Fill in the blanks for lecture 6 Flashcards
What is competition?
Negative interaction between individuals due to limited resources.
A resource is any substance or factor which can lead to ________ _______ _______ ________ as its availability in the environment is increased, and which is consumed by an organism. -Tilman 1982
increased population growth rates
Resources are entities which __________ ________ __ _________ ________ and are consumed in the process.
contribute positively to population growth
Resources can be classified as either ________ or ________.
Abiotic or biotic
Abiotic factors are ___-_______. These include? (4)
non-living. These include minerals, nutrients, light, space.
Biotic factors are ______ or _____-_________.
These include? (3)
living or self producing.
prey for predators, plants for herbivores, seeds for granivores
_________ competition is between individuals of the same species.
__________ competition is between individuals of a different species.
If an individual encounters increasing density of other individuals, it will:
- _________ its growth rate
- be _______ when it matures
- leave _______ offspring
- the offspring will be of _______ quality
- mortality will __________.
This is __________ competition.
1) decrease
2) smaller
3) fewer
4) lower
5) increase
6) Intraspecific
______________ competition is likely the major factor influencing community structure.
Interspecific competition between 2 species occurs where individuals of 1 species suffer a ________ ___ _______ ____ from a second species due to:
1) ________ competition (resource competition)
2) _________ competition (contest competition)
1) reduction in growth rate
2) Exploitative
3) Interference
Exploitative competition is also called __________ competition.
Interference competition is also called _______ competition.
Exploitative competition occurs when two or more species share a limited resource, ________ ______ _________ ________ for the other species.
less resource available
Interference competition occurs when one species limits the ______ __ ______ _______ to a ________ __________.
Often involves __________ or occupying a _______ to the exclusion of the other.
1) access of another species
2) limiting resource
3) aggression
4) space
________ effects are linked to interference competition.
For logistic growth of two species grown _______, there is an exponential growth until one reaches the carrying capacity, K.
______-________ competition model.
If two species are competing. The per capita effect of species 2 on species 1 is given by _____. The per capita effect of species 1 on species 2 is given by ____.
1) aN(2) (alpha*N of species 2)
2) BN(1) (beta*N of species 1)
If the coefficient of competition is zero, then competition is _______.
The stronger the competition, the ______ the values of alpha and beta.