Final Exam Flashcards
Section B
Types of Hajj
Meaning of Haji and Umrah Arabic
Visiting or Pilgrimage
Definition of Hajj
Travelling to Kaaba in the certain month to perform tawaf, sa’i, wukuf and other things to fulfill the call of Allah SWT as well as expecting his pleasure
Definition of Umrah
Intentionally visiting Kaaba to perform tawaf and sa’i
Haji Ifrad
-Can be done by seperating Hajj and Umrah by prioritizing Hajj
-Preferred by Malikiyah and Syafiiyah
Haji Tamattu’
Performing umrah in the month of Hajj (Syawal,Zulkaedah,Zulhijjah) then wait for the arrival of Hajj time in the same year.
Haji Qiran
-Combining Hajj and Umrah during Ihram Intention.
-Preferred by hanafiyah
Pillars of Hajj and Umrah
-Shave (Taqsir)
-Intention to start Hajj or Umrah
-Perform in a certain place called miqat makani
Example of miqat makani
-Qarnul Manazil
Tawaf (Surrounding)
-Go around or surround the Kaaba up to seven rounds starting from the Hajr Aswad
-The position of Kaaba must be on or left
Type of Tawaf
Tawaf Qudum
-Tawaf of honor to the Kaaba for those who enter the city of Mecca
-Jumhur Ulama: Recommended
Tawaf ifadah
-This circumambulation is one of the pillars of Hajj and Umrah
-Haji and Umrah is not valid
Tawaf Wada’
Tawaf performed when someone want to leave the city of Mecca to return to his country
-Journey from Safa Hill to Marwah Hill
-Done seven times
Arrival of a pilgrim and his presence in the Field of Arafah, whether in a state of purity, menstruation, childbirth, even in the state of junub.
When is wukuf done?
Started from the sun slipped on the day of Arafah on the 9th of Zulhijjah until the sawn on the day of Nahar which is the 10 Zulhijjah
Obligatory Hanafi
Wukuf in Muzdalifah
Throwing in Jamrah
Tawaf Wada”
Obligatory Maliki
Tawaf Qudum
Wukuf in Muzdalifah
Throwing in Jamrah
Mabit in Mina
Obligatory Shafiee
Ihram in Miqat
Mabit in Muzdalifah
Mabit in Mina
Throwing in Jamrah
Tawaf wada
Obligatory Hanbali
Ihram in Miqat
Wukuf di Arafah
Mabit in Muzdalifah
Mabit in Mina
Throwing in Jamrah
Tawaf wada
Advantages of Hajj and Umrah
-Get rid of small sins and purify the soul of human.
-Increase human’s confidence in the oneness of Allah SWT.
-Raise human awareness of the reality of human mortal life on earth.
-Appreciate the stories of the Messengers of Allah
Obligatory of Corpse Management
Fardu Kifayah
Things to do when dealing with people who are facing death (Sakaratul Maut)
- Lay it down (Directing the right body towards Qibla/Chest facing Qibla)
-Talqin. Remind and teach him to pronounce syahadah by whispering the sentence toward his ear
-Close both eyes when it convinced that the person have died
-Cover the whole body
Bathing the corpse
-Male corpses are bathed by men while female corpses are bathed by
- Majority of scholars said that a husband can bathe his wife’s corpse
except the Hanbaliah view.
Before Bathing the corpse
Provide a suitable bath including clean water, necessities
such as cloth, soap, camphor, fragrance and others
While Bathing the corpse
-Covering the body of the corpse
-Drain the water all over the
body starting from the right head to the feet and then to the left,
-Using soapy water, preferably 3 times and the body is dried after bathing.
Shrouding The Corpse
-With white cloth
-3 layers of cloth for men corpses
-5 layers of cloth for female corpses
Pillars of Solat Jenazah (Congregational)
- Intention
2.Stand up
3.Takbir 4 times
4.Reading Surah al-Fatihah
5.Reading salawat to the Prophet SAW
6.Read a prayer over the corpse
Who has the right to Lead Funeral Prayer?
- Hanafiyah – Local authorities
- Syafi’iyah – Guardian (wali) of the corpse
- Malikiyah & Hanabilah – A person bequeathed by the corpse
Fiqh Law of Funeral Prayer in mosque
Should be done at home
1. Syafi’iyah & Hanabilah – mubah
2. Malikiyah & Hanafiyah makruh
Burying the Corpse
-A better person to insert the corpse into the grave is a member of his family
-if they are not there, can give to another person to handle.
Rule in Burying
-Raise the Ground
-Mark with a tombstone
Islamic ruling of visiting graves (majority of scholar)
-Visiting graves is
encouraged for the men to take lessons from the visit.
-For women whose law is not encoiuraged, because it will grieve their hearts that result in them crying and
-Rasulullah cursed woman visiting graves
Islamic ruling of visiting graves (Hanafiyah)
-Grave visit is encouraged for men and women but
for women conditionally
-Gift of a husband to his wife as a gift
-Property which becomes the right of a wife due to the occurrence of a contract or intercourse in real life
Compulsary/Wajib to Marry
-When someone is capable to marry, either physically
or financially.
-When he does not get married immediately, it is
feared that he will commit
Sunnah to marry
-When a person wants to
have a wife and children and able to control himself
from committing adultery
-basis of the law of marriage
Mubah to marry
A person who
wants to get
married but is
able to restrain
his lust from
adultery, then
the law of
marriage is
Makruh to marry
The law of marriage is makruh when a person is
incapable but wants to get married.
Haram to marry
If the marriage will be detrimental to his wife because he is unable to
provide for his physical and mental well -being. Or a marriage that will harm the couple
Compulsory to Divorce
If there is a dispute between husband and wife
continuously and unresolved. The obligation to pronounce a divorce also occurs if the husband is unable to afford it carrying out responsibilities as a husband that will cause a harm to the wife.
Sunnah to Divorce
Divorce that occurs when the wife does not obey the law of God, such as leaving the prayer, while the husband is not able to force it
Mubah to Divorce
Divorce that occurs if there is a specific reason, such as bad behavior of the wife, bad treatment of the husband etc
Makruh to Divorce
The origin law of divorce according to Muslim scholar
Haram to Divorce
Divorce the wife while menstruating or being pure from sexual intercourse
Divorce (Talaq)
breaking the bond marriage and ending the = marital relationship
Talaq Bain
Divorce where the husband cannot return to his wife without committing a new
Talak Fasakh
-Release or dissolve the marriage contract back to the original where there is no bond or relationship.
-Usually, fasakh can occur based on the decision of the court judge and on the consent of the husband wife
Talak Khuluq
The divorce claims from the wife by paying of redemption payment to the husband.
Talak Ila’
*Husband swears to did not have intercourse with the wife, absolutely, or more than four months.
Method of Ruju
- Hanafiyah & some of Hanabilah - Done by word or deed without intention.
- Malikiyah - Done by word or deed with intention.
- Shafi’iyah & some of Hanabilah - Done by word. Haram if there is
no clear word of ruju’
Period which a woman has to wait and cannot marry after the death of her husband or after the occurrence of divorce upon her.
-Linguistically means back
-returning his divorced wife who is not a talaq bain to marriage while still in iddah.