Final Exam - Community Ecology - Lecture 13 - Fill in the Blanks Flashcards
What are indirect effects?
When one species affects a second species through a change in an intermediate 3rd species.
What are examples of indirect effects?
Indirect mutualism, apparent competition, habitat facilitation, trophic cascades, etc.
What are keystone species?
Species whose effects on the ecosystem are disproportionately large for their biomass.
Exploitative competition is an example of what?
Indirect effects
Interference competition is an example of what?
Direct effect
What is exploitative competition?
Also called resource competition.
Occurs when species share a limited resource, making the resource less available for the other species.
What is interference competition?
Occurs when one species limits access of another species to a limiting resource.
What is apparent competition?
Non-competing species that share a predator may have negative indirect effects on each other by increasing predation on each other.
What is facilitation?
An interaction where presence of one species alters the environment to enhance growth, survival and reproduction of another species.
What is habitat facilitation?
Foundation species modify habitat to provide structure habitat for other species.
Size-selective predation affects the _______ of ______ as well as ______ species. (in freshwater planktonic communities)
1) diversity
2) predator
3) prey
Dodson’s hypothesis was: complementary feeding niches by size selective predation.
In his study he found that:
Larval salamander creates a feeding niche for a second predator via _____ ______ _______ on _____ zooplankton.
1) size selective feeding
2) large
Tested Dodson’s hypothesis by ______ _______ ____ from 1 arctic pond and compared to a control pond.
Removing salamander eggs
The interaction between the salamander and the small zooplankton is what?
Removal of ______ shifts zooplankton to _____ sized species and this corresponds to a decline in Chaoborus, the _____ sized species.
1) Salamander
2) Large
3) Small
Trophic cascades:
- Effect of one species is:
- _______ to the trophic level below it
- _______ to the next lowest level
- ________ to the next lowest level after that
- continuing in an ________ _______ depending on the number of trophic levels in the food web
1) Negative
2) positive
3) Negative
4) Alternating effect