Final Exam Flashcards
Insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, tossing and turning, palpitations, chest ache, mental restlessness, anxiety
T: Purple P: Choppy or Firm
Heart Blood Stasis
Hypertension, H/A, high systolic blood pressure, dizziness, epistaxis, hypochondrial distention, depression, moodiness, poor appetite
T: slightly Red on sides P: Wiry
Liver Qi Stagnation, Blood rebelling upwards
Anxiety, cough that is dry or with scanty, sticky sputum, weak and hoarse voice, dry mouth and throat, tickly throat, palpitations, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, poor memory, startles, mental restlessness, uneasiness, dry mouth and throat in afternoon or evening, tiredness, dislike speaking, thin body or chest, night sweating T: normal color, dry, no coat or rootless in front P: Floating Empty
Lung & Heart Yin deficiency
Hypertension, h/a on temples, eyes or lateral sides of head; dizziness, vertigo, high systolic blood pressure, blurred vision, unilateral numbness of limbs, insomnia, irritability, stiff neck
T: Pale if Liver Blood def.; red sides, no coat if Yin def.
P: Wiry, or wiry on one side or Wiry but fine
Hypertension in women starting, during or aggravated by menopause, h/a, irritability, lower backache, night sweating, hot flashes, insomnia
T: reflects deficiency of KD Yin or Yang
P: Floating empty if Yin def; Weak, deep if Yang def.
Disharmony of Chong & Ren Mai
Depression, mental confusion, feeling absent, anxiety, no motivation, insomnia, sadness, worry, crying, stretching and yawning. Pallor, slow walking, slow speech, sad expression. Common in young women.
T: Pale, sticky white coat P: Fine, slightly wiry; possibly Weak
Worry injuring the Mind
Chronic hypertension, lower backache, cold and weak knees, sensation of cold in the back, feeling cold, weak legs, bright-white complexion, impotence, decreased libido, tiredness, lassitude, abundant clear urination, night urination, oedema of legs, infertility in women, loose stools, depression, poor appetite, slight abdominal distention, desire to lie down, early morning diarrhea, chronic diarrhea
T: Pale and wet
P: Deep, Weak
Spleen & Kidney Yang Deficiency
Tinnitus with gradual onset, low pitch, sometimes like rushing water, coming in bouts, slight dizziness, feeling of emptiness of the head, poor memory, blurred vision, sore back and knees, diminished sexual desire or performance
T: Pale, coat depends on def.
P: Deep and weak if KD Yang or Floating empty if KD Yin deficiency
KD Essence Deficiency
What are the Empty causes of dizziness?
Qi and Blood Deficiency
Deficiency of KD Essence
Slight dizziness, sometimes only on change of posture, tiredness, dull pale face, poor memory, insomnia, palpitations, depression, poor appetite.
T: Pale and thin
P: Choppy or fine
Depression, sadness, slight anxiety, palpitations, a feeling of distention of oppression of the chest, a slight feeling of a lump in the throat, slight SOB, sighing, poor appetite, chest and upper epigastric distention, dislike of lying down, weak and cold limbs, pale complexion. Common in young people under 35, after loss.
T: slightly Red on sides in chest areas
P: Empty, slightly overflowing on L front and tight on R front
Heart & Lung Qi Stagnation
Intermittent tinnitus that is quite mild with a low pitch and gradual onset, tiredness, slight breathlessness, pale complexion, slight spontaneous sweating
T: Pale, teeth marks
P: Empty in Lung
Weak Upper Burner Qi
Restless sleep, tossing and turning, unpleasant dreams, nightmares, heaviness, dizziness, chest oppression, nausea, no appetite, palpitations, feeling of heat, sputum in throat, mental restlessness, sticky taste
T: Red with sticky yellow coat, HT or ST crack with sticky coating within
P: Slippery and rapid
Phlegm Heat Harassing the Mind
Palpitations, anxiety, pale face, feeling cold, cold hands, slight breathlessness, discomfort in the chest
T: Pale, wet
P: Deep, weak
Heart Yang deficiency
Hypertension, H/A, hypochondrial distention, feeling of distention in chest, irritability, moodiness, tiredness, poor appetite, sputum in the throat, desire to lie down, loose stools.
T: slightly Red on sides, Pale in center
P: slightly Wiry on left, weak on right
Sleepiness after lunch, heaviness of head, muzziness of the head like full of cotton wool, fullness of epigastrium and chest
T: Thick, sticky coat
P: Slippery or Soggy
Dampness Obstructing the Brain (Dampness obstructing head and brain, preventing clear Qi rising to brighten orifices)
Restless sleep, unpleasant dreams, nightmares, dreaming of fires, irritability, outbursts of anger, bitter taste, h/a, red face, thirst, dark urine, dry stools and dizziness
T: Red, redder on sides with dry yellow coat
P: Wiry and rapid
Liver Fire Blazing
Waking up frequently, dry throat, mental restlessness, palpitations, night sweating, poor memory
T: no coat, HT crack, red tip; Red body if heat
P: Floating empty
Heart Yin Deficiency
Depression, mental restlessness, feeling anxiety below heart, insomnia, chest oppression, vomiting. Teens and younger, residual heat after febrile disease with Hx of repressed anger and guilt.
T: Yellow coat
P: Rapid, slightly wiry
Diaphragm Heat
Dizziness, feeling of heaviness and muzziness (fuzziness) of the head as if full of cotton wool, blurrred vision, difficulty in thinking and concentrating in the morning, feeling of chest oppression, nausea, poor appetite, sticky taste.
T: Swollen, sticky coat
P: Slippery
Poor memory of past events, forgetting names, absent mindedness, palpitations, slight breathlessness on exertion, tiredness
T: Pale or Red, depending on Yang or Yin def.
P: Weak
Heart Deficiency
Anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, palpitations, insomnia with difficulty falling asleep or dream disturbed sleep; forgetfulness, poor memory, poor concentration; postural dizziness; blurring vision; fatigue and weakness; poor appetite; abdominal distention after eating; sallow complexion; easy bruising, or heavy, prolonged periods
T: pale with thin white coat
P: thready and weak
Heart Blood & Spleen Qi deficiency
Palpitations, anxiety, timidity, easily frightened, lack of self assertion, easily discouraged, cannot sit or lie down, insomnia, waking up early in the morning.
T: Pale
P: Weak
Heart & Gallbladder deficiency
Insomnia, Palpitations, distention or oppression of chest, depression, lump in throat, slight SOB, sighing, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, slight purple lips, pale complexion
T: Pale-purple on sides in chest area
P: Empty but overflowing on Left front
Heart Qi Stagnation
Tinnitus with high pitch and acute onset, dizziness, deafness, throbbing headaches, a dry throat, insomnia, irritability.
T: normal or slightly Red sides
P: Wiry
Liver Yang Rising
Insomnia, Fullness, pain and distention of epigastrium, nausea, vomiting of sour fluids, foul breath, sour regurgitation, belching, insomnia, loose stools or constipation, poor appetite
T: thick coat, white or yellow
P: Full, slippery
Retention of Food
Chronic hypertension, palpitations, SOB, dizziness, blurred vision, headache, tinnitus, loose stools, tiredness
T: Pale or normal, no coat
P: Floating-Empty or Weak
Qi & Yin deficiency
Palpitations, anxiety, feeling of distention or oppression of the chest, depression, a slight feeling of a lump in the throat, slight SOB, sighing, sadness, chest and upper epigastric distention, slightly purple lips, pale complexion
T: slightly Pale-purple on sides in chest area
P: Empty but very slightly overflowing front positions
Lung & Heart Qi Stagnation
Poor memory of everyday events, dizziness, tinnitus, weak knees and back
T: Pale if Kidney Yang def.; no coat if Yin def.
P: Deep and weak
Kidney Essence Deficiency
Persistent dizziness, feeling of emptiness in brain, tinnitus, depression, exhaustion, waking during night, poor memory, sore back and knees
T: pale, or without coat if Yin def
P: Deep, weak or floating, empty if Yin def.
Dizziness, Red face, thirst, bitter taste, dry stools, dark scanty urine
T: Red with dry yellow coat
P: Rapid, Wiry, Full
Liver Fire
What are the Full causes of dizziness?
Liver Yang Rising Liver Fire Liver Wind Phlegm
Hypertension, high diastolic blood pressure, dizziness, fuzziness, heaviness of the head, high cholesterol, oppression of chest, blurred vision, tinnitus, nausea, heaviness, numbness of limbs, obesity. (High cholesterol levels)
T: Swollen with sticky coat
P: Slippery
Phlegm Obstructing the Orifices and Blood Vessels
Intermittent tinnitus with low pitch and gradual onset, dull pale complexion, palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, slight anxiety
T: Pale and thin
P: Weak or choppy
Heart Blood Deficiency
Somnolence usually following a head injury or other trauma; prolonged Qi stagnation Daytime drowsiness, mental confusion, unclear thinking, fixed headache; chronic tinnitus, dizziness, low grade fever at night, spider naevi on face, trunk, inner knee, ankle; dark complexion, dark eye rings, purple lips, nail beds, depression, hair loss.
T: Unremarkable if acute; Chronic: dark, purple
P: Choppy or wiry and thready
Blood stagnation
Waking up, dreaming a lot, talking in sleep, sleepwalking in severe cases, dry throat, irritability, blurred vision, feeling of heat, sore and dry eyes, dry skin and hair, dizziness
T: no coat
P: Floating empty, especially on left side
Liver Yin Deficiency
Waking up during night, nightmares, dreams of flying, mental restlessness, bitter taste, thirst, tongue ulcers and palpitations
T: Red, redder tip with red spots, yellow coat
P: Rapid and overflowing on Left front
Heart FIre Blazing
Lethargy, tiredness, apathy, lack of will power, poor memory, lack of initiative, depression, chilliness, lower backache, dizziness, tinnitus, frequent pale urination
T: Pale
P: Deep and weak
Kidney Yang deficiency
Tinnitus with a sudden onset and high pitch and clearly related to emotional strain, headache, irritability, bitter taste, thirst, red face, dizziness, constipation.
T: Red with redder sides, yellow coating
P: Wiry and rapid
Rising of LV & GB Fire
Hypertension; h/a on the temples, eyes or lateral side of head; dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, high systolic blood pressure, blurred vision, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, irritability, feeling worked up, anger outbursts, stiff neck
T: Pale if LIV Blood def.; Red on sides, no coat if LIV Yin def;
P: Wiry, or Wiry and fine if Yin or Blood def.
Severe dizziness, vertigo and loss of balance, tremors
P: Wiry
Liver Wind (elderly)
Tinnitus sounds like cicadas or crickets, impaired hearing, feeling of oppression of chest, expectoration of sputum, thirst, feeling of muzziness and heaviness of the head, blurred vision, dizziness, feeling of heat, thirst but no desire to drink, mental restlessness.
T: Red, swollen, sticky yellow coating
P: Slippery and rapid
Phlegm Fire Flaring Upwards
Restless sleep, waking up, mental restlessness, cannot lie down or sit, feeling of stuffiness in chest, epigastric discomfort and sour regurgitation
T: Red in front or red spots around center
P: Deep and slightly rapid
Residual Heat in the Diaphragm
Depression, mental restlessness, agitation at night, short temper, restless sleep, dreaming often, pain in chest. Common in women, over 40; repressed anger, worry or guilt.
T: Purple
P: Wiry
Blood stasis obstructing the Mind
Depression, moodiness, worry, frustration, feeling uptight and tense, anxiety, agitation, short temper, dry mouth, bitter taste, constipation, h/a, red face and eyes, hypochondrial pain and distention, tension and ache of neck and shoulders, abdominal distention, irregular bowel movement, irregular periods, PMS. Over 35, repressed anger, overwork and alcohol.
T: Red with redder sides or normal, red sides
P: Wiry-rapid
Stagnant Liver Qi turning into Heat
Somnolence, lethargy, tiredness, heaviness, slight abdominal distention and fullness, poor appetite, loose stools
T: Pale, sticky coat
P: Weak or soggy
Spleen deficiency
Sleepiness after lunch, heaviness, muzziness of head, oppression of chest, dizziness, blurred vision, sputum in throat
T: Swollen, sticky coat
P: Slippery
Phlegm Misting the Brain (Phlegm obstructing head and brain, preventing clear Qi rising to brighten orifices)
Inability to concentrate and study, poor memory, tiredness, poor appetite.
T: Pale
P: Weak
Spleen Deficiency
Depression, exhaustion, no motivation to do or go out, weariness, chilliness with desire to curl up, sore back, frequent urination, pale urine, no will power, no initiative, lack of drive and determination. Middle aged, worry sadness, grief or fear.
T: very Pale, wet
P: Weak deep, Deep slow
Kidney Yang defciency
Depression, anxiety in evening, feeling hot, malar flush, dizziness, palpitations, waking up at night, 5 palm heat, night sweating, mental restlessness, nocturnal emissions with dreams, sore back. Middle-aged or elderly patients due to worry, fear, sadness, guilt, grief.
T: Red, no coat
P: Floating empty or Fine, slightly Wiry
Kidney & Heart Yin deficiency
Difficulty falling asleep, palpitations, tiredness, poor appetite, slight anxiety, blurred vision, dizziness, poor memory, pale face
T: Pale
P: Choppy
Heart and Spleen Blood Deficiency
Palpitations, anxiety, timidity, easily frightened, sadness, tendency to crying, weak voice, slight breathlessness, propensity to catching colds
T: Pale
P: Weak on both Front positions
Lung & Heart Qi deficiency
Depression, moodiness, worry, frustration, feeling uptight and tense, hypochondrial pain and distention, tension and ache of muscles of neck and shoulders, abdominal distention, irregular bowel movement, irregular periods, PMS. Common in teens to 35; anger, frustration.
T: normal color or slight red side
P: Wiry
Liver Qi Stagnation
Palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, agitation, poor memory, chest pain
T: Purple on sides
P: Wiry, choppy or firm
Heart Blood stasis
A complication of of chronic disease, common in elderly; can follow trauma to the head; stagnation must be removed and “clear Yang” circulation to the brain in restored. (If Alzheimer’s or senile dementia is present, difficult to TX. Concussion may respond well.) Forgetfullness, poor memory, absent-mindedness, short attention span, poor concentration, slow speech, dull affect
T: dark or pale, stasis spots, greasy white coat
P: Slippery or thready and choppy
Blood & Phlegm Stagnation
Palpitations, anxiety that is worse in the evening, mental restlessness, insomnia, night sweating, feeling of heat in evening, five palm heat, dizziness, tinnitus
T: Red without coat
P: Floating Empty and Rapid
Kidney & Heart Yin deficiency
Palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, pale face, insomnia, poor memory, tiredness
T: Pale and thin
P: Choppy or fine
Heart blood deficiency
Hypertension, high systolic blood pressure, irritability, outbursts of anger, tinnitus, deafness, temporal h/a, dizziness, red face and eyes, thirst, bitter taste, dream disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dark yellow urine, epistaxis, haematemesis, haemoptysis
T: Red body, redder on sides, dry yellow coat
P: Full-Wiry-Rapid
Depression, mental restlessness, anxiety, agitation, restless sleep, excessive dreaming, insomnia, palpitations, heavy head, dizziness, chest oppression, expectoration of phlegm, nausea, bitter taste, sticky taste. Over 35, obesity, long term worry, guilt, anger; poor diet, alcohol
T: Red, swollen, sticky coat, maybe HT crack
P: Slippery, rapid
Phlegm heat harassing the Mind
Depression, moodiness, uncomfortable feeling in throat, something trapped; difficulty swallowing, sighing, chest oppression, hypochondrial pain, PMS. 35-45, sadness, grief, worry, and shame
T: Swollen, red sides, sticky coat
P: Wiry or slipper
Qi Stagnation with Phlegm
Severe dizziness, tinnitus, red face, irritability, outbursts of anger, headache.
T: slight red sides
P: Wiry
LV Yang Rising
Depression, brooding, always thinking, palpitations, timidity, difficulty falling asleep, pale face, dizziness, poor appetite. Common in young women due to sadness and grief.
T: Pale
P: Weak or choppy
Heart & Spleen Deficiency
Waking up very early, unable to fall asleep again, light sleep, dreaming a lot, propensity to being easily startled, timidity, lack of initiative and assertiveness, palpitations, breathlessness, tiredness, depression
T: Pale, Heart crack
P: Empty
Heart & Gallbladder deficiency
Tinnitus in the elderly, high pitch, dizziness, vertigo, numbness of limbs, tremors, tics.
T: depends on cause of Wind
P: Wiry
Liver Wind
Chronic hypertension, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, dry throat, lower backache, dry eyes, night sweating, poor memory
T: no coat, Red if heat
P: Fine or floating-rapid
Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency
Waking up frequently, difficulty in falling asleep, dry throat, night sweating, five palm heat, poor memory, palpitations, dizziness, mental restlessness, tinnitus, backache
T: Red without coat, tip redder, HT crack, dry
P: Floating empty, slightly rapid
Heart & Kidneys not harmonized
Depression, feeling cold with desire to curl up, no motivation, palpitations, tiredness, easily startled. Common in middle-aged or elderly patients.
T: Pale
P: Weak or knotted
Heart Yang deficiency
What are empty conditions of tinnitus caused by?
EMPTY: not enough Qi, Blood or Essence reaching the head and ears—Kidney Qi, Kidney Essence, Lung Qi or Heart Blood def.
What are full conditions of tinnitus caused by?
FULL: caused by flaring of some pathogenic factor affecting the ears—Fire, Wind, Yang, Phlegm or Phlegm Fire; also loud noises
Palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, dreaming a lot, feeling of oppression of the chest, sputum in the throat, slightly “manic” behavior
T: Red, swollen, sticky yellow coat
P: Slippery, rapid
Phlegm Heat Harassing the Heart