Final Exam Flashcards
What is the function of the Institutional Review Board
IRB reviews research plan (makes sure its ethical) and must approve it before data can be collected
Name the 8 Research Responsibilities as indicated in the APA Ethical Standards
- analyze and report data fairly and accurately
- preserve welfare and dignity of participants
- review committee
- benefits outweigh potential harm
- no long-term negative effects
- informed consent
- right to withdraw
- debriefing
What are the three components to attitude?
What is the component in the alternative perspective?
- Cognitive (think)
- Affective (feel )
- Behavioral (act)
- Affective
What are overt ways we measure attitudes?
Questions, likert scale, Bogus pipeline
What is the problem with using overt measures of attitude? Which overt measure helps to address this?
They are self-reported.
May not be willing to express embarrassing view (social desirability).
Self-deception (not sure of own feelings)
Bogus pipeline (fake lie detector test) encourages honesty
What is the IAT test?
Implicit Association Test. A covert measure of attitudes. How quickly you associate two concepts together
Describe the LaPierre study which highlighted differences in attitudes and behavior
- prof. traveling with young Asian couple
- were refused service at one establishment
- after travels wrote letters to each establishment “asking” if they could come’
- 90% of the establishments said no
Describe the Theory of Planned Behavior
- ATTITUDE, SUBJECTIVE NORMS (what you think other people want/expect you to do), and PERCEIVED CONTROL (do you feel like you have control in the situation) influence…
- which may lead to the BEHAVIOR
Attitudes - WHO says What to WHOM:
What is subliminal persuasion? Is it effective in changing attitudes?
- Below awareness but still processed by brain
- not very effective for attitude change
Attitudes - Behavior Impacting Attitudes:
What is Self-Perception Theory as proposed by Bem?
We infer our attitude/how we feel by observing our own behavior within the scenario
Attitudes - Behavior Impacting Attitudes:
What is the theory of Cognitive Dissonance that was introduced by Festinger?
- two thoughts don’t match up which creates physical discomfort and typically try to change attitudes to reduce dissonance
Conformity - Social Influence:
What are norms?
- Socially based rules
What are descriptive norms?
- what people normally do in a situation
Conformity - Social Influence:
What are injunctive norms?
- what people should or shouldn’t do
- not necessarily what people normally do
- moral component
Conformity - Social Influence:
Describe Sherif’s norm study
- autokinetic effect: little pinpoint of light in entirely dark room appears to move bc our eyes are always moving
- people estimated how much the light moved
- also put people in groups to see if that would influence their answers; settled on 5 inches as group norm
- even 1 year later the subjects reported same number bc they had internalized the group norm
Conformity - Social Influence:
Define conformity
- “tendency to change perceptions, opinions or behaviors to be consistent with group norms”
Conformity - Social Influence:
Describe Asch’s conformity study
- task was to indicate which line length matched
- one person in group was real subject, others were confederates
- confederates gave some wrong answers
- subject went along with group even if the answer was obviously wrong
- believed group was correct
- went along w/ group to prevent disruption (normative conformity)
- variation when had a partner subject less likely to go with group
Conformity - Social Influence:
What are the factors that increase/decrease conformity
- anonymity - decreases
- motivation - increases for hard task, decreases for easy
- ambiguity - unclear task increases conformity
- unanimity - unanimity in group increase; break in group decreases
- size of majority - bigger majority increases (Law of diminishing returns: adding ppl to group past 4 has less and less effect)
- gender - depends on task; increases if stereotypical task for opposite gender
- age - higher in adolescence, lowest early childhood, low at elderly stage
- culture - individualistic decrease, collectivistic increase
What is the door in the face method?
- door in the face: ask for large request and denied, then ask for small favor
What is the foot in the door method?
- foot in the door: ask for small request and get compliance, then ask for bigger request
What is self-concept?
- beliefs about yourself
Describe the ability of self-recognition
- self-recog.: ability to identify self as different from other
- emerges in humans about 18 months - 2 years
- ex. Rouge test - put dot on child’s face and put in front of mirror. If touch face then has recognition
What are self-schemas? What does it mean to be schematic for a trait? Aschematic?
- def: organization of different traits that relate to yourself, including roles, traits, etc.
- schematic: trait is important to you and how you view yourself; also use this trait to judge others
- aschematic: trait isn’t important to sense of self; also won’t usually use this trait to judge others
What is trait vs. state self-esteem?
- trait: generally throughout time this is stable
- state: fluctuates, how you feel right now in moment
Self - Maintaining Self-Concept:
What is self-handicapping?
- actions people take to handicap performance (ensure failure) to provide an excuse for anticipated failure
Self - Maintaining Self-Concept:
What is BIRG?
- basking in reflected glory
- more likely to associate ourselves with successful people/groups to maintain our positive self-concept
Self - Maintaining Self-Concept:
What are self-serving cognitions?
- taking credit for successes and distancing yourself from failures
Person Perception:
What is attribution?
- when we see a behavior we try to figure out why someone is doing it
Person Perception:
Explain Heider’s distinction between personal attributions and situational attributions
- personal: attribute behavior due to internal characteristics of the person (ex. personality, mood, ability)
- situational: attribute behavior to factors external to the person (maybe even to a different person)