final exam Flashcards
when should dornase alfa be given to a a patient with CF?
prior to chest PT
(it loosens the secretions so they can be expelled)
what play is expected for an infant?
what play is expected fir a toddler?
what play is expected for a pre-schooler?
what play is expected for a school-age?
what atraumatic care techniques can be utilized for an infant?
- soothing music
- therapeutic hugging
- speak in calm tone
what atraumatic care techniques can be utilized for a toddler?
- approach carefully
- use toys/book to distract
- parallel play
what atraumatic care techniques can be utilized for a pre-schooler?
- puppets
- allow to touch equipment
- allow choices
- count out loud
- give bear a shot
what atraumatic care techniques can be utilized for a school-age?
- encourage questions
- use diagrams
- illustrations
what atraumatic care techniques can be utilized for an adolescent?
- respect privacy
- don’t force talk
- use appropriate medical terms
what activities should be utilized for an infant?
- mobiles
- noise-makers
- soft toys
- large blocks
what activities should be utilized for a toddler?
- push-pull toys
- lg-piece puzzles
- balls
what activities should be utilized for an adolescent?
- reading
- listening to music
- peer time
what activities should be utilized for a pre-schooler?
- arts/crafts
- play pretend
- books
what activities should be utilized for a school age?
- board games
- action figures
- models
- video games
what motor skills are expected by 4m?
- back to side
- head control
- grasps objects w/both hands
what motor skills are expected by 6m?
- back to front
- holds bottle
what motor skills are expected by 9m?
- unsupported sit
- creeps on hands/knees
- crude pincer grasp
what motor skills are expected by 12m?
- sits down from standing
- walks w/one hand or on own
- 2 block tower
- simple marks on paper
- feeds self w/cup/spoon
at what month should birth weight be doubled?
5 m
what does birth weight do by 1 yr old?
how much should the heigh increase for the first 6 m?
how much should the birth length increase by 12 m?
how big should head be by 12m?
what resp differences are expected in infants?
- lack of IgA
- narrow nasal passages
- trachea and chest wall more compliant
- shorter bronchioles/bronchi
- funnel-shape larynx
- larger tongue
- fewer alveoli
what is recommended at 4m to infants who are exclusively breastfed?
iron supplementation
how long should cows milk be avoided?
1st year
what type of formulas should be used for bottle fed infants? how many calories/oz?
- iron fortified formulas (10-12mg/liter)
- 20kcal/oz
what reflex must be extinguished to start solid foods around 4-6m?
what should be first solid food?
iron-fortified infant cereal (rice, barley, oatmeal)
what are the infant new food rules?
1st - cereal
2nd veggies
3rd fruit
- new food every 3-5 days
how many words are expected by the end of age 2 (toddler)?
50-300 words
what care seat safety education should be provided for toddler?
- read facing, back seat
- forward facing after age 2
- disabled airbag for front seat
what are 3 expected nutritional differences with toddlers?
- physiologic anorexia
- food jags
- ritualism
what is the TAMI mnemonic for cognitive development in pre-schoolers?
T ime
A nimism
M agical thinking
I maginary friend
what are 3 social development cues expected in the pre-schooler?
- fears
- imaginative play
- dramatic play (dress up)
what type of breathing pattern is expected in the school-ager?
diaphragmatic breathing
what are 3 nutritional requirements specific to the adolescent?
- calcium 1300 mg/day
- iron - 11mg (male); 15 mg (female)
- 2000 calories
what are 2 nursing care techniques for the hospitalized adolescent?
- maintain independence
- encourage socialization w/friends
what is often the first sign of resp distress (hypoxia/hypoxemia)?
what are some signs of resp distress?
- restlessness
- grunting
- cyanosis
- rales, wheezes, rhonchi
- retractions
what 4 nursing interventions can be implemented to manage hypoxemia?
- oxygen therapy
- pulse oximetry
- chest physiotherapy
what lab findings are expected for asthma?
- increase WBC and eosinophils
- increase Co2
- decrease O2
what is the function of the PFT? when should this assessment be avoided?
- measures long volume capacity and overall lung function
- NOT used during acute exacerbation
what type of measurement should be taken daily for a child with asthma?
PIFR (peak inspiratory flow rate)
- used daily to monitor effectiveness of management and for signs of acute symptoms
what does a PIFR measure?
- uses flow meter to measure the amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled in 1 second
what medications are used in the prevention of acute exacerbation of asthma?
- formoterol (long-acting bronchodil)
- fluticasone (inhaled corticosteroid)
- cromolyn (mast-cell stabilizer)
- montelukast (leukotriene antagonist)
what meds are used in the management of acute asthma exacerbation?
- albuterol
- ipratropium (anticholinergic)
- prednisone (IV/PO corticosteroid)
what is the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis?
- epithelial cells don’t conduct chloride, altering water transport
causing thick, tenacious mucus is resp tract, pancreas and GI tract
what is the primary diagnostic for cystic firbrosis?
sweat chloride test
what qualifies children under 3m for cystic fibrosis?
sweat chloride with chloride >40 mEq/L
sodium >90 mEq/L
what qualifies children over 3m for cystic fibrosis?
chloride >60 mEq/L
Sodium > 90 mEq/L
what trademark stool type is seen with cystic fibrosis?
steatorrhea (bulky, fatty, greasy stools)
what can be utilized to clear secretions and prevent infection?
Chest PT w/postural drainage
what does dornase alfa do for the CF patient?
decreases the viscosity of mucus, improving lung function
what supplements are necessary for CF patients?
fat-solubles (A, D, E and K)
when should pancreatic enzyme be given to CF patient?
within 30 min of eating meal/snack
what are the key assessment cues of croup (laryngotracheobronchitis)?
- barking cough
- inspiratory stridor
- sudden onset @ night, gone in morning
- tachypnea, resp distress
- nasal flaring
- intercostal retractions
what are the 2 key meds for management of croup?
dexamethasone and racemic epinephrine
what are the nursing management priorities for croup?
- cool mist humidifier or steamy bathroom
- educate on s/s of increasing resp distress
what should be added to breast milk for children with HF?
HMF (human milk fortifier) to increase calories
what should be given with formula-fed infants with HF?
polycose/vegetable oil to increase calorie
what is the nutritional requirement for a child with HF?
- 150 cal/kg/day
- small, frequent
- 20 min max feeding
- cut bottle nipple (decrease work)
- semi-upright position
how can rest be promoted in the child with HF?
- cluster care
- provide rest periods
- bathe PRN
- quiet diversional activities
what is the mechanism of action for captopril/enalapril?
reduces afterload by causing vasodilation, decreasing the pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance
what should be monitored before and after the administration of enalapril/captopril?