Final Exam Flashcards
Section B
Types of Hajj
Meaning of Haji and Umrah Arabic
Visiting or Pilgrimage
Definition of Hajj
Travelling to Kaaba in the certain month to perform tawaf, sa’i, wukuf and other things to fulfill the call of Allah SWT as well as expecting his pleasure
Definition of Umrah
Intentionally visiting Kaaba to perform tawaf and sa’i
Haji Ifrad
-Can be done by seperating Hajj and Umrah by prioritizing Hajj
-Preferred by Malikiyah and Syafiiyah
Haji Tamattu’
Performing umrah in the month of Hajj (Syawal,Zulkaedah,Zulhijjah) then wait for the arrival of Hajj time in the same year.
Haji Qiran
-Combining Hajj and Umrah during Ihram Intention.
-Preferred by hanafiyah
Pillars of Hajj and Umrah
-Shave (Taqsir)
-Intention to start Hajj or Umrah
-Perform in a certain place called miqat makani
Example of miqat makani
-Qarnul Manazil
Tawaf (Surrounding)
-Go around or surround the Kaaba up to seven rounds starting from the Hajr Aswad
-The position of Kaaba must be on or left
Type of Tawaf
Tawaf Qudum
-Tawaf of honor to the Kaaba for those who enter the city of Mecca
-Jumhur Ulama: Recommended
Tawaf ifadah
-This circumambulation is one of the pillars of Hajj and Umrah
-Haji and Umrah is not valid
Tawaf Wada’
Tawaf performed when someone want to leave the city of Mecca to return to his country
-Journey from Safa Hill to Marwah Hill
-Done seven times
Arrival of a pilgrim and his presence in the Field of Arafah, whether in a state of purity, menstruation, childbirth, even in the state of junub.
When is wukuf done?
Started from the sun slipped on the day of Arafah on the 9th of Zulhijjah until the sawn on the day of Nahar which is the 10 Zulhijjah
Obligatory Hanafi
Wukuf in Muzdalifah
Throwing in Jamrah
Tawaf Wada”
Obligatory Maliki
Tawaf Qudum
Wukuf in Muzdalifah
Throwing in Jamrah
Mabit in Mina
Obligatory Shafiee
Ihram in Miqat
Mabit in Muzdalifah
Mabit in Mina
Throwing in Jamrah
Tawaf wada
Obligatory Hanbali
Ihram in Miqat
Wukuf di Arafah
Mabit in Muzdalifah
Mabit in Mina
Throwing in Jamrah
Tawaf wada