Final Exam - Urinary System Flashcards
Identify the tissue.

The functional unit of the kidney is the __________
The __________ includes the glomerulus and all tubule segments through the connecting segment
Identify the structures labeled ‘G’ in this H&E section of the renal cortex

Identify the structrures indicated by the arrows in this section of the kidney

renal corpuscles
**These are a distinctive feature of kidney cortex
_____________: network of capillaries that perform the first step in filtering blood
_____________: functional unit of the kidney; site of osmoregulation via filtration of small molecules from blood plasma to form a filtrate and selective reabsorption of most of the water and other molecules from the filtrate; = glomerulus + all tubule segments
_____________: end of the glomerular capsule where the afferent arteriole enters and the efferent arteriole exits
vascular pole
_____________: end of the glomerular capsule opposite the vascular pole where the proximal convoluted tubule begins
urinary pole
_____________: specialized cells of the distal convoluted tubule adjacent to specialized smooth muscle cells (juxtaglomerular cells) of the afferent and efferent arterioles
macula densa
_____________: specialized smooth muscle cells of mainly afferent and to a lesser degree efferent arteriole; detect variations in blood pressure (baroreceptors) and secrete renin into vessel lumen
juxtaglomerular cells
__________: aa. and vv. within the kidneys
arcuate vessels
__________: arteriole bringing blood to glomerulus
afferent arteriole
__________: arteriole draining blood from glomerulus
efferent arteriole
__________: phagocytic, contractile cells that have receptors for angiotensin II and ANP and provide some structural support to capillaries
mesangial cells
_________: first portion of proximal tubule; numerous twists and turns in cortical area; high level of microvilli on epithelium
proximal convoluted tubule
_________: ducts into which collecting tubules drain; lumen contains urine of varying concentration; terminal portions are papillary ducts which empty at area cribosa of the renal crest of papilla
collecting ducts
Describe the effect of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on collecting ducts
ADH stimulates aquaporins in the ducts to allow reabsorpbtion of water and other molecules
Explain the action of renin/angiotensin following substantial hemorrhage
activated in response to a substantial drop in blood pressure in an effort to restore normal blood pressure
What are the 2 components of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
macula densa and juxtaglomerular cells
macula densa cells are chemoreceptors that sense Na+ concentration in the filtrate
juxtaglomerular cells are baroreceptors that secrete renin into the lumen of the afferent (and somewhat into the lumen of the efferent) arteriole
List the principal cells associated with the renin-angiotensin cascade.
kidney – secretes renin; inc. Na+ reabsorption in response to aldosterone
liver – stores angiotensinogen
lungs – site of action of angiotensin I and conversion to angiotensin II
bloodstream – circulates and transports angiotensin II to adrenal glands
adrenal cortex – secrete aldosterone
Kids Like Leron Breathe Air
What are the two main regions of the kidney?
cortex & medulla
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows in this cross-section of the kidney.

Renal Corpuscles
Renal corpuscles are a distinctive feature of kidney cortex.
Identify ‘A’ in this section of the kidney

Podocyte cell body & nucleus
Identify ‘B’ in this section of the kidney

Identify ‘C’ in this section of the kidney

foot processes
Filtrate enters the tubular system via the _________
urinary pole
Primary/glomerular filtrate is produced by ultrafiltration of blood in __________
renal corpuscle
Numerous pores – fenestrations enable the passage of all the non-cellular elements of blood.
Endothelium of glomerular capillary
Fused basal laminae of capillaries and podocytes serve as a glomerular ultrafilter. Albumin (m. w. 68,000) & larger molecules are retained; all smaller molecules cross freely through this filter.
Glomerular basement membrane GBM
___________ with their inter-digitating trabeculae and pedicles form slit pores between processes; form visceral part of Bowman’s capsule
Identify ‘A’

Identify ‘B’

Identify ‘C’

Bowman’s space
Identify ‘D’

filtration slit
Mesangial cells have receptors for __________
Angiotensin II; ANP
Tubules in the first portion of the proximal tubules are named __________ due to numerous twists and turns in cortical area.
proximal convoluted tubules
Proximal tubules are lined by ____________
a single layer of cuboidal tubular epithelial cells with apical microvilli or ‘brush border”
Proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) are present ONLY in the ________
Identify the structure labeled ‘A’

distal convoluted tubule
Identify the structure labeled ‘B’

proximal convoluted tubule
_______: folds of plasma membrane with ATP driven Na + pump both in PCT and in DCT
Basal striations
True or False: Microvilli are present in both proximal convoluted tubules and distal convoluted tubules
False. Microvilli are present in Proximal Convoluted Tubules only.
Nephron loops parallel the course of ________, facilitating ion and water exchange
vasa recta
nephron loop is also known as _________
Henle’s loop
Distal convoluted tubules begin at _____________
vascular pole of renal corpuscles
True or false: Distal convoluted tubules contain a brush border.
NOOOOO. False.
Cells of the distal convoluted tubules are the main target cells of __________
Identify ‘A’

distal convoluted tubule
specialized cells of the distal convoluted tubule adjacent to specialized smooth muscle cells (juxtaglomerular cells) of the afferent and efferent arterioles.
Macula densa
Identify the cell indicated by the arrow.

Macula densa
__________ cells are chemoreceptors that sense Na+ concentrations in filtrate.
Macula densa
__________ detect variations in blood pressure (baroreceptors) and secrete renin into vessel lumen.
Juxtaglomerular cells
Juxtaglomerular cells detect variations in blood pressure (baroreceptors) and secrete __________ into vessel lumen.
Identify the structures labeled ‘A’

collecting ducts
Collecting ducts are lined by simple low columnar to cuboidal epithelium composed of principal and intercalated cells.
Identify the structure indicated by the arrows.

papillary ducts, which empty at the area cribrosa (AC) of the renal crest or papilla (species specific).
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows in this section of the renal papilla

Vasa recta
take away water passing through collecting and papillary ducts.
Name the layer of the ureter labeled ‘A’

Name the layer of the ureter labeled ‘B’

Name the layer of the ureter labeled ‘C’

Tunica serosa in the urinary bladder is lined by ________
Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of the bladder.

lamina propria mucosa
Identify ‘B’ in this H&E section of the bladder.

epithelium mucosae
Identify ‘C’ in this H&E section of the bladder.

bulging cells of transitional epithelium
All renal developmental stages rely on similar tissue interactions between the __________ and ___________.
epithelium and mesenchyme.
Name the 3 stages of mammalian renal development.
pronephros, mesonephros, & metanephros
pronephric duct elongates caudally and the adjacent intermediate mesoderm transforms into epithelial tubules called
mesonephric tubules
Each mesonephric tubule receives a blood supply from a branch of the aorta, ending in a capillary tuft.
In mammals the mesonephric duct (or Wolffian duct) develops an outpouching called the _________.
ureteric bud/ metanephric duct.
The elongated stalk of the ureteric bud/metanephric duct, later forms the _________.

As the cranial end of the ureteric bud extends into the intermediate mesoderm, it branches to form the _____________
- collecting duct system of the kidney
- major and minor calyces
- renal pelvis.

Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of a kidney.

renal pelvis
Identify ‘B’ in this H&E section of a kidney.

renal artery
Identify ‘C’ in this H&E section of a kidney.

Renal vein
Identify ‘D’ in this H&E section of a kidney.

renal crest
Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of a kidney

renal pelvis
Identify ‘B’ in this H&E section of a kidney

renal crest & papillary ducts