Final Exam Flashcards
Systematic desensitization
Used for phobia treatment
What are the major features and aspects of mental Imagery? (Multisensory)
Touch Taste Smell Vision Kinesthetic Visceral
Relaxation-anxiety control
Public speaking
Test anxiety
Skill acquisition learning
Correction of mistakes
Cognitive strategy
Negative thought stopping
Confidence Enhancement
Disease Treatment
Injury Recovery
Performance enhancement
Mental practice
What are the major dimensions of imagery as it is used in sport?
Perspective Modality Vividness/Clarity Control Outcome
Internal: Imagine through own eyes
External: Imagine through someone watching you
Single sense vs. combinations
Very clear or not so clear
Independent of vividness
Successful vs. unsuccessful performance
4 goals of VMBR
Performance enhancement
Error correction
General preparation for competition
Confidence enhancement
Visu-Motor- Behavioral Rehearsal VMBR
Total sensory experience
Why imagery may improve motor performance
Confidence enhancement
Unresolved issues in imagery
What is the mechanism/How does it work How can imagery be measured What about differences in ability to controal images and create vivid images How much is too much? KOR
Relax, take a deep breath and exhale Displace any negative Focus attention on important cue Concetrate proper form Use internal attention focusing strategy
Psyching strategies to improve performance findings:
Not beneficial for speed or balancing
No evidence for physiological activation/arousal
Effects on strength mixed
Different psyching techniques
May interfere with skill acquisition for beginners
Basic findings regarding goal setting strategies (Locke and Latham)
Specific goals work better than general Difficult goals better than general Short+Long term better than long alone Feedback is necessary Competition improves performance if it results in higher goals or commitment
Lock and Latham goal setting studies
Performance improvements were similar across all conditions
Problem: Groups had different starting points
Goal setting in sports don’t differ much from industrial setting
Attention Width
There’s also intermediate levels of attention focus
Attentional Direction
External- Focus on environment outside the body
Internal- Focus on inside- Thoughts, feelings, sensation
Attentional Categories
Broad external- QB
Broad Internal
Narrow external
Narrow Internal- Free throw
Errors due to attention
Taking in more information than athlete can process
Taking in irrelevant information