Final: High Intensity Gait Flashcards
What dependent measures are included in the Locomotor CPG?
Walking speed and distance over a specific duration of time
What population was included when creating the Locomotor CPG?
Chronic: individuals greater than 6 months following acute onset CNS injury
What three diagnoses were included in the Locomotor CPG?
- Stroke
- Incomplete SCI
What was the age of participants for the Locomotor CPG?
What outcomes were used to assess gait speed?
10 m walk test and similar short distance measurement
What outcomes were used to assess gait distance?
6 min walk test, 2 min walk test, 12 min walk test
What interventions should be performed according to the CPG?
- Mod-high aerobic intensity walking training at >60% HR reserve of 70% HR mx
- VR treadmill training
What interventions may be considered according to the CPG?
- Strength training of multiple sets and reps at 70% 1RM
- Circuit or combined training
- Cycling
- CR standing balance
What interventions should not be performed according to the CPG?
- Sitting and standing balance without agumented visual input
- Robotic assisted walking
- BWSTT with assistance
What are the benefits of high intensity walking training?
Specificity, intensity, repetition, saliency
What is the optimal dosage for high intensity gait training?
Intensity of >60% HRR or 70% HR max
30-60 min per session
2-5x per week
Duration of 4 weeks - 6 months
What HR max % indicated time to rest during high intensity gait training?
> 85% HR max
What resting HR is a contraindication for high intensity gait training?
> 120
What blood pressure values are contraindicated for high intensity gait training?
> 180/110
What blood pressure during high intensity gait training indicates a rest period?
> 250/115
What O2 level is contraindicated for high intensity gait training?
< 92%
What blood glucose level is contraindicated for high intensity gait training?
< 70 mg/dL