Final Exam Flashcards
The word means “marrow tumor” and is a type of cancer that targets B cells in bone marrow.
Hardening of the arteries from any cause.
Angina Pectoris
Literally “chest pain”. It is an early warning sign for the risk of heart attack. Pain may spread to shoulder, arm, neck and jaw of the left side of the body.
Angina can be stable or unstable. The stable variety is the simplest and most common form and occurs with strenuous activity. Unstable angina can occur anytime.
Raynaud’s syndrome
Arterioles in the hands and feet develop vasospasm (contraction of smooth muscle tissue) followed by vasodilation. During a Raynaud attack blood is shunted away, causing hands or feet to turn white or blue, followed by red as blood returns to the area.
Varicose veins
Permanently distended, often twisted or ropy superficial veins. The venous valves that support upward blood flow against gravity are compromised and blood accumulates in the lower body, causing veins in the lower extremities to stretch and become distorted.
Emboli from veins usually end up in the __________
DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis
A condition in which veins have become obstructed and possibly inflamed due to blood clots.
Emboli from veins usually end up in the ________
What are some massage considerations for post-acute intramuscular hematoma?
Any kind of rigorous bodywork is contraindicated for the entire body. Client will have limited ROM in the affected muscle.
How do abdominal aneurysms cause severe back pain?
It can push against the spine
Chronic hypertension leads to…
- Edema (high bp forces fluid out of capillaries)
- Atherosclerosis (high bp wears out the arterial walls)
- Stroke (increased chance)
- Enlarged Heart & heart failure
- Aneurysm (high bp can cause a bulge in the arteries)
- Kidney disease (caused by atherosclerotic plaque in renal arteries)
- Retinopathy (blood vessels in eyes lose elasticity)
________ is the leading cause of heart attacks
A blockage in the coronary artery, often caused by Atherosclerosis
Left side vs. right side heart failure
Left-sided heart failure results in fluid congestion in the lungs with weakness and shortness of breath.
Right-sided heart failure results in fluid back-ups throughout the system which shows as edema, especially in the ankles and legs.Xr
The spread of a disease process, such as cancer, from one part of the body to another
Swelling as a result of damage to lymph nodes
Systemic Lupus
Also known as SLE is a condition caused by antibodies that attack varieties of tissues. This can result in arthritis, renal failure, thrombosis, psychosis, seizures, coronary artery disease, inflammation of the heart and pleurisy. SLE cannot be cured. Sometimes can begin as Discoid lupus erythematosus (chronic skin condition-malar rash)
Scleroderma is an autoimmune disorder. Inflammation stimulates fibroblast to produce abnormal amount of collagen. Sclero=hard, derma=skin.
Infectious Sinusitis
Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses from infection, allergies or physical obstruction. Acute infectious sinusitis contraindicate massage.
Airways inflammation, intermittent airflow obstruction and bronchial hyper-responsiveness. Symptoms are dyspnea, wheezing, coughing.
Lung Cancer with signs per stages.
SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER “oat cell” carcinoma grows fast spreads quickly.
NON SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER includes different types of cancer carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large cell Carcinoma etc.. Most of these grow slowly and don’t spread.
Complications of Lymphangitis
Lymphangitis is the inflammation of lymphatic capillaries. Infection can invade lymph nodes ( lymphadenitis ) and when bacteria enter the bloodstream from the left subclavian vein blood poisoning happens (septicemia).
What does CILIA do within the respiratory tract?
Cilia are tiny hair that move mucus along so trapped pathogens and particles can be expelled before reaching the lower respiratory system.
What is the OXYGEN content of Inhaled and Exhaled air?
A typical inhalation contains 21% oxygen, while an exhalation contains 16%.
Massage for Asthma patients.
It is important to create an allergen free environment. Avoid strong scents and lubricants. Be aware of the contraindication that accompany the medication used. Massage therapist should focus on intercostals, scalenes, serratus posterior and diaphragm.
Carcinoma vs. Sarcoma
When cancer starts in epithelial cells it is called carcinoma. When cancer starts in the muscle or connective tissue it is called sarcoma.
What is the most common cancer diagnosis?
Basal cell melanoma
What is dysplasia?
Abnormal tissue development that is precancerous and warns of impending cancer.
Chemotherapy side effects
Interference with blood cell production in bone marrow, high risk of infection due to lowered white blood cell count, GI tract irritation, appetite loss, mouth sores, hand-foot syndrome (palms and soles become red, swollen, numb, flaky), hair loss, nerve damage, fatigue
Definite Allergic Reaction
Allergic reactions are immune system inflammatory response that react inappropriately to various triggers.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
CFS is a collection of sign and symptoms that effect various systems. The most commons are: poor short term memory, mental fog, joint main without inflammation, headache, changes in sleep quality.
Some CFS cases are linked to Epstein-Barr virus (herpes virus).
What is the riskiest cancer situation for massage?
Some cancers can cause deep vein thrombosis Massage could loosen a blood clot and cause a life threatening pulmonary embolism
Internal causes of cancer
Oncogene turns on, which can enable a cell to survive apoptosis (programmed cell death). This makes it probable that the cell will accumulate copying errors in its DNA that could result in uncontrolled proliferation of the faulty cells.
Tumor suppressor genes turns off, which determines when cell death occurs. Without the tumor suppressor genes no apoptosis will occur.
External causes of cancer
Carcinogenic substances such as hydrocarbons in cigarette smoke and grilled meat; toxins in dyes, inks, paint.
Radiation from the sun, radon gas, gamma rays, x-Rays, CT scans, uranium
Cancer-causing pathogens - certain viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Exposure to chemicals such asbestos, benzene, vinyl chloride
Exposure to environmental pollution such as nickel dust from refineries, cadmium from zinc smelters.
The growth of blood vessels to supply a tumor. Some cancer cells release large amounts of chemical messengers to stimulate capillary growth to the tumor. This increases the chance of metastasis.
What are the primary means of cancer metastasis?
Typically through the circulatory or lymphatic systems but also can spread through peritoneal fluid or direct contact with other organs.
As cancer cells proliferate they begin to lose characteristics associated with their tissue type. This lack of differentiation correlates to how _________ the cancer is,
What can you do to prevent cancer?
Don't smoke, don't drink heavily Avoid carcinogenic materials Protect yourself from excess sun exposure Practice safe sex Exercise regularly Eat a lot of fruit, veggies and whole grains Vaccinate against HPV, Screen for cancer
Massage benefits for cancer patients
Better sleep Better appetite Better digestion Better mood Deceased anxiety Decreased depression Decreased pain
What is the leading cause of death by cancer?
Lung cancer
Relationship between HIV & Tuberculosis.
Coinfection with HIV is a major risk factor for TB. Once a person is infected with HIV you have a higher risk of contracting an active form of TB.
Recommendation for cystic fibrosis patients.
CF patient undergo intense physiotherapy to dislodge deposits of mucus in the lungs. Exercise is recommended to build stamina and strength. Massage is safe as long as the therapist is healthy and not carrying any pathogens.
Is a flu vaccine important for asthma patients?
Flu vaccines are recommended for asthma patients. Especially immune suppresses and chronic respiratory illness population.
Massage for sinusitis patient
Acute sinus infections contraindicate any bodywork that could exacerbate symptoms. Is important to make accommodations for clients comfort and symptoms as laying flat or prone on he massage table could cause further congestion. Gentle massage around the face maybe help drain sinuses. Clients that have inflames sinus but no infection can benefit from bodywork.
What is Dysmenorrhea?
Painful menstrual periods
If a client has dysmenorrhea what should the massage therapist do?
Gently work the skin of the sacrum, which can cause relieve pelvic pain and relax the area.
When not menstruating abdominal massage can minimize adhesions that contribute to pain.
What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?
The prostate gland of men grows new cells and becomes enlarged. It is not cancerous growth, hence it is “benign”
How is benign prostate hyperplasia recognized?
BHP blocks the urethra, causing difficulties with urination: frequent sense of needing to urinate, leaking, difficulty initiating flow.
Unlike prostatitis it is not painful
What is Protastitis?
Prostate becomes painful and enflamed from either from a bacterial infection or some other source of irritation such as referred pain from the perineal muscle.
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
A fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the Fallopian tubes but could implant in the peritoneum, on the ovaries, or on the cervix.
During the first phase of an ectopic pregnancy what kind of massage is contraindicated?
Intrusive abdominal work, certain acupressure or Shiatsu points that could trigger uterine contractions
During pregnancy what is the most risky trimester? The least risky?
Most: third due to high risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
Least: second
What are the massage risks and benefits for PMS?
Risks: None
Benefits: Reduces depression and anxiety, relieve physical symptoms
Peptic ulcers
Is a progressive tissue damage due to constant irritation. Sores in the esophagus, stomach or small intestines don’t heal normally and become vulnerable to infection. (named peptic from pepsin the protein digestive enzyme)
Heliconbacter pylori & Ulcers: a bacteria that can survive and thrive in highly acidic environment of the stomach.
Sacks (hernias in the mucosa and submucosa of the colon) of tissue that may fill with fecal matter and bacteria and cause an infection. Most common in the sigmoid flexure or descending colon.
Are complication of Diverticulae due to long term inflammation. Small passageways might develop allowing fecal matter to escape into the abdominal cavity and nearby organs.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Collection if signs and symptoms that indicate a colon malfunction. Primary symptoms are constipation and diarrhea. May be aggravated by stress and diet.
Scleroderma of the liver!
From the Greek word Kirrhos= yellow condition referring to jaundice.
Cirrhosis happens when normal liver cells become dysfunctional due to chronic or acute liver disease. Rigorous massage is not appropriate.
Common complication of postpartum women
Postpartum depression. This usually develops within the first few months after giving birth. It features all the symptoms of depression along with the deep-rooted fear of harm coming to the baby.
Hepatitis A, B, C and causes.
All 3 types are caused by viruses that even if unrelated to each other they have a common target–> HEPATOCYTES. They also cause similar symptoms.
A. Transmitted through food & water. Found in fecal matter of infected person. Doesn’t cause long term complications. One vaccine is sufficient.
B. Transmitted through intimate fluid exposure. Found in blood. Can live outside of the host for many hours or days. (Tattoo needles, razors, toothbrushes) Infections can be silent and long lasting. Varicose veins on the stomach & esophagus might develop. Can lead to chronic liver inflammation, failure or cancer. 3 vaccines are available.
C. Transmitted through blood to blood contact such as sharing needles sexual activities with damaged mucosa. It could resolve spontaneously or develop liver failure, cirrhosis and cancer. Can be associated with the presence of other illnesses as HIV, alcoholism. No vaccine is available.
Inflammation of the pancreas. Acute pancreatitis can be triggered by alchool abuse, gallstones, toxic exposure, blunt trauma.
Why are female reproductive orders sometimes challenging for massage therapists?
Sometimes these conditions displace the internal organs making them vulnerable when doing abdominal massage even if it is not deep work and even if it is away from where the ovaries and uterus are usually found.
Early signs of uterine cancer
Vaginal spotting or bleeding in post menopause or betwren periods
Most breast cancers derive from _______ tissue
epithelial or connective tissue of the breast
Breast cancer usually spreads via the _______ system
What kind of cancer is usually found in young to middle aged men?
Testicular cancer
Tor F: Massage contraindicated for testicular cancer
Exercise and massage and encouraged and can help with common cancer complications.
How can massage help with PMS symptoms?
Reduces anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms such as backaches, insomnia, poor digestion.
Digestive enzymes are controlled by which cranial nerve?
The secretion of digestive enzymes anywhere in the upper GI tract is largely a function of the VAGUS NERVE. It is the biggest contributor to the parasympathetic nervous system, the efficiency of digestion depends on it.
Absorption within the bowels.
Absorption happens in the small intestine. The mesentery (part of the peritoneum) is covered by millions of VILLI each one supplied with blood and lymph capillaries for the absorption of nutrients and fats.
Amino acid and glucose enter the blood stream and fats are drawn into the lymph system.
Causes of esophageal cancer.
The leasing triggers are: smoking, alcohol use, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), obesity, history of cancer in the head or neck, exposure to toxic substances, contact with human papilloma virus in the throat, drinking extremely hot beverages and shortage of vitamin A , B, C & beta carotene- selenium.
Bacteria associated with enteritis (food poisoning)
Salmonella, Shigella, campylobacter, E. Coli, C. Jejuni, H. Pylori ( most common cause of travelers diarrhea) C. Difficile (cause of necrotizing colitis)
How do NSAID relate to ulcers?
Anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the production of prostaglandins that supports blood flow and healthy mucus production. They also inhibit the production of bicarbonate in the pancreas causing the duodenum extremely vulnerable to corrosion (ulcers).
Treatment of hypothyroidism is important not only to manage symptoms of fatigue and low energy but also to regulate ___________ function and decrease the risk of _______ or ________ disease complications.
Your client has diabetes and is treated with insulin. What areas will be contraindicated?
The insulin injection sites or attachment sites for the insulin pump.
Your client has diabetes and is treated with insulin. When should you schedule bodywork and why? What precaution can you take to mitigate the risk?
Schedule bodywork in the middle of the insulin cycle rather than just before or after the insulin treatment. That way blood sugar will remain more stable during massage this is important because massage lowers blood sugar. You should keep some form of sugar on hand in case of a hypoglycemic episode.
Complications of cirrhosis.
Splenomegaly, Ascites, Internal varices, Bleeding, Bruising, Osteoporosis, Muscle wasting, Jaundice, Systemic edema, Hormone disruption, Encephalopathy, Kidney failure, Liver cancer.
Massage for pancreatic cancer patient
Pancreatic cancer patients are likely to be fragile, in pain and facing the end of life. Any bodywork must be given with the utmost sensitivity and care. Massage helps improving the general quality of life for a person dealing with a often terminal illness .
Infection of the nephrons or renal pelvis in the kidney. Usually it is a complication of urinary tract infection.
Renal Failure
Renal failure means that the kidneys are not functioning adequately although the name implies that the kidney have stopped functioning the truth is that they are still working but are unable to keep up with the body’s demands. In early stages it is a silent disease.
Dialysis routes the blood through a machine or the peritoneumto extract waste. It is used when kidneys are totally incompetent and can be a long term intervention that buys time until a kidney transplant is possible.
Interstitial cystitis
The Urinary Bladder becomes irritated and Inelastic. IC occurs when the protective mucous membrane in the lining of the bladder no longer protects the organ from the acidity. IC causes are unknown, it could be considered an autoimmune disease.
Urinary Tract Infection
UTI occur in the lower urinary tract urethra (urethritis) and bladder (cystitis). UTIs are almost always Women’s disorder because the female urethra is short and closer to the anus where digestive bacteria can gain access. E. Coli is the cause behind 90% of UTIs. Other causes can be: use of spermicides, diaphragm use, pregnancy, diabetes, neurogenic bladder (unable to empty completely).
Symptoms are: painful urination, urinary urgency, blood tinged or cloudy urine. UTI in men can be a sign of prostate problem or a STI.
Condition in which the Thyroid gland produces excessive levels of the hormone (T3 &T4) that stimulate the convention of fuel into energy. Can be caused by an autoimmune attach against the thyroid gland, by small hyperactive nodule or local inflammation. Symptoms are: too much energy, restlessness irritability, dry skin and hair, tremor, weight loss, eye problems, thyroid storms (acute episodes).
Metabolic syndrome
Is a collection of signs that indicate several diseases including diabetes, artherosclerosis and stroke. Metabolic syndrome is identified as a cluster of 5 main features.
High triglycerides
Central obesity
High fasting blood glucose Ievels.
(Polycistic ovarian syndrome in women). The primary risk factor are obesity and insulin resistance.
Kidney’s role in blood cell production.
Kidneys have another function that is not removal of waste from the blood….Erythropoietin a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production is produced in the kidneys.
Primary role in kidney stone development.
Kidney stones usually form due to the absence of adequate fluids in the body. Happening most commonly during hot months. Other causing factors are: genetic abnormalities, use of certain medications, history of inflammation in the GI tract and UT.
What are the 3 most common STDs?
A bacterial STD that causes pelvic inflammatory disease. It is the most common bacterial STD.
Crohn’s disease
Is a progressive inflammatory disorder that affects the GI tract (mouth to anus). It is characterized by deep ulcers, scarring and fistulas around the small and large intestine. The primary symptoms are abdominal pain cramping ; diarrhea. Massage can be challenging, light reflexive work may be well tolerated for patients in remission.
A bacterial STD affecting mucous membranes of the throat, vagina, rectum. Once inside the body it can spread to other parts of the body such as the joints.
Depressed ________ and increased ______ tend to correlate with genital herpes outbreaks
immunity; stress