Final Course Sample Test Flashcards
Suppose you examine a suspect that you know is under the combined influence of Demerol
and Thorazine. Which of the following would you not expect to find in that suspect? (Circle
all that you wouldn’t expect to see.)
A. Tachycardia is present
B. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus is present
C. Hypotension is present
D. Mydriasis is present
E. Lack of Convergence is present
Correct answers are A and D.
Demerol (Meperidine) is a Narcotic Analgesic, Thorazine is a CNS Depressant. The
combination should not produce elevated heart rate (Tachycardia) nor dilated pupils
(Mydriasis). But HGN and LOC should be present, due to the Depressant, Thorazine. And,
lowered blood pressure (Hypotension) should be present as an Additive Effect of both
. The Autonomic Nervous System has sympathetic nerves and __________ nerves.
A. parasympathetic
B. metasympathetic
C. postsympathetic
D. mesosympathetic
E. pilosympathetic
Correct answer is A, parasympathetic.
Suppose you examine a suspect that you know is under the combined influence of Ketamine
and Methamphetamine, and you observe that he or she exhibits Horizontal Gaze
Nystagmus. This is an example of ….
A. a Synergistic Effect
B. an Antagonistic Effect
C. the Null Effect
D. an Overlapping Effect
E. an Additive Effect
Correct answer is D, Overlapping.
Ketamine is an analog of PCP, a drug that usually does cause HGN. Methamphetamine is a
CNS Stimulant, a type of drug that doesn’t affect nystagmus (Dissociative Anesthetic). This is
a case of action plus no action equals action, i.e., an Overlapping Effect.
The technical term meaning “constricted pupils” is ….
A. Mydriasis
B. Occulosis
C. Miosis
D. Bruxism
E. Ptosis
Correct answer is C, Miosis.
Xanax is an example of ….
A. a natural hallucinogen
B. an Antipsychotic
C. a Sedative-hypnotic
D. a synthetic hallucinogen
E. an Antidepressant
Correct answer is C, Sedative-hypnotic.
. Fentanyl is an example of ….
A. an Opioid
B. an Analog of Phencyclidine
C. a Natural Alkaloid of Opium
D. an Opium Derivative
E. a non-Amphetamine-based Stimulant
Correct answer is A, Opioid.
Which of the following ordinarily will cause Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus? (Circle all that
usually cause nystagmus.)
A. Methamphetamine
B. Valium
C. The combination of Cocaine and Xanax
D. The combination of Cannabis and LSD
E. The combination of Heroin and Dilaudid
Correct answers are B and C.
Valium is a CNS Depressant, which of course causes nystagmus. The combination of Cocaine
and Xanax gives us a Stimulant and a Depressant (Xanax), which causes nystagmus via an
Overlapping Effect. None of the other drugs mentioned cause nystagmus:
Methamphetamine is a Stimulant; LSD is a Hallucinogen; Heroin and Dilaudid are Narcotics;
Cannabis, of course, is its own category.
Ritalin is an example of ….
A. a CNS Stimulant
B. a Narcotic Analgesic
C. a Hallucinogen
D. a CNS Depressant
E. an Analog of Phencyclidine
Correct answer is A, CNS Stimulant.
Suppose you examine a suspect that you know is under the combined influence of Heroin
and PCP and you observe that he or she exhibits miosis. This is most likely due to ….
A. the “Downside” of Heroin
B. an Overlapping Effect between the two drugs
C. an Antagonistic Effect between the two drugs
D. an Additive Effect between the two drugs
E. the “Downside” of PCP
Correct answer is B, Overlapping.
Heroin, a Narcotic, causes constriction of the pupils (Miosis); PCP does not affect pupil size.
This is another case of action plus no action equals action.
. Which of the following usually will be true in a subject who is under the influence of a
Hallucinogen? (Circle all that usually will be true.)
A. Pupils will be constricted
B. Body temperature will be elevated
C. Eyes will be unable to converge
D. Blood pressure will be elevated
E. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus will be present
Correct answers are B and D.
Hallucinogens are sympathomimetic drugs, and therefore usually elevate the vital signs.
But they have no effect on either nystagmus or LOC. And, instead of constricting the pupils,
Hallucinogens usually cause pupils to dilate.
. Which of the following is not classified as a Hallucinogen? (Circle all that are not
D. 2CB
Correct answers are A and E.
ETOH is the chemical name for Ethyl Alcohol, the common beverage form of alcohol that
remains the most commonly-abused drug. THC is the primary active ingredient in Cannabis.
But “MDMA” (also known as “Ecstasy”) and “DOM” (also known as “STP”) and 2CB are
Which of the following ordinarily will leave body temperature within the DRE average
range? (Circle all that usually don’t affect body temperature.)
A. CNS Stimulants
B. Dissociative Anesthetics
C. Cannabis
D. CNS Depressants
E. All of the above usually do affect body temperature
Correct answers are C and D, Cannabis and Depressants.
Suppose you examine a suspect that you know is under the combined influence of Percodan
and Cannabis, and you find that the suspect’s pulse rate is 74 bpm. This is most likely due to ….
A. an Additive Effect between the two drugs
B. the “Downside” of Cannabis
C. an Overlapping Effect between the two drugs
D. an Antagonistic Effect between the two drugs
E. the “Downside” of Percodan
Correct answer is D, Antagonistic.
A pulse rate of 74 bpm is within the DRE average range. Percodan, a Narcotic Analgesic,
usually lowers the pulse, while Cannabis usually elevates the pulse. The Antagonistic Effect
of the two drugs has put this subject’s pulse into a precarious, and probably temporary,
state of balance.
How many distinct, validated clues have been established for the Modified Romberg
Balance test?
A. Eight
B. Six
C. Four
D. Three
E. There are no validated clues for that test
Correct answer is E, no validated clues.
It is important to understand that, when we say there are no validated clues for MRB Test,
that does not mean that the test is invalid. It simply means that we do not have the
research data to attest that specific clues on that test are statistically reliable indicators of
impairment. Those kinds of research data, at the present time, are available only for HGN,
WAT, and OLS.
A person under the combined influence of Ritalin and LSD usually will have above normal
blood pressure. This is an example of ….
A. an Overlapping Effect
B. a Synergistic Effect
C. the Null Effect
D. an Additive Effect
E. an Antagonistic Effect
Correct answer is D, Additive.
Ritalin (a Stimulant) and LSD (a Hallucinogen) both usually elevate blood pressure.
The gap between two nerve cells is called the ….
A. Vesicle
B. Neuron
C. Synapse
D. Dendrite
E. Axon
Correct answer is C, Synapse.
. “Ptosis” most nearly means ….
A. Dilated pupils
B. Grinding the teeth
C. Constricted pupils
D. Droopy eyelids
E. Goose bumps
Correct answer is D, Droopy Eyelids.
How many distinct, validated clues have been established for the Walk and Turn test?
A. Eight
B. Six
C. Four
D. Three
E. There are no validated clues for that test.
Correct answer is A, Eight.
Of the eight validated clues for WAT, two may be observed during the Instruction Stage of
the test. They are can’t keep balance (which means the suspect breaks away from the
heel-to-toe stance) and starts too soon. The other six clues pertain to the Walking Stage of
the test. They include:
misses heel-to-toe
uses arm(s) to balance
steps off line
stops walking
turns improperly
takes the wrong number of steps
Although these eight are the only validated clues for WAT, they aren’t the only things that
might be observed that could serve as evidence of impairment. All of your observations of
the suspect are important.
Which of the following are not subcategories of Inhalants? (Circle all that are not proper
names for Inhalant Subcategories.)
A. Fluorocarbons
B. Anesthetic Gases
C. Aerosols
D. Volatile Solvents
E. Propellants
Correct answers are A and E, Fluorocarbons and Propellants.
The only proper names for subcategories of Inhalants are Volatile Solvents, Aerosols and
Anesthetic Gases.
Phencyclidine is best described as ….
A. parasympathomimetic
B. an antidepressant
C. a cellular stimulant
D. psychotophobic
E. a dissociative anesthetic
. Correct answer is E, Dissociative Anesthetic
Which of the following usually will not cause the pupils to dilate? (Circle all that usually do
not cause dilation.)
B. Methaqualone
C. Desoxyn
D. Peyote
E. Ketamine
Correct answer is E, Ketamine.
Ketamine is an analog of PCP, a drug that doesn’t affect pupil size. MDMA and Peyote are
Hallucinogens, and Desoxyn is a CNS Stimulant; all of those dilate pupils. Methaqualone is a
very special CNS Depressant; unlike almost all other Depressants, Methaqualone does affect
pupil size (by dilating the pupils).
. Which subcategory or subcategories of Inhalants usually cause blood pressure to be
depressed? (Circle all that usually cause a depressed pressure.)
A. Anesthetic Gases
B. Propellants
C. Volatile Solvents
D. Aerosols
E. Fluorocarbons
Correct answer is A, Anesthetic Gases.
Volatile Solvents and Aerosols usually produce an elevated blood pressure. “Fluorocarbons”
and “Propellants” are, of course, not proper names for subcategories of Inhalants.
Which of the following are Natural Alkaloids of opium? (Circle all that are Natural
A. Lortab
B. Dilaudid
C. Codeine
D. Thebaine
E. Hycodan
Correct answers are C and D, Codeine and Thebaine.
Lortab, Dilaudid and Hycodan are all opium derivatives. Dilaudid derives from Morphine,
and Hycodan and Lortab from Codeine.
Crank” is a street name for ….
A. Heroin
B. Cocaine
D. Methamphetamine
Correct answer is D, Methamphetamine.
Which of the following are not validated clues for the One Leg Stand test? (Circle all that
aren’t validated clues.)
A. Hopping
B. Uses arm(s) to balance
C. Putting the foot down
D. Failing to count out loud
E. Sways while balancing
Correct answer is D, Failing to Count Out Loud.
Hopping, Uses Arm(s) to Balance, Putting the Foot Down and Sways While Balancing are the
four (and only four) validated clues of impairment for OLS.
Which of the following would be considered sympathomimetic drugs? (Circle all that are
B. Dexedrine
C. Xanax
D. Oxycontin
E. Desoxyn
Correct answers are A, B and E: MDMA, Dexedrine and Desoxyn.
Dexedrine and Desoxyn are members of the Amphetamine family of CNS Stimulants. MDMA
is a “Psychedelic Amphetamine” belonging to the Hallucinogens. CNS Stimulants and
Hallucinogens are the two categories that make up the sympathomimetic drugs. That
means they simulate the responses that the body makes to messages conveyed along the
sympathetic nerves, i.e., elevated vital signs, dilated pupils, etc. Three other categories,
namely the Inhalants, Phencyclidine and Cannabis have some sympathomimetic
characteristics, but they are not considered to be fully sympathomimetic, and not to the
degree of the CNS Stimulants and Hallucinogens. Xanax and Oxycontin aren’t even close to
being sympathomimetic. Xanax (a Depressant) and Oxycontin (a Narcotic) are better
described as wholly or partially parasympathomimetic
Suppose you examine a suspect, and you observe all of the following: Horizontal Gaze
Nystagmus is present, with an onset of approximately 30 degrees; BAC is 0.00; eyes are
unable to converge; pupil size is 5.5 mm in near-total darkness and 3.5 mm in direct light;
pupil reaction to light is within normal; pulse rate is 100 bpm; blood pressure is 148/96;
body temperature is 99.8 degrees. In your opinion, this suspect is under the influence of ….
A. a combination of a CNS Depressant and a CNS Stimulant
B. a CNS Depressant alone
C. a Dissociative Anesthetic alone
D. a combination of a Dissociative Anesthetic and a CNS Stimulant
E. a combination of a CNS Depressant and Cannabis
Correct answer is C, a Dissociative Anesthetic.
Dissociative Anesthetics, by themselves, can account for all of the observations listed.
Dissociative Anesthetics cause nystagmus and LOC; they do not affect pupil size, so the
pupils remain within the normal range; they do not affect the reaction of the pupils to light;
they usually elevate all three vital signs.
A Depressant, by itself, could not account for the elevated vitals, and usually would slow the
pupils’ reaction to light.
If we had a combination of a Depressant and a Stimulant, we’d expect to see the pupils
dilated beyond the normal range (due to an Overlapping Effect), and we’d expect to see the
reaction of the pupils slowed (due to an Additive Effect). Also, although it is possible that
the vital signs could all be elevated with a combination of Depressant and Stimulant, we’d
probably expect to see some “moderation” of the vitals due to an Antagonistic Effect.
If we had a combination of a Dissociative Anesthetic and a Stimulant, we could expect to
see pupil dilation and some slowing of the reaction to light, due to Overlapping Effects.
If we had a combination of a Dissociative Anesthetic and a Stimulant, we could expect to
see an elevated body temperature, since both of those drugs elevate temperature.
The only artery that carries de-oxygenated blood is the ______ artery.
A. Carotid
B. Brachial
C. Pulmonary
D. Radial
E. Coronal
Correct answer is C, Pulmonary
Suppose a subject is under the influence of Oxycodone and nothing else. Indicate whether
each of the following will be true or false:
A. T F Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus will not be present
B. T F Pupils will be constricted
C. T F Bradycardia will be present
D. T F Eyes will be able to converge
E. T F Hypotension will be present
Correct answers are:
(A) True: no nystagmus will be present
(B) True: we will see miosis, or constricted pupils
(C) True: we will find a slow pulse, or Bradycardia
(D) True: we won’t see a Lack of Convergence, so the eyes will be able to converge
(E) True: we will find a lowered blood pressure, or Hypotension
Oxycodone is a Narcotic Analgesic, and these observations will be consistent with
impairment by Narcotics.
“Bruxism” most nearly means ….
A. Dilated pupils
B. Grinding the teeth
C. Constricted pupils
D. Droopy eyelids
E. Goose bumps
Correct answer is B, Grinding the Teeth
Suppose a suspect is under the influence of a combination of Marijuana and Cocaine, but
nothing else. Indicate whether each of the following will be true or false:
A. T F Pulse rate will be elevated
B. T F Pupils will be dilated
C. T F Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus will be present
D. T F Eyes will be able to converge
E. T F Blood pressure will be elevated
. Correct answers are:
(A) True: An Additive Effect will elevate the pulse for this combo
(B) True: pupils will dilate due to an Overlapping or Additive Effect
(C) False: neither drug causes nystagmus, so the Null Effect will also cause no nystagmus
(D) False: Marijuana causes LOC, so the Overlapping Effect means the eyes won’t converge
(E) True: An Additive Effect will elevate the blood pressure
How many distinct, validated clues have been established for the Finger to Nose test?
A. Eight
B. Six
C. Four
D. Three
E. There are no validated clues for this test
Correct answer is E, no validated clues
The drug __________ is an example of a Sedative-hypnotic depressant. (Circle all that are
A. Prozac
B. Valium
C. Haldol
D. Ambien
E. Xanax
. Correct answers are B, D, and E: Valium, Ambien, and Xanax