Final Exam Review Flashcards
having the right people, in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing the right way.
getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste
inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals
determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them
monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed
Conceptual skills
the ability to see the organization as a whole, understand how the different parts affect each other, and recognize how the company fits into or is affected by its environment
Strategic Plans
overall company plans that clarify how the company will serve customers and position itself against competitors over the next two to five years
Tactical Plans
plans created and implemented by middle managers that specify how the company will use resources, budgets, and people over the next six months to two years to accomplish specific goals within its mission
deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom
accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives
the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group
Ethical Behavior
behavior that conforms to a society’s accepted principles of right and wrong
Ethical Responsibility
a company’s social responsibility not to violate accepted principles of right and wrong when conducting its business
Workplace deviance
unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrong
choosing a “good-enough” alternative
C-Type conflict (Cognitive conflict)
disagreement that focuses on problem and issue related differences of opinion
A-Type conflict (affective conflict)
disagreement that focuses on individuals or personal issues
normative decision theory
a theory that suggests how leaders can determine an appropriate amount of employee participation when making decisions
leadership style
the way a leader generally behaves toward followers
the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals
contingency theory
a leadership theory that states that in order to maximize work group performance, leaders must be matched to the situation that best fits their leadership style
transformation leadership
leadership that generates awareness and acceptance of a group’s purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-interests for the good of the group
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)
An exception in employment law that permits sex, age, religion, and the like to be used when making employment decision, but only if they are “reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business.” BFOQs are strictly monitored by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The fourth and final stage of team development, in which performance improves because the team has matured into an effective, full functioning team.
Quid Pro Quo
A form of sexual harassment in which employment outcome, such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one’s job, depend on whether an individual submits to sexual harassment.
Social Loafing
Behavior in which team members withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.
Disparate Treatment
Intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposely not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, color, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs.
Adverse Impact
Unintentional discrimination that occurs when members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged because they are hired, promoted, or trained at substantially lower rates.
Performance Appraisal
The process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs.
When two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart
1 +1 =3
A barrier to good decision making caused by pressure within the group for members to agree with each other
Social Responsibility
A business’s obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society