Final Exam Part 1- old stuff Flashcards
For embryo testing, a ______ cell is removed for chromosomal analysis.
The type of genetic research done by Gregor Mendel is considered to be
When a normal human cell has 46 chromosomes, it is referred to as a _____ cell
The human body possesses only _____ cells, not prokaryotic cells
comparing dizygotic twins would be a good way to study the effects of ______ on an individual’s development
Nature or nuture
Due to the unfortunate number of deaths, the Federal government has severly restricted progress in gene _____, which, as an example, could have helped cure cystic fibrosis
In Nazi Germany, the idea of ____, which favored some people over others, was promoted through the actions of many individuals
Hereditarianism is the concept that an individual develops soley because of ________ influence
If a woman wants to have a karyotype of her developing fetus’ chromosomes made and an analysis of the fluid contained withing the uterine cavity done during her pregnancy, she will probably choose the process of _______
Amniocentesis can be done later in a pregnancy than
chorionic villi sampling
Amniocentesis can be done later in a pregnancy than
14 weeks
If the point of constriction on a chromosome is located slightly above the mid-point of a chromosome, the chromosome is termed ______
if a set of monozygotic twins expressed the same trait, they are aid to be _____ for this trait
Factors that may influence a woman’s decision to have prenatal screening done during her preganancy
- Family history/Carriers
- Bad diet of mother
- Age of developing organism
- Chromosome count to test for down’s syndrome
The cleavage furrow, which helps to divide a cell during ____, is formed through the action of the microfilaments _____ and ______
- cytokinesis
- actin and myosin
The non functional cells formed as a result of female meiosis I and II are the _____
polar bodies
Chromosomes will alight along the equator in homologous pairs during ____
Metaphase I
The protein which helps to hold two chromatids together during mitosis is
in humans the number of tetrads which are found in Metaphase I is
The maximum number of polar bodies created during oogeneis is
chromosomes are replicated in the cell cycle from _____ until the very beginning of ____
- synthesis
- anaphase
the cellular structures that directly move chromosomes about in a cell are the
spindle fibers
the structure which is the result of meiosis II that morphically changes into sperm is
The female cell which has undergone mitosis, that can start meiosis is the
Primary oocyte
All of the proteins contained within a particular type of cell is called the _____ of the cell
In the cellular cycle, there are specific _____ that regulate progression through the cycle when the cell takes inventory before passing through to the next part of the cycle
In ______, the lack of long bone growth factor receptors will not allow the long bones to elongate
Mendel’s concept of segregation, which occurs during _______, assures that each resulantant cell will have only one copy of each gene
anaphase I
an individual with the genetic conditon of _______will age approximately ten times faster than a normal person
when two or more amino acid chains interact to produce a protein, this protein was made functional at the _______level of processing
In the genetic conditon of _________there are benign tumors on nervous system tissue and the presence of cafe au lait spots
when the lack of one gene’s product does not allow the production of anotehr gene’s product, the latter is exhibiting
the lack of fibroblast’s growth factor recepetors in the humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, fibula growth plates cause the medical condition of ______ to come about even if the supplemental horomone is given
achondroplasic dwarfism
if a gene has two different states, one of which makes a protein and one of which does not, these different genetic states are called the ______ of a gene
genetic conditions that express lethality in early years of life
- achondroplasia
- progeria
- tay sachs
pleiotrophic signs
- concave blood cells
- low oxygen cmounts
- heart attach
- stroke
- enlarged spleen
- fatigue
The bombay factor will interfere with the expression of
A, B Blood type
If a cell lacked ribosomes, it would not be able to
assembly polypeptide chains
sister chromatids
are exact, attached replicated of each other
the nuclear structure involved in ribosome construction is the
post transcriptional modification of human mRNA influenced an
5’ cap
the initial interaction of amino acid side chains, which causes bending and folding is referred to as the
primary structure
if UA and UC are repeating sequences on a segment of mRNA strand UAC CUA UC the number of different amino acids which could be coded by this repeat is
if the nucleotide sequence of GA is repeated on a segment of mRNA strand (GAGA) the number of different amino acids coded by this repeat is
cells involved in the process of secretion or exocytosis can be expected to have many
cells involved in the process of secretion or exocytosis can be expected to have many
rough endoplasmic reticulum appears bumpy because of the many
small and large ribosomal pieces attached at its surface which can form functional structures
are storage vessels for powerful digestive enzymes
a nucleosome is composed of
chromatin and protein
for this nontemplate DNA segment 5’ ACG TGT TGC AAC, the translated amino acid sequence will be
for this nontemplate DNA segment 5’ ACG TGT TGC AAC, the translated amino acid sequence will be
Microtubular structures are found in centromeres, spindle fibers, and a human sperms flagella
Genetically, a locus describes a genes location on a chromosome
The majority of adult cells are diploid
The majority of adult cells are diploid
if an unreplicated chromosome contains x number of nucleotides, the number of nucleotides found in this chromosome in a replicated state will be 2x
eugenics is the concept that stresses hereditary rather than enviornmental influences
a peptide bond that forms between two amino acids is the result of the interaction between the nitrogen of the nh2 group on one amino acid and the carbon if the COOH group on another amino acid
if the base sequence of CTC is on the non template strand of a dna molecule, the amino acid which would be brought into a poly peptide chain would be leu
an acrocentric chromosome will have the centriole slightly off from center so that the p arm is slightly longer than the q arm
eukaryotic cells are relatively simple, lack a nucleus, an have no membranous organelles but are still capable of protein synthesis since amino acids are linked to the ribosomes
the cellular membrane consists of two layers of phospholipids interspersed with proteins and carbohydrates
telomere are special nucleotide segements that are found at the ends of chromosomes which are not copied during replication due to the attachment of primase to teh DNA
for preimplantation embryo testing, the polar body is removed from the embryo for chromosomal analysis
for transcription to begin, a TATA box, promotor factors, and DNA polymerases must bind upstream on the DNA/ molecule
if a terminator sequence is encountered, primary processing of an amino acid chain will stop at the amino acid previous to this feature
allows more than one codon to bring in the same amino acid
allows more than one codon to bring in the same amino acid
what might happen to a specific population if some enviornmental action has a negtive effect
bottle neck
a part of the cytoskeleton
intermediate filaments
a persons development is based slowly upon his/her genetic inheritance
all cells that make up the human body except the gametes
somatic, diploid
genetic testing of the female gamete
polar body biopsy
requires ligase for assemblage
lagging strand
the earliest form of direct fetal testing
chorionic villi sampling
area of research which helps to identify the location of genes
introduction of a foreign segment of genetic material into a cell of a different species
recombinant DNA
the analysis of a pregnant females blood for certain chemicals
serum marker analysis
specifically a nucelosome is formed when a complex of 8 of these are wrapped by a dna strand
alleles of a gene change frequency as people move about from one area to anotehr
genetic drift
alleles of a gene change frequency as people move about from one area to anotehr
genetic drift
in comparison to Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker MD will be caused by _______dystrophin
if an individual needs to watch how much, but not to an exclusion galactose is consumed in the diet, this person probably has the genotype
if a male posses a single copy of the gen which causes hemophilia, his genotype is termed
hemizygous recessive
the ______is a cell surface protein, which when found in a man, may influence to whom an organ may be donated
hy antigen
when a number of different genes can cause a common set of signs and symptoms , this occurance is called
genetic heterogenetivity
if a genotype contains a dominant allele, but the phenotype does not show this protein, this trait is
lack of pentrance
if a gene’s expression is altered by some enviornmental event but there is no change in the nucleotide sequjence of the gene, this is the effect of
if an enviornmental even causes the same expression of a trait as would a genetic event, the former expression is termed a
an individual with a slight or somewhat elevated cholesterol level may have the______genotype for this familial trait
If a male is known to have blood type A positive, does not express marfans or thalasemmia, but does have hemophilia, his genotype is
under normal conditions, a female will not express the y linked conditons of
Y^sry gene
hy cell antigen
the area of genetics which is concerned with how each perosn individually reacts to prescribed medications is termed
the area of genetics which is concerned with how each perosn individually reacts to prescribed medications is termed
An individual with two barr bodies could have the karyotype of
a female with a mitochondrial defect will pass this error to
her sons and daughters with only the latter being able to pass it on
if a female with two barr bodies mates with a normal male, the sex chromosomal makeup of this couples children could be a
normal female and male, triplo x female, and a kilenfeleter male
proper post transitional processing will
remove MET and other amino acids and potentially process to the third or fourth level
an individual who has red green color vision deficit will
not be able to see some or all shades of red and green to a lack of proteins being produced by certain retinal cells
under normal conditions, a pedigree will
have consecutive generations of makes expressing the same y linked traits
a tall normal male will be
the bombay blood group will interfere with
the A and B antigens
an increase in newborn heart defects and childhood leukemia can be caused when a gamete is
24, XY +21
becker muscular dystrophy is caused by
an abnormal protein
the hardy weinburg equation
will allow the frequency of the homozygous dominant to be determined if the frequency of the homozygous recessive is known
huntingtons diease is caused by a
males have more male patterned baldness since they have a unique genotype which females cannot posess
if a father began to show some of the signs and symptoms of huntingtons diease at age 40, which his wift did not show these signs or symptoms throughout her 8 decades of life the chance that couples son will also express the diease is based ont eh lack of pentrance
to develop normally a male must have the sry gene, production of TDF protein, testes, testerone, the mullerian system horomone, and the conversion of DHT from testerone
a genetic mutation can affect the tertiary structure of a protein, even though the primary structure is correct
if a chaperone protein does not approximately guide an amino acid chain through its processing, a mis shapened protein can result which can leas to an abnormal phenotype
if a gene is methylated, this can prevent the gene from transcribing which can lead to an epigneic event which can cause a change in the organisms phenotype
all cases of cystic fibrosis are caused by the same genetic mutation so the signs and symptoms are the same and the age of onset does not vary
to prevent anuelploids, cohesin must dissolve at the beginning of anaphase and anaphase II and spindle fibers must act appropriately during mitosis, meiosis I and II
the hy antigen is a cell surface protein which when found in a man, may influence to whom an organ may be donated
a trait that exhibits genetic heterogeneity will show a variety of symptoms due to a genetic error or anomaly
if a male exhibits an x linked recessive trait he inherited this gene from his mother, who statistically, was probably a carrier of this gene
if a male possesses a recessive allele on his X chromosome,he has 100%chance of passing on this allele to a daughter
non disjunction can only result when two homologous chromosomes do not appropriately separate during nuclear division
cell surface protein found only in males
hy antigen
a missing protein causes normal fibers to degrade, leading to paralysis
duchenne’s MD
an enviornmental agent causes a chanfe in the normal nucleotide sequence of a gene
a trinucleotide repeat cuases the acummulation of a chemical in the brain
huntingtons diease
female who might exhibit more potenital for mosiacism than a normal female
triplo X
a short female who remains pre-pubescent due to missing horomones
a protein which causes the X chromosome to become inactive
a tall make who is probably sterile, and has abnormal breast tissue development
klienfeleter syndrome
individual who has an uncontrollable urge to chew
lesch nyan
an inherited form of paralysis that can affect children of both sexes equally
mitochondrial MD
hormonal influence determines the fate of a genotype in only one sex
sex limited
a rationale as to why females do not produce twice as much protein product as men
lyon effect