Final Exam Short Definitions Part 1 Plus Supplmeents From Me Flashcards
Communism definition:
An ideology that seeks to create human equality by eliminating private property and market forces.
Who created the ideology of communism?
Karl Marx
Marx believes what?
An inherent conflict between base (economic system of society, made up of technology and class relations between people) and the superstructure (institutions like religion, culture, and national identity) that Marx saw as exploiting the base.
Why did Marx and other communists rejected liberal democracy?
They believed it purported to allow people into political process when in fact those with wealth truly controlled politics
Social democracy definition:
Political-economic system where freedom and equality are balanced through the states management of the economy and the provision of social expenditures
Social democracy is sometimes called what?
A system of ideas and ideals especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy
Social democracy comes from which two ideologies ?
Communism and liberalism
Mercantilism definition:
A political economic system in which national economic power is paramount and the domestic economy is viewed as an instrument that exists primarily to serve the needs of the state
When was mercantilism big?
In Europe from the 16th to the 18th century
Public seizure of the state in order to overturn the existing government and regime
Use of violence by nonstate actors against civilians in order to achieve a political goal
Revolution is not:
- Coups d’état: elites remove a regime govt. $ replace it w a new one (Russia 1917, Chile 1973, Mali 2012)
- A negotiated transition: leaders of one regime plan to switch to a new system (Chile 1989, South Africa 1994)
- Secessionist movement: one group seeks local control or independence (South Sudan 2011)
Proletariat definition:
Working class (people who produce value through labor labor)
Bourgeoisie definition:
Property-owning (business) class
- people who benefit from value created by workers