Final- Altruism, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Presentations Flashcards
What is the effect of video games?
Financial Security
Maslows Hierchy of Needs
Winning the lottery
Only makes you happy for a little but then goes down
Provides better heath
Humor Paradox
have to realize what jokes you might say
Social Media
increases productivity in the workplace, but you may be fired
Theory can be across different dimensions and circumstance; Criminals view self as superior ir high self esteem/unstable
Previous studies found a correlation
Type 3 error
Who will sustain/grant proposal virtues
Forest of Sword Leaves
Sliced up by vegetarian in hell/ hindu
Over diagnosis of PTSD
PTSD differs from mortal wounds
Disability doesn’t enhance resilience
a person has to hate characteristics
Similar humor personalities
fit best with one another
We aren’t best at predicting ourselves
Disappointingly obvious
Workplace Creativity
Taylor Swift Video
Buried in there somewhere is the expression of gratitude for (and a wish for recovery of) a “meaningful” relationship
What is altruism and what is it driven by?
Helping others, driven by egotism and empathy, without personal gain, remember rick the author, and its similarity to volunteering. It can also be influenced by collectivism or spirituality. “Relationships not as staightforward as thought”.
When egotism is motivated by atruism
Public recognition for generosity and potential for generation of esteem; Reduction in torment driven by empathy; Escape from guilt or punishment for failing to help
Who is Bob Geldoff
He produced the live 8 concerts for Africa food relief
What is empathy?
It is the emotional response to perceived plight of another person
Who is Daniel Batson?
Batson’s work shows helping may still occur when escape from sacrifice is possible, argues that empathy is cause
Explain the four physiology theories of empathy
1) Evolutionary value of concern for others as trait
2) Twin studies demonstrate heritability
3) Prefrontal and parietal cortex activity
4) Mirror neurons produce mimicry of behavior and emotion
Altruism and Gender
In dictator game women found to be less sensitive to “price of giving” and therefore more altruistic than men
What are the three basis of altruism?
Egotism (Self-gain), Empathy (Identify similarities), and Values-Based.