Final Exam Flashcards
According to Kuhn, the set of beliefs, values, assumptions, and a particular way of doing research which are accepted by a group of scientists is called:
a paradigm
If the reason why a bicycle was created was to transport a person from point A to point B, that purpose of a bicycle is its _____ cause.
Hume considered ________ as the only type of knowledge that can effectively guide our conduct in the world.
demonstrative knowledge
Empedocles assumed that perception results when:
eidola enters the pores of the body and mixes with elements found in the blood
Popper saw the scientific method as involving three stages:
problems, theories, and criticism
Popper disagreed with the traditional view that scientific activity starts with:
empirical observation
What is true of Locke’s beliefs concerning the mind?
The mind neither creates nor destroys ideas.
Panpsychism is the belief that:
everything in nature has consciousness (mental processes)
According to Plato, whether one is a philosopher-king, a soldier, or a slave, is largely determined by:
biological inheritance
What term did Herbart use to describe the force that holds ideas incompatible with the apperceptive mass in the unconscious?
Pantheism is the belief that:
God is everywhere and in everything
According to Hegel, when one cycle of the dialectic process is complete, the last stage of that cycle becomes the ____ of the next cycle.
St. Augustine believed that ________.
people could be forgiven for sin through confession
According to the Hippocratics, physicians assign supernatural causes to a disease in order to:
mask their ignorance concerning the nature of the disease
With which of the following statements would Bentham have agreed?
Happiness depends on experiencing pleasure and avoiding pain.
With regard to the mind-body relationship, Hobbes denied the existence of a nonmaterial mind; therefore, he was a(n):
physical monist
Descartes believed that innate ideas:
are revealed by God
Aristotle’s philosophy was highly influential in ____ during the so-called Dark Ages.
the Arab world
Herbart was one of the first to:
apply a mathematical model to psychology.
For the Stoics, the basic moral choice a person makes is:
to act or not to act in accordance with nature’s plan
The early Greeks referred to a substance from which everything else is derived as a(n):
Which statement is most consistent with a Cynic’s point of view?
Anything natural is good.
In analyzing human thinking, Avicenna started with five external senses then postulated:
seven internal senses
Viewing all of nature as though it were alive is called:
The allegory of the cave demonstrates:
how difficult it is to deliver humans from ignorance
Science has two major components:
empirical observation and theory
Who was one of the first Western philosophers to make a comprehensive review of both Aristotle’s works and the Islamic and Jewish scholars’ interpretations of them?
What was Kant’s categorical imperative?
The principle that should govern moral behavior
According to Berkeley, in order for something to exist, it must:
be perceived
Plato believed that the ideal society would be governed by:
Plato’s theory of forms is best represented by the statement: The cats that we see are:
inferior copies of an abstract pure idea of “catness”
Hobbes’ theory of human motivation was:
Hartley’s account of association was different from those that preceded his because it:
attempted to correlate mental activity with neurophysiological activity
Hume’s goal was to combine ____ with principles of ____ to create a science of human nature.
empirical philosophy; Newtonian science
According to Plato, the supreme goal in life should be to:
free the soul as much as possible from the adulterations of the flesh
What, according to Hume, is the ultimate cause of behavior?
Comte and Mach had in common the belief that:
metaphysical speculation must be avoided
Direct realism is________.
the belief that the world is as we immediately experience it
The study of knowledge is called:
After visiting with Galileo, Hobbes became convinced that:
humans could be completely understood employing only the concepts of matter and motion
Reid viewed faculties of the mind as:
aspects of a unified mind.
Which of the following is true of Averroës’ philosophy?
It was basically Aristotelian.
According to Berkeley, external reality exists because:
God perceives it
La Mettrie believed that if Descartes had consistently and thoroughly followed his own method, he would have concluded that:
both human and nonhuman animals are machines
The position on the mind-body question claiming that mental and bodily events are coordinated through God’s intervention is called:
Galileo was among the first to suggest that:
a science of psychology (conscious experience) was impossible
Locke believed that all human emotions were derived from:
feelings of pleasure and pain
According to the text, what was a criticism of monadology?
It asserted that because God created the world, it cannot be improved on.
What would Copernicus say is the only justification for accepting his heliocentric theory?
It explains known astrological facts in a simpler, more harmonious, mathematical order.
According to Popper, what distinguishes a scientific theory from a nonscientific theory?
the principle of falsifiability
Giordano Bruno would most likely agree with which statement?
“The sun is divine.”
According to St. Agustin, ________.
people are free to choose between good and evil
What was a goal of St. Thomas Aquinas?
To strengthen the position of the church through reason
According to John Locke primary qualities ____ and secondary qualities ____.
create ideas of physical attributes; create ideas with no physical counterpart
According to Khun, what happens during the paradigmatic stage of science?
Puzzle-solving activity occurs.
According to Clements (1967), which Renaissance humanist is correctly paired with their area of great influence?
Vives and psychology
According to John Stuart Mill, ________ create variations in observable phenomena that cause predictions to be probabilistic rather than certain.
secondary laws
What factor most influenced Kepler’s acceptance of Copernicus’s heliocentric theory?
Kepler was a Platonist seeking mathematical simplicity and harmony.
The contention that what we experience mentally accurately reflects the physical world is called:
naive realism
For Hartley, the only process that converts simple ideas into complex ideas is:
Because Aristotle assumed that everything in nature exists for a purpose, his theory is labeled:
Copernicus argued for the ________ theory.
Which famous psychologist later adopted Bacon’s approach to science?
Plato’s analogy of the divided line illustrates:
a hierarchy of understanding
According to Aquinas, predestination maintains that:
God has preordained which people will be granted salvation
Before Thomas Kuhn, scientific activity was guided by the:
correspondence theory of truth
What did the Stoics consider to be the highest virtue?
Courage in the face of danger
Which of the following did St. Paul add to the Judaic tradition?
God sacrificed his son to atone for our shared transgression, otherwise known as original sin, which allows humans to reunite with God.
Who had a huge influence on Plato’s thinking in different stages of his life?
Socrates and the Pythagoreans
Nativist is to ____ as empiricist to ____.
inheritance; experience
Who preferred naturalistic explanations to supernatural ones and earned the title, “Destroyer of Religion”?
During the preparadigmatic stage of the development of a science:
rival camps compete with each other for dominion of the discipline
Descartes explained all animal behavior and much human behavior in terms of ____ principles.
According to ____, the best government is one that provides the greatest amount of happiness to the greatest number of people.
J. S. Mill believed that discrimination against women is:
basically wrong
Popper considered Freud’s psychoanalytic theories to be _______ because no matter what happened, the psychoanalyst could claim that the observed behavior supported the theory.
The ____ assumes that everything that occurs is a function of a finite number of causes.
Some believe that although cognitive events are a result of brain activity, such events cannot cause behavior. Such a belief represents:
What is the approach to studying the history of psychology that involves showing how various individuals or events contributed to changes in an idea throughout the years?
historical development approach
The view that cognitive events that emerge from brain activity can cause behavior is representative of:
According to Khun, what happens during the revolutionary stage of science?
An existing paradigm is replaced by a new paradigm.
A clinical psychologist has determined that if a patient takes a particular drug, then that patient will cease having a particular troubling symptom. This psychologist has identified a _____.
causal law
A researcher notices that there is a relationship between stress and sleep such that as stress increases, sleep decreases, but the researcher doesn’t know if lack of sleep causes more stress or if higher stress levels cause people to sleep less. The relationship the researcher identified can best be described as a _____.
correlational law
A psychologist who believes that human behavior is indeed determined but the causes can never be accurately known would be a(n):
Why is it important to study the history of psychology?
For a deeper understanding of concepts and ideas, to recognize fads, and to avoid the repetition of mistakes
Zeitgeist means:
the spirit of the times
A contemporary and popular way of explaining mind-body relationships that claims mental states emerge from brain activity is called:
Which statement best describes Popperian science?
Science is an unending search for better and better solutions to problems.
Explaining phenomena after they have already occurred is called:
____ stresses the emotional or unconscious determinants of human behavior.
The approach to writing a history of psychology that takes the best from a variety of viewpoints is referred to as:
the eclectic approach
Of the following, who would be most likely to take the position that humans are responsible for their actions?
nondeterminist and soft determinist
Persistent observations that a currently accepted paradigm cannot explain are called:
Which two methods of attaining knowledge are combined in science?
rationalism and empiricism
According to Popper, the theories of Freud and Adler cannot be considered scientific because they:
make postdictions rather than predictions
According to Popper, the highest status that a scientific theory can attain is:
not yet disconfirmed
Which school of thought contends that there are no general laws that govern everything in the universe, or if there are, they can never be known?
Which of the following represents a dualistic position on the mind-body question?
The belief that humans have free will would be proposed by a(n):
Historicism refers to the belief that:
the past should be studied for its own sake without attempting to show the relationship between past and present
The position that states that mental and physiological reactions are two aspects of the same experience and cannot be separated is called:
double aspectism
A consistently observed relationship between two or more classes of empirical events defines a:
scientific law
Yuki believes that living things contain a vital force that does not exist in inanimate objects, and living things can never be reduced down to mechanical laws. Which school of thought best reflects Yuki’s ideas.
For Popper, a nonscientific theory:
can still be useful
Which statement would Thomas Kuhn most likely support?
“Science is a highly subjective enterprise.”
Which statement below accurately describes the social division in ancient Greek religion?
The Greek nobility were more likely to follow the Olympian religion whereas the peasants were more likely to follow the Dionysiac-Orphic religion.
Socrates used the method of ____ to determine what all examples of a concept such as beauty have in common.
inductive definition
The law of ____ states that if we think of something, we will also tend to recall the things we experienced along with it.
The Neolithic Revolution refers to the time when humans _____.
transitioned from a nomadic life to building villages and cities
An ancient person believes that rocks, trees, streams, and rivers have human thoughts and emotions such as jealousy, love, and vengefulness. This person is practicing _____.
The Sophist position exemplifies _____ because the self can be aware of nothing but its own experiences and mental states.
According to Aristotle, ____ is explained as the lingering effects of sensory experience.
Which statement best represents the beliefs of Gorgias?
There is no objective way of determining truth.
For Democritus, perception occurred when atoms emanating from the surface of objects entered the ____ and were transmitted to the ____.
sensory systems of the body; brain
The Hippocratics believed that physical illness was caused by:
an imbalance of the four bodily humors
The early physician, Alcmaeon, proposed:
that health resulted from a balance of qualities in the body
Protagorus, the best known Sophist, presented the Sophist’s position. Which of the following statements best represents his position?
Perceptions vary from person to person because previous experiences affect perceptions
According to Aristotle, the unmoved mover:
sets nature in motion and does little else
According to Aristotle, ____ is a spontaneous recollection of something that had been previously experienced and ____ involves an actual mental search for a past experience.
remembering; recall
Which element of the Dionysiac-Orphic religion influenced Judaism and Christianity?
The transmigration of the soul
According to St. Augustine, evil exists because:
humans chose it
Who believed that so-called universals were nothing more than convenient verbal labels?
Occam’s views were widely taught and can be viewed as the beginning of:
empirical philosophy
Hedonism, according to Epicurus, is:
pleasure in having one’s basic needs satisfied and avoiding pain
During the period before the Renaissance, which of the following was true?
Superstition influenced most everyone from peasants to kings and the clergy.
The fact that St. Paul valued ____ would have been abhorrent to most Greek philosophers.
faith above reason
According to St. Augustine, humans can have conceptions of the past and future because:
of the remnants of sensory experiences
Jesus can be best thought of as a(n):
simple man with focused goals
The main target of skepticism was dogmatism. A dogmatist is anyone who ________.
claims to have arrived at an indisputable truth
Which statement best reflects Kuhn’s views of the 14th and 15th centuries?
Anomalies began to arise with the Christian paradigm.
Who was given the nickname “Cynic,” and lived a self-sufficient, publicly outrageous life?
The belief that extraneous assumptions should be eliminated from explanations is called:
Occam’s razor
Neoplatonism is a philosophy that emphasized the most ____ aspects of Plato’s philosophy.
Early Protestantism ________.
insisted on accepting the existence of God on faith alone
Luther’s new religious movement that denied the authority of the pope was called:
Bacon relied primarily on ________ to develop his theories.
Newton believed that his work:
revealed nature’s secrets
Galileo used experiments to do which of the following?
Show the uselessness of metaphysics in science.
Which of the following phrases best captures the spirit of Renaissance humanism?
“We the people have the power to bring great change to the world.”
According to Bacon, the biases that result from being overly influenced by the traditional meanings of words constitutes the:
idols of the marketplace
Who were among the first to accept Copernicus’s heliocentric theory?
The mathematicians who embraced Pythagorean-Platonic philosophy
Later in history, Bacon’s approach to science was called:
According to Bacon, the human tendency to see events as they would like them to be constitutes the:
idols of the tribe
According to Erasmus, who is least likely to speak the truth?
Newton believed that the universe:
operates according to principles that humans could discover
Pico argued that:
God had granted humans a unique position in the universe.
According to Bacon, blind allegiance to dogma, authority, or tradition constitutes the:
idols of the theater
What factor most influenced Kepler’s acceptance of Copernicus’s heliocentric theory?
Kepler was a Platonist seeking mathematical simplicity and harmony.
A fundamental difference between the views of Erasmus and the views of Luther concerned the:
role of free will in religion
After a painful search, Descartes concluded that the only thing of which he could be certain was:
the fact that he doubted
Both Bacon and Descartes sought to develop a system of thought that:
was impervious to the doubts of the Skeptics
For Luther, what is the major reason for the downfall of Catholicism?
Catholicism assimilated Aristotelian philosophy.
According to Bacon, science should utilize:
only the direct observation of nature
How did Galileo’s work cause a major philosophical shift concerning man’s place in the world?
His work caused people to consider human experiences as inferior to the natural world.
Galileo can best be described as ________.
Descartes believed that:
the mind is nonmaterial
According to the work of Galileo, which set best illustrates the concepts of primary quality and secondary quality?
primary quality: size; secondary quality: color
Newton believed that ________.
there are no exceptions to natural laws
How did the Church react to Descartes’s writings?
It banned his books.
In his explanation of physical events, Galileo emphasized:
forces external to physical events
For Locke, all ideas come from:
sensation and reflection
What was true of Comte’s proposed utopian society?
The natural selflessness and the moral resolution of women was emphasized.
How did Hobbes feel about democracy?
He thought it was dangerous.
According to Helvétius, the contents of the mind were controlled by ________.
Berkeley believed that ____ was responsible for the widespread religious skepticism and atheism of his day.
Which statement best describes Locke’s philosophy toward education?
Children should be allowed to feel discomfort to prepare them for the inevitable hardships of life.
According to Hume, the mind is:
a set of perceptions that a person is having at any given moment
Hobbes believed that people________.
do not have free will
John Stuart Mill’s concept of ____ emancipated associationistic psychology from the strict mental mechanics proposed by James Mill and others.
mental chemistry
James Mill maintained that any mental experience can be reduced to:
simple ideas
Because Comte believed that science should be practical and nonspeculative, his view of science was very similar to that of:
Scientism is the belief that ________.
the only valid knowledge is scientific knowledge, and that science can solve all human problems
Hobbes’ approach to studying humans was:
Condillac felt that Locke:
gave the mind unnecessary innate powers
Herbart’s concepts of the unconscious, repression, and conflict most likely affected the theory of ____.
For Spinoza, free will:
is a fiction.
Kant stated that a mind without concepts would:
have no capacity to think.
According to Bernard, Spinoza’s belief in ____ did much to influence the development of scientific psychology.
psychic determinism
Kant believed that the categories of thought are:
Who rejected Malebranche’s occasionalism and used the notion of preestablished harmony to explain the mind–body relationship?
For Hegel, the only true understanding is an understanding of:
the Absolute.
Which analogy best illustrates the concept of double aspectism?
The mind and the body are like two sides of a coin.
According to Reid, the mind reasons and the stomach digests food because:
they are innately designed to do so.
According to Leibniz, there is nothing in the mind that is not first in the senses except for:
the mind itself.
For Leibniz, sensory experience is important because it:
allows the potential ideas within us to become actualized.
Leibniz’s term for awareness was:
Which of the following is a common misconception regarding the views of faculty psychologists?
Faculty psychologists believe that a faculty of the mind is housed in a specific location in the brain.
According to Hegel, when one cycle of the dialectic process is complete, the last stage of that cycle becomes the ____ of the next cycle.
According to Spinoza, all human emotions are derived from:
experiences of pleasure and pain.
On the mind–body issue, Leibniz believed that they never influence each other; it only seems as if they do. This is called:
psychophysical parallelism.
According to Spinoza, finding clear ideas ________.
gives us pleasure
According to Kant, the experiences of space and time:
provide the context for all mental phenomena and are produced by innate categories of thought.
Perhaps the closest psychology has ever came to being a single-paradigm discipline has been during:
the Middle Ages
According to Popper, psychology’s persistent questions would be persistent even if they were scientific questions because:
scientific solutions can only attain the status of “not yet disconfirmed”
Which students of Wundt were most interested in individual differences and applied psychology in the United States?
Cattell, Hall, and Witmer
Neural network systems have been most successful at:
recognizing patterns and objects
Heidegger used the term ____ to indicate that a person and the world were inseparable.
According to Freud, the ____ contains all instincts and is the driving force of personality.
Wittgenstein replaced the traditional concept of essence or universal with that of:
family resemblance
Mach demonstrated that:
some perceptions are independent of any particular cluster of sensory elements
Witmer is credited with which of the following?
Demonstrating how the principles from scientific psychology can help troubled individuals
The work of several individuals contributed to the improvement of physical surroundings and maintenance of the mentally ill. However, treatment was still lacking. Alexander and Selesnick suggested reasons for this poor treatment, such as:
fear of the mentally ill
Which statement below accurately describes a tenet of both existential and humanistic psychology?
Humans must be studied and understood as a whole person.
When stimuli are close together, they tend to be grouped together as a perceptual unit. This exemplifies the Gestalt principle of:
According to the sociobiologists, the social behavior of any individual is determined by:
both inherited dispositions (biology) and culture
During the 1920s and 1930s when several schools of thought existed in psychology, there was:
open hostility among members of the various schools
For information-processing psychologists, ____ replaces stimulus and ____ replaces behavior and response.
input; output
The German word Prägnanz has no exact English counterpart but an approximation is
Hebb’s contention that neurons that are active together become associated was instrumental in the development of:
The study of the structure and function of information-processing systems is _____.