Final Exam Flashcards
What is arthrography?
Imaging of joints.
Pneumoarthrography involves using ______ as a contrast media.
What is the term used for using both opaque and negative contrast agents in an exam?
___________ is the type of anesthetic in which patients are conscious, but the area of interest is numbed.
Local anesthetic
The radiologist will aspirate any effusion _________ injecting contrast.
The ________________ is the joint most often investigated in arthrography.
_______________ is a displacement of a bone from a joint.
A ___________________ is used during knee arthrography to open the joint.
stress device
Hip arthrography is usually performed on children to _________________.
evaluate congenital hip dislocation
Why would a doctor choose a MRI procedure versus CT?
MRI is noninvasive and no radiation
What structure forms the laryngeal prominence?
thyroid cartilage
What prevents leakage into the larynx during swallowing?
What is the first division of the digestive system?
Which salivary gland is the largest?
Which salivary glands are the smallest?
Where is contrast media injected during sialography?
salivary duct
What is the patient instructed to do before a sialogram?
Suck on a lemon wedge
What is the purpose of the soft palate?
To separate the mouth from the pharynx.
A radioopaque media appears ____________ on an image.
Bright, white
What is aseptic technique?
Ridding the area of all pathogens
Radiographs done before beginning a contrast procedure to visualize a patient’s anatomy is known as _______.
Scout films
What type of contrast is is injected into the joint space during an arthrogram?
iodine contrast medium
Which imaging modality is commonly used for examination of the soft palate, pharynx, and larynx?
The adenoids, also known as the pharyngeal tonsil, is:
lymphoid tissue located at the posterior wall of the nasopharynx
A negative contrast appears _________ on an image.
The serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic walls is called the:
The liver lies in the:
What is the most important radiologic function of the liver?
formation of bile
The two main hepatic ducts join to form the:
common hepatic duct
The common hepatic duct and the cystic duct join together to form the:
common bile duct
The common bile duct and the pancreatic duct join as they enter the chamber known as the:
hepatopancreatic ampulla
Functions of the gallbladder include: 1. storing bile 2. concentrating bile 3. storing cholecystokinin
1, 2, and 3
A specific radiographic exam of the biliary ducts is termed:
What is the respiration phase for all projections of the biliary tract?
suspended respiration
The combining form cholangio- means:
bile ducts
The largest gland(s) in the body is (are) the:
The inner portion of the sac that covers the abdominal organs is termed the:
visceral peritoneum
The spleen belongs to the ___________________ system.
The gallbladder is more superior and lateral in the __________ body habitus.
The ________________ is composed of a head, neck, body, and tail.
The ________________ convey blood from the liver to the inferior vena cava.
hepatic veins
What is the preferred imaging modality for the biliary system?
The gallbladder moves laterally and superiorly during:
Narrowing of a biliary duct is termed:
biliary stenosis
The gallbladder is located low and close to the spine in patients of the __________________ body habitus.
The liver produces ___________ bile per day.
1-3 pints
The _____________ divides the liver into right and left lobes.
falciform ligament
The ________ lobe is the largest portion of the liver.
right lobe
The spleen is located in the __________.
The _______________’s function is to store and remove RBCs.
__________________ is the study of the gallbladder.
The gallbladder is capable of storing _________ bile.
2 oz
How many ducts does the spleen have?
________________ is a study of the bile ducts.
The ________________ serves as both an endocrine and exocrine gland.
During an ERCP, contrast is injected directly into the ____________________.
common bile duct
The ____________________ occupies a majority of the right hypochondrium.
The ___________________ is the outermost portion of the peritoneum.
parietal peritoneum
______________________ is inflammation of the gallbladder.
The portal veins end in the __________________.
The ___________________ is located in the retroperitoneum.
The ___________________ concentrates and stores bile.
The ____________________ cavity extends from the diaphragm to the superior aspect of the bony pelvis.
Why is the liver’s blood supply unique?
It has a dual blood supply.
The hepatic artery ends in:
Where does the portal system blood come from?
bowel and pancreas
Another name for the biliary system is the:
excretory system
_________________ is located in a small fossa on the visceral surface of the right lobe of the liver.
The head of the _______________ is enclosed in the duodenum.
The Islet of Langerhans cells function to:
produce insulin
The combining form cyst-o means:
sac or bag
A patient with jaundice and biliary dilation may have a ________________ as a preoperative exam.
When would a pigtail catheter be used instead of a T-tube during a postoperative cholangiogram?
When the exam is done percutaneously.
The ________________ cavity contains the rectum and urinary bladder.
__________________ is another name for the hepatopancreatic ampulla.
Ampulla of Oddi