Final Exam Flashcards
Chi Rho Page, Book of Kells, Migrations (Hiberno-Saxon)
In the opening page to the gospel of Saint Matthew, the Painter transformed the biblical text into abstract patter, literally making god’s words beautiful. the intricate design recalls early medieval metalwork
The chi-rho-iota page is not purely embellished script and abstract patter. half figures of winged angles appear to the left of chi, accompanying the monogram as if accompanying christ himself.
the only unadorned letters in the opening of the passage read on christmas eve are the two words autem and generatio: “now this is how the birth of christ came about”
Purse Cover, Sutton Hoo, Migrations (Anglo-Saxon)
purse cover comes from a treasure-laden royal burial ship. the comination of abstracy interlace ornamentation with animal figures is the hallmark of the art of the early middle ages in western europe.
Ship and Post, Oseberg, Migrations (Viking)
the vikings were master wood-carvers. this viking ship post combines in one compostition the head of a roaring beast with surface ornamentation in the form of tightly interwoven writhing animals
Ship and Post, Oseberg, Migrations (Viking)
the vikings were master wood-carvers. this viking ship post combines in one compostition the head of a roaring beast with surface ornamentation in the form of tightly interwoven writhing animals
Matthew, Coronation Gospels, Carolingian, Palace School
the books produced for Charlemagne’s court reveal the legacy of classical art. the Carolingian painter used light, shade, and perspective to creat the illusion of three dimensional forms.
Matthew, Ebbo Gospels, Carolingian, Reims school
saint matthew writes frantically, and the folds of his drapery writhe and vibrate. even the landscape rears up alive. the painter merged classical illusionism with the northern european linear tradition
Utrecht Psalter, Carolingian, Reims School
the drawings in the Utrecht Psalter are rich in anecdotal detail and show figures acting out king david’s psalms the vivid animation resembles that of the ebbo gospels matthew
this picture is “calves to the slaughter”
Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Carolingian
Charlemagne sought to emulate the Byzantine splendor in Germany. The plan of his Aachen palace chapel is based on that of San Vitale at Ravenna but the west facade is distinctly Carolingian
Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Carolingian
Charlemagne sought to emulate the Byzantine splendor in Germany. The plan of his Aachen palace chapel is based on that of San Vitale at Ravenna but the west facade is distinctly Carolingian
Charlemagne’s chapel is the first caulted medieval structure north of the Alps. the architecture transformed the complex interior of san vitale into simple, massive geometric form
Monastery Gateway, Lorsch, Carolingian
Corinthian capitol, ionic capitols, mimicking the triumphal arches of Constantine
Doors of Bernward, St. Michael’s, Hildesheim, Ottonian
Bernward’s doors tell the story of original sin and redemption, and draw parallels between the old and new testaments, as in the expulsion from Paradise and the infancy and suffering of christ
dates to 1015, are more than 15 feet tall. they are technological marvels, because the Ottonian metalworkers cast each giant door in a single piecve with the figural sculpture, carolingian sculpture, the Hildesheim doors are huge, 16 individual panels stem from this tradition.
Bernward placed the doors in the portal to Saint Michael’s from the Cloister, where the monks would see them each time they entered the church. the panels of the left door illustrate high lights from Genesis beginning with the creation of eve and ending with the murder of Adam and Eve’s son Abel by his brother Cain.
The right door recounts the life of jesus (reading from bottom to top). starting iwht tthe annunciation and termination with the appearnce of Mary Magdalene of Christ after his ressurection. together, the doors tell the story of original sin and ultimate redemption, showing the expulsion from the garden of eden and the path back to paradise through the church.
Candlestick of Bernward, St. Michaels, Hildesheim, Ottonian
reliefs depicting additonal episodes from the Jesus’ life decorate a bronze column commisioned by Saint Michael
Gero Crucifix, Cologne, Ottonion
Crucifix commisioned by Archbishop Gero for Cologne Vathedral, Cologne, Germany. Painted wood
In this early example of the revival of momumental sculpture in the Middle Ages, an Ottonian sculptor depicted with the unprecedented emotional power the intense agony of christ’s ordeal on the cross.
6-foot tall image of christ nailed to the cross. compartment in the back of the head held bread for the Eucharist. a crack appeared in the wood of Gero’s crucifix but miraculously healed. similar tales of miracles surround many sacred christian objects.
Gospel of Otto III, Ottonian
Emperor Otto III, descended from both German and Byzantine Imperial lines, appears in this gospel book enthroned and holding the scepter and cross-inscribed orb signifying his universal authority
Sitting like the Zeus figure in olympia, bigger than all the others signifying importance. everyone is looking at him
at the emperors sides are the clergy and the barons (the state and the church) both aligned in his support
Last Judgement, ST. Lazare, Autun, Romanesque
aboce autun vathedrals porta, at the far left, a trumpet blowing angel announces the second coming. another obliged angel boosts one of the blessed over the fortified walls of heaven
below, the souls of the dead line up to await their fate. two men whose travel bags identified them as pilgrims to jerusalem and Santiago De Compostela can expect to be judged favorably.
christ presides over the seperation of the blessed from the damned in Gislebertus’s dramatic vision of the last judgement, designed to terrify those guilty of sin and beckon them into the church.
In Gislebertus’s unforgettable rendition of the weighing of the souls on judgement day, angels and the devils agents contest at the scale, each trying to tip the balance for or against a soul.