final exam study guiderino Flashcards
GHRH pathway
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olfactory system GPCR pathway
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PLC/Ca2+ signaling
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photoreceptors and GPCRs
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GPCR desensitization
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Signaling via membrane soluble molecules and intracellular receptors
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Auxin pathway
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MT dynamic instability in vivo
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Nucleation of MTs
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censtronsomes and centrioles replication unto primary cilium
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axonemal dynein movement
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kartageners syndrome and nodal pathway
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identification of cytoplasmic motor protein, house keeping information.
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in vitro synthesis of MTs for identification of cytoplasmic motor protein
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SDS-page experiment thing for id of motor protein
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in vitro assay for motor activity
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identification of a cytoplasmic motor protein
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kinesin movement on MTs
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Dynein motor activity
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Different actin regulatory proteins and functions
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Regulation of myosin II by MLCK
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Organization of a sarcomere
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Muscle contraction
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Major motor proteins: direction, tightly boound to cytoskeleton compionent when, processivity type
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Ash1 mRNA localization in budding yeast
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How was it shown that MTs and actin are necessary for mRNA localization in the Drosophila oocyte?
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Fusion of head domains of MT motors to B-gal reveal MT orientation
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Bcd and osk mRNA transport by kinesin and dynein. (how was it shown)
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LOF mutants accumulate wehre
Egl interacts with DLC
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ip and western
BicD and Egl proteins interact.
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GST pulldown
Egl binds to 3’ UTR sequences
ITS and ILS = hint
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Yeast 2-hybrid interaction assay
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BicD and others hybrid asasy
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mRNA transport in Drosophila oocytes
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