Final Anatomy Flashcards
Brain area: organizaiton of movement
basal ganglia
Brain area: endocrine, hunger, thirst, reproduction, temperature control
Brain area: unconscious motor control
Danger area of scalp
Loose connective tissue layer
Layer of scalp richly vascularized
- Pulls ends of arteries apart –> Profuse bleeding
Connective tissue layer
Motor innervation to occipitofrontalis m.
Facial n. (CN VII)
Anterior end of falx cerebri attaches to:
Crista galli
Which layer of dura continues into spinal cord
Meningeal layer
Innervation of posterior cranial fossa
C2, C3
Innervation of tentorium cerebelli & falx cerebri
Lenticular shape on CT
Epidural hematoma
Cresent shape on CT
Very old, very young
Subdural hematoma
Star-shaped ring around skull base on CT
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Clinical relevance of cavernous sinus
Thrombosis site
- internal carotid a.
- CN III, IV, V1, V2
- V1 in close association with internal carotid a.
- communicates w/ opthalmic & facial vv.
Site of primary auditory cortex
superior temporal gyrus
site of primary visual cortex
banks of calcarine sulcus
Uncal herniation presses on which CN?
Broca’s area
motor speech area
Wernicke’s Area
speech comprehension area
reading comprehension
angular gyrus
CSF appearace:
T1 =
T2 =
CSF T1 = dark (blood = white)
CSF T2 = white (blood = dark)

centrum semiovale
- white matter
cortical afferents & efferents
Part of internal capsule:
- contains optic radiations
Retrolenticular part
Part of internal capsule:
- Contains optic and auditory radiations
sublenticular part
Commissure important in visual reflexes
Posterior commisure

Opercular cortex

Frontal/parietal opercular cortex
Insular cortex
Temporal opercular cortex
blockage of cerebral aqueduct
non-communicating hydrocephalus
CSF can enter subarachnoid space
arachnoid vili malfunction
communicating hydrocephalus
secondary loss of brain tissue due to atrophy
Pick Disease
Huntington disease
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo
communicating hydrocephalus without increase in intracradial pressure
normal pressure hydrocephalus
wet, wobbly, wacky
tissue being pushed aside
normal pressure hydrocephalus
compared to serum, CSF contains:
Lower: potassium, glucose, protein
More: chloride
Almost acelluar
supplies 80% blood to anterior circulation
Internal carotid aa.
supplies 20% blood to posterior circulation
Vertebral aa.
Compression of CN III between what two arteries
Superior cerebellar a.
Posterior cerebral a.
Occlusion of what a. causes vertigo & ipsilateral deafness
Labyrinthe (internal acoustic) a.
Supplies flocculus, middle cerebellar peduncle, and anterior inferior cerebellum
Anterior Inferior Cerebellar A. (AICA)
Supplies blood to anterior 2/3 of spinal cord
Anterior spinal a.
Supplies blood to posterior 1/3 of spinal cord
Posterior spinal a.
Supplies blood to choroid plexus of 4th ventricle, dorsolateral medulla, posterior inferior cerebellum
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar A. (PICA)
Common site for aneurysm formation
origin of posterior communicating a. off internal carotid a.
This a. runs on top of the optic tract
Anterior choroidal a.
Supplies blood to primary visual cortex (calcarine sulcus)
Posterior cerebral a. (PCA)
Anterior watershed infarct
Between ACA and MCA distributions
Posterior watershed infarct
Along MCA and PCA distributions
Cerebral perfusion pressure drops cause
watershed infarcts
Joins with inferior sagittal sinus to form straight sinus
Great Vein of Galen
- deep venous drainage