Final Exam Flashcards
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Farsightedness associated wit aging, resulting when the lens of the eye become less elastic.
Gradual loss of hearing, which accelerator after age 55, especially with regard to sounds at the upper frequencies
Use of energy to maintain vital functions.
Basal Metabolism
Amount of air that can be drawn in with a deep breath and expelled.
Vital Capacity
Cessation of menstruation and of ability to bear children, typically around age 50.
Period of several years during which a woman experiences physiological changes that bring on menopause.
A life stage where men lose physical and sexual stamina, typically around age 50
Male Menopause
Persistent disturbance in sexual desire or sexual response.
Sexual Dysfunction
In ability of a man to achieve or maintain an erect penis sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.
Erectile Dysfunction
Chronically high blood pressure.
Condition in which the bone become thin and brittle as results of rapid calcium depletion.
Diagnostic X-ray examination of the breasts.
Treatment with artificial estrogen, sometimes in combination with the hormone progesterone, to relieve or prevent symptoms caused by decline in estrogen levels after menopause.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Stress-producing experience.
Syndrome of emotional exhaustion and a sense that one can no longer accomplish anything on the job.
Type of intelligence, proposed by Born and Cattell, which is applied to novel problems and is relatively independent of educational and cultural influences.
Fluid Intelligence
Type of intelligence, proposed by Horn and Cattell, involving the ability to remember and use learned information.
Crystal Intelligence
Life structure in which primary roles- learning, working and leisure- are open to adult of all ages and can be interspersed throughout the life span.
Age Integrated
In Erickson’s terminology, concern of mature adults for establishing, guiding, and influencing the next generation.
Neugarten’s term for a concern with inner life, which usually appears in middle age.
in some normative-crisis modes, stressful life period precipitated by the reviewer and reevaluation of one’s past, typically occurring in the early to middle forties.
Midlife Crisis
Introspective examination that often occurs in middle age, learning to reappraisal and revision of values and priorities.
Midlife Review
Gutmann’s term for reversal of gender roles after the end of active parenting.
Gender Crossover
Financial and emotional benefits built up during a long-standing marriage, which tend to hold a couple together.
Martial Capital
Transitional phase of parenting following the last child’s leaving the parents’ home.
Empty Nest
In Marcoen’s terminology normative development of middle age, in which adults learn to balance love and duty to their parents with autonomy within a two-way relationship.
Filial Crisis
Middle-aged adults squeezed by competing needs to raise or launch children and to care for elderly parents.
Sandwich Generation
Care of children living without parents in the home of grandparents of other relatives, with or without a change of legal custody.
Kinship Care
Condition of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion affecting adults who care for aged persons.
Caregiver Burnout