Chapter 3 Flashcards
Definition of Shariah
-linguistically means straight path/ religious teaching (manhaj) by some scholars
-terminology, means any ruling revealed to Rasulullah SAW which consists of the laws in the Qur’an and al-Sunnah, which relate to the field of
Features of Shariah
3.Thabat wa murunah
Rabbaniah meaning
Revelation from Allah SWT
-shariah is set of laws and a moral system determined by Allah SWT
-free from all weaknesses such as injustice and oppression
- protected and has been refined by Allah.
-Islam is a way of life
-The knowledge and teachings of Islam are very broad and cover all
matters of human life.
-The content of Islam is so comprehensive because there is no answer will not be found in it.
-It covers everything from the smallest issues to the bigger ones
Thabat Wa Murunah
-Permenant and Change
-The evidence (dalil) is fixed but the interpretation is variable as long as
within the Islamic discipline.
-Since the worldly matters are always changing, it is important the mujtahid to perform ijtihad from time to time using the Shariah sources.
-Therefore, the principle in these sources remains the same, but the branches of knowledge (furu’iyyat) are always variable and flexible
-Islamic Sharia naturally transcends boundaries of color, race, and geography.
-It has never been irrelevant and has always been suitable for use in human life forever.
-People from each corner of the world do not facing a problem in implementing Shariah
-Realistic and Practical
-Islam is not only a visionary and idealistic system, but it is very practical.
-When Islam came to the people of Arab, almost all nonsense deeds and practices were replaced by better value and attitude.
-The development of Islamic civilization also stems from the acceptance of non-Muslims to its teachings which are practical in nature.
Purpose of Shariah
Maqasid Shariah
-refers to the meaning of‘objective of Shariah’ which
carries a meaning based on actual statements or facts.
3 purpose of Shariah
Maslahah Daruriyah
-stand for protection of necessities
-5 primary purposes of Shariah by Imam Al-Shatibi
- Preservation of the religion of faith
- Preservation of life or self
- Preservation of the mind or intellect
- Preservation of the progeny/dignity
- Preservation of property 1. Preservation of the religion of faith
- Preservation of life or self
- Preservation of the mind or intellect
- Preservation of the progeny/dignity
- Preservation of property
Maslahah Hajiyah
-Hajiyah stand to take care of the needs towards a better life and provide convenience in case of difficulties.
-It eases difficulties and eliminate or reduce hardship in people’s lives.
-Example: to own a vehicle for transportation or to have more shirt
Maslahah Tahsiniyah
-Tahsiniyah pertain to all the laws of Shariah that stand for provision for betterment in life.
-It is improving the quality of human life, human conduct and morals.
-Example: have an expensive and a very good car for transportation or buy a branded shirt for its high quality.
Fiqh Knowledge meaning
-defined as al-fahmu (الفهم) which means understanding.
-Technically, it refers to the sciences of derived practical legal rules relating to human conduct, as acquired from the sources of Shariah.
-Besides, anyone who was knowledgeable in matters of religion, was called faqih
Five Law of Fiqh
-Wajib/ Fard
-Mandub (Sunat)
-Mubah (Harus)
Wajib/Fard meaning
An obligatory act, with failure to perform it being sinful
Actions that are not required by law but are considered to are meritorious and will be rewarded
-Translated as permitted.
-The acts where it is left up to the liable person whether or not to perform them.