Chapter 2 Flashcards
Who is mukallaf?
A person who is responsible with the obligation and command to carry out law of the Islam and avoid prohibition of Gods
Characteristics of mukallaf
1.Reached adultery and have intellect (puberty)
2.Have thought and common sense
3.Has reached the call of Islam upon him
3 catergories of human intellect
What is neccessary(wujub)?
About something that does not exist and can not be seen
What is impossible (istihalah) about?
About something absurd and illogical
What is Possible (jawaz) about?
About something that make sense or logic
Who is Allah SWT?
Allah is a God who created the universe and all beings. Allah is the only God to be worshipped (conc of divinity).
Verse that proof Allah SWT’s creation
Surah Ali Imran(190)
Surah Al-Baqarah(164)
Surah Al-A’raf(179)
Sifat al-Nafsiah
Non-beginning existence
Sifat salbiah
Non-ending existence
Sifat salbiah
Mukhalafatuhu lil hawadith
Non-resemblance to all His creation
Sifat salbiah
Qiamuhu Bi Nafsih
Self existence
Sifat salbiah
Absolute Oneness
Sifat Salbiah
Absolute Power
Sifat al-Ma’ani
Absolute Will
Sifat al-Ma’ani
Sifat al-Ma’ani
Sifat al-Ma’ani
Sifat al-Ma’ani
Sifat al-Ma’ani
Sifat al-Ma’ani
Kaunuhu Qadiran
His state of power
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
Kaunuhu Muridan
His state of determine
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
Kaunuhu Aliman
His state of knowing
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
Kaunuhu Haiyan
His state of forever alive
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
Kaunuhu Sami’an
His state of hearing
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
Kaunuhu Basiran
His state of seeing
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
Kaunuhu mutakaliman
His state of of saying
Sifat Ma’nawiyyah
Definition of Prophets & Messengersl
- Messengers are intelligent, free, male humans that had a revelation of a teaching of religion
2.Some have heavenly books revealed to them
3.Chosen by Allah and protected since their birth from characteristics that are not suitable with their rank such as blasphemy, sins, meanness and foolishness.
- Sent to the disbelievers either by bringing a new law like Prophet Muhammad SAW
- Continuing previous law, like Prophet Ismail who was sent to the Banu Jurhum by bringing law of his father, Prophet Ibrahim
Sent to people who are ready to believe such as prophet Adam, propet Idris, Syith and others
Characters of prophet and messenger
- must posssess truthfullness, trustworthiness and must deliveres their messages entirely
- impossible that they are attributed with lies or comitting treachery
- It is possible for the messengers to have any human conditions such as getting married or falling ill
What is P&M advantage
Only miracle(mukjizat) give them an advantage over other human beings
Attributes of messenger of Allah
- Siddiq (Truthful)
- Amanah (Trustworthiness)
- Tabligh (Delivering)
- Fatonah ( Intelligence)
Pillar of Faith in Islam
1.Believe in the existence of Allah SWT
2.Believe in the existence of Angels
3.Believe in the book of Allah (Kitab)
4.Believe in the Messengers and Prophet of Allah SWT
5. Believe in the Doomsday (Qiamat)
6. Believe in the Fate & Divine Decree (Qada’ & Qadar)
Meaning of Qada’ (Fate)
Qada’ is the matter decided by Allah SWT on all his creatures whether from the point of view of creating it, abolishing it or changing it such as death
Meaning of Qadar ( Divine Decree)
Matter whose rate has been set by Allah SWT since the beginning in accordance with his knowledge thay precedes everything. The example, when or where is the place that we will die
Lesson from Qada’ and Qadar
1.More grateful to god
2.Increase Self Patience
3.Increase efforts
4.Keep relying on god
Meaning of syahaddah
Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of Allah and acceptance of Muhammad saw as his prophet.
Importance of Syahaddah an important basis for the establishment of Islam in a person
2. as confession, recognition and belief in Allah SWT
Meaning of Tauhid
-In islam, tauhid is the oneness of god, in the sense that Allah swt is one and there is no god but Allah SWT
-Making one or Asserting Oneness
Three types of tauhid
3.Asma’ wa al-Sifat
Tauhid al-Rububiyah meaning
1.monotheism of power
2.recognize that Allah SWT is:
-almighty god, creater and the owner of the whole universe
-god who gives live and death to all human being
-god who gives harm and pleasure to all human
-god who accepts the request of his servants
Tauhid al-Uluhiyah
Monoteizing Allah and worshipping only to Allah and do not associate partners with Allah.
Meaning Tauhid Asma’ wa al-Sifat
1.Monoteizing Allah from all names and his attributes, because god is only worthy of having a perfect attributes
-hears, sees
-knows everything
-does not have any weakness and disadvantage
-does not sleep
First three Categories of Syirik
- Power of god is shared by other entities such as gods, spirits, humans or other things
- Denying the existence of god either explicitly or implicitly (atheist/free thinker)
- Shaping image of god with something else such as human and animals(painting/carving the face of god)
Other three categories
- Giving name and attributes of God to a created beings or things
- Act of worship is directed to other than Allah (worshiping idols)
- Perform one of the various form of worship to be seen and praised by people (riya)
-human have a nature instinct about god or the creator
-pillar of faith are the basis of belief contained in the teaching of Islam
-Humans must believe in the attributes of Allah and his Messenger
- Humans also must be careful not to fall into a polytheism to allah SWT