas y enzimas virales
structure of EBHGA
Streptococcus pyogenes (EBHGA) Cocos Gram positivos Esféricos u ovoides Organizados en parejas o cadena Crecen en medios enriquecidos con sangre. Producen zonas de hemólisis en agar sangre. Resistentes a bacitracina
coagulase negative staph
saprophyticus and epidermidis
catalase test is for…
to differentiate staph from strep
see bubbles means H202 is being converted to O2 and H20
inhibiting fagocytosis from neutrophils
factor de propagacion
Hialuronidase in staph and also in leptospira interogans
- Provoca lisis o destrucción del eritrocito y daña las plaquetas
alfa , beta, gammma, delta, epsilon
tambien altera musculo liso de los casos
heat stable toxins of staph
aka super antigens thhat cause watery diarrea, vomit at ingestion
only takes a small amount
A,B,C1,C2, D, E
susceptible ppl dont have antibodes against these toxins
virulence factors of coagulase negative staph
no exotoxins
no enterotoxins
percentage of bullous impetigo with no previous lesion
where is bullous impetigo most frecuent
cara, tronco, axilas y glúteos
- Manifestación mas grave de la infección por S. Aureus
she also said endocarditis and septic shock
Lyell syndrome
not at mucosa drugies, adults get it seperates epidermis from basal layer epidermal necrosis 2-3 wk recovery
vs. Sclded skin syndrome
kids under 6 yrs old
bullae dont scar and break between epidermis and granulous layers in mouth genitals thorax any place really
4-5d recovery
low mortality
toxin that causes SSS
exfoliative A B exotoxin
causes of celulitis
b. S. aureus y SGA
- Agente causal de Celulitis en región periorbitaria o peribucal en
- Sitios comunes de formación de forúnculos
cuello, mamas, cara y nalgas
son más proclives a presentar carbuncos
ancianos, diabteicos
boys in the back of the neck
- Las pruebas de susceptibilidad p/Dx estafilococos deben hacerse de rutina
true like testing beta lactamase to see if resistant to penicillin
(anti-staph still work)
Una prueba B-lactamasa +, indica resistencia a penicilina G