- 7 extinct orders
- 1: order chiroptera.. vampire bats
- 2: order carnivora
- 3: order perissodactyla
- 4: order cetartiodactyla
Order carnivora
cats, dogs, bears, weasels, skunks, seals, walruses
order perissodactyla
- odd toed hoofed mammal
- rhinoes, horses, zebras
- digest cellulose in intestine
order cetartiodactyla
- artiodactyla
- even toed hoofed mammals
- camels, pigs, cows, hippos
devonian period
- precursor for all major fish groups present
late devonian extinction
- 80% all marine species extinct
- hypothesis:
- asteroid
- rise of plants/phytoplankton… eutrophication (low O2)
- volcanic activity
tetrapod/amphibin origins
- association with late devonian extinctions
- fish to tetrapod
- evodevo: hox genes + limb development
transitions needed to make land dwelling tetrapod
- fins to limb
- water to land body and jaw
- water to air breathing
- water to air hearing
- early devonian period
- sarcopterygian
- external and internal nostrils
- middle devonian period
- sarcopterygian
- internal nostrils
- limbs with distinct humeroud, ulna, radius
- femur, tibia, fibula
- middle devonian period
- oldest digits
- middle devonian period
- limbs with digits
- stronger shoulders
- transitional ear
- hyomandibula
- late devonian period
- fisha pod
- terrestrial like front limbs
- flexible neck, hyomandibula, fully free of jaw
- flexing jaw
- late devonian
- all limbs and digits well developed
- hyomandibula fully in ear - stapes
- aquatic tail
- no vertebral column arch
- small lungs and gills
- late devonian
- able to walk on land
- arched back
- strong ribs
- small lungs
- small gills
emergence of new body plan in carboniferous tetrapods
- distinct terrestrial characteristics
- limbs
- snout/jaws enlarge
- fish scales disappear
- stapes in ear
- arched back
carboniferous period
- large amphibian abundance and diversity
- age of amphibians
gerobatrachus (permian period)
- frogamander
- carboniferous
- where amnion allows independence from water reptiles begin to morph
- doesnt fossilize well
- early carboniferous
- amphibian skull
- reptile limbs
- carboniferous period
- eggs in terrestrial nests
synapsida and sauropsida
- two reptile groups
- synapsid:
1 TF, air movement via diaphragm, alveolar lungs, 2 way air flow - sauropsida:
0-2 TF (anapsida, diapsida)
air movement via air sac, gizzard, faviolar lungs, 1 way air flow
oldest sauropsids
- hylonomus paleothyris
- full reptilian bone structure
- many terrestrial nests
- anapsids
- look like modern lizards
- petrolacosaurus:
- oldest fossil record
- nocturnal
- small sharp teeth
- insects inside them
permiam triassic extinction event
- great dying
- 90% of all organisms dying
- volcanic activity… siberian traps…
- high CO2, CH4 and H2S in atmosphereq
ichthypterygia, sauropterygia
- ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs
- triassic
- ichthy: similar body plan and lifestyle as dolphins, viviparous
- plesio: heavy body, limbs paddle like, long neck, fish eaters
- late permian period
- ruling reptile
- large skull fenetrae for large muscle
- serrated teeth
- femus trochanter: muscle attachment, indicative of bipedalism
- late triassic
- winged lizard
- elongated 4th finger
- keeled sternum
- pneumatized bones
- ornithischia (bird hip) and Saurischia (reptile hip)
- medium sized herbivores
- bipedal herbivores
- duck billed dinosaurs
- sauropods: large herbivores
- theropods: bipedal carnivores
Dinosaur extinction when?
66 mya
cretaceous-paleogene boundary (K-Pg) : the major extinction event, 70% of all plants and animals
asteroid hypothesis: What caused the extinction?
- asteroid
- Luis and Walter Alvarez… iridium in earth soil, result of asteroid
- gulf of mexico, evidence of huge wave action
- chicxulub crater: crater is 110m wide, 12 miles deep
What killed living things when the asteroid struck?
- short term: (s to days)
earth quakes, global heat pulse, tsunami - medium term (m to y)
debris ejected, caused 90% sun decrease, temp decreased 20 deg C - long term: (dec to cen)
CO2 from limestone, cause greenhouse effect and sulfur
volcanic activity: Deccan Plateau of India
- CO2 increased due to increase in Volcanic activity
- created the Deccan traps
Reptile to mammal transition
- posture: reptile is sprawled… to upright mammal
- reduction in lower jaw bone
- teeth differentiation
- middle ear: one to 3 bones
- jaw articulation: quadrate connect to articular bone (reptile)… squamosal connect to dentary (mammal)
- 1 TF
- makes skull lighter
- more attachment points
Earliest synapsids
- pelycosaurs
mammal like: canines, no scales (smooth), eccrine glands
reptile like: multiple bones in lower jaw, one middle ear bone, jaw articulation, sprawled - highly vascularized sails for thermoregulation
- incisors, canines, premolars, molars
- hair
- bones: highly vascularized… endothermy
- erect limb posture, body held high
allows for avoidance of carriers constraint (squeezing lungs and air back n forth when running) - large herbivores and predators
- full teeth differentiation
- fewer lower jaw bones
- vibrisse
- nasal turbinates: structures in nasal passages
- high diversity
- triassic
- size reduction
- morganucodon
- hadrocodium
- morgie: mouse sized
- tree climber
- double jaw articulation:
-articular- quadrate (reptilian)
squamosal-dentary (mammalian) - teeth growth rings
- oldest fossil with 3 middle ear bones
- full mammalian jaw articulation
- eggs
- Juramaia Sinensis
- Eumaia
Juramaia Sinensis
- oldest known eutherian
- mammalian characterstics, NOT placental
- “dawn mother”
- full mammalian characteristics
- placenta
Eutherian Radiation
- rapid diversification after K-pg