Exam 1 Flashcards
How was the Central VA Testing Center incident unethical?
Performed procedures on mentally ill without consent. Performed sterilization and removed appendixes. Tied with eugenics movement.
How do the Nuremberg trials demonstrate ethical abuses?
Nazi members prosecuted for war crimes. Had performed very harmful medical experiments on people in concentration camps
How was the Tuskegee study unethical?
People sought treatment for syphilis but were given procedure so doctors could watch effects of the disease, even though already known it was fatal. Selectively chose not to treat African Americans. Similar scenario occurred in Guatemala
What is the function of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) as established by the Belmont Report?
IRB reviews research plan (makes sure its ethical) and must approve it before data can be collected
Name the 8 Research Responsibilities as indicated in the APA Ethical Standards
- analyze and report data fairly and accurately
- preserve welfare and dignity of participants
- review committee
- benefits outweigh potential harm
- no long-term negative effects
- informed consent
- right to withdraw
- debriefing
What are the special ethical circumstances when it comes to working with children?
- risk-benefit ratio
- protect kids from harm
- parental consent
- assent (age 7 and up, ask if kid wants to do it )
- confidentiality
- deception, debriefing
- control group rights (if treatment effective they can have it too at the end of the study)
What is plagiarism?
Taking someone else’s ideas without consent or proper credit.
What is fraud?
Faking data, saying something happened when it didn’t
What is the definition of attitude?
Tendency to think, feel or act positively, negatively, or mixed toward something
What are the three components to attitude?
What is the component in the alternative perspective?
- Cognitive (think)
- Affective (feel )
- Behavioral (act)
- Affective
What are overt ways we measure attitudes?
Questions, likert scale, Bogus pipeline
What is the problem with using overt measures of attitude? Which overt measure helps to address this?
They are self-reported.
May not be willing to express embarrassing view (social desirability).
Self-deception (not sure of own feelings)
Bogus pipeline (fake lie detector test) encourages honesty
Describe the Word study in relation to looking at behavior as a covert attitude measure
- interracial attitudes
- job interview, behavior of interviewer was different depending on applicant’s race (ex. less eye contact, more speech errors, shorter interviews)
Describe the Bargh study in relation to looking at behavior as a covert attitude measure
- scramble sentence task with stereotype about elderly people
- people who were exposed to the stereotype walked more slowly to the elevator
Describe the Plous study in relation to looking at saliva as a covert attitude measure
- people’s reactions to racist comments
- looked at level of immunoglobulin which increases when you are anxious