Final Exam Flashcards
perceptual learning
learning to recognize a particular stimulus
stimulus-response learning
learning to automatically make a particular response in the presence of a particular stimulus (perceptual learning)
classical conditioning
when a stimulus that initially produces no response is followed several times by an US that produces a UR (US–> CS) (UR —> CR)
(stimulus response learning)
Hebb rule
cellular basis of learning involves strengthening of a synapse that is repeatedly active when the post synaptic neuron fires
instrumental conditioning
learning procedure whereby the effects of a particular behavior in a particular situation increase/decrease the probability of the behavior (reinforcing/punishing) (stimulus-response learning)
reinforcing stimuli
“favorable” consequences
increase likelihood of behavior
punishing stimuli
“unfavorable” consequences
decrease likelihood of behavior
motor learning
learning to make a new response through est. of changes w/in the motor syst
more novel the behavior = more neural circuts modified
relational learning
learning the relationships among ind. stimuli
episodic learning
Long-term potentiation (LTP)
long term increase in the excitability of a neuron to a particular synaptic input cause by repeated high freq. activity of that input
can last for several mths
population EPSP
evoked potential that represents the EPSPs of a population of neurons
associative LTP
LTP in which concurrent stimulation of weak/strong synapses strengthens the weak synapse
Role of NMDA receptors
Must be activated to est. LTP so Ca2+ can enter dendritic spines (depolarization)
dendritic spikes
action potential that occurs in the dendrite of some type of pyramidal cells
AMPA receptor
glutamate receptor that controls a Na+ channel; when open —> EPSP
strengthening of a synapse = increasing AMDA receptors to post synaptic membrane