Final Flashcards
The question that Jesus posed to the Jewish Leaders when they were asked by “whose and what authority” Jesus was led by, was centered around this person
John the Baptist
Upon Jesus’ triumphant entry, whose actions were a testimony showing their belief that Jesus was the Messiah
Those laying palm branches
whose behavior resulted in the Jewish leaders becoming indignant during Jesus’ triumphant entry
the children
Into what city did Jesus make His triumphant entry
After Jesus made His triumphant entry, they wanted to know more about the teachings of Christ
the Greeks
Who tried to manipulate a situation involving Jesus to make it look like they were concerned about “giving” to the poor, when they were actually motivated by greed
Who designed a religion that had a stated purpose of being for the people, but really it was designed as a set of rules to control the people
The Jewish Leaders
where in Scripture is the teaching on the Armor of God found
the city where Jesus overturned the tables and cleared the temples
the individual that the chief priests plotted to kill so that the people would not remember the great deeds of Jesus
he showed great leadership by modeling the behavior of becoming less so that another can become greater
John the Baptist
where in scripture is the teaching on Boasting About Tomorrow found?
who decided to kill Jesus in order to deal with the amount of people following Jesus
according to James 4:1-3, God DID NOT create you to be ________
what action are we performing when we contribute to being a solution to the needs of our age
when the Jewish Leaders challenged Jesus by asking “by what authority” and “by who’s authority” are you doing these things, what was the motivation of the Jewish Leaders?
Self-centered (to maintain their power)
in the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with a God-centered view will go into each day with an attitude of:
in the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with an I-centered view will go into each day with an attitude of:
If the Jewish Leaders answered Jesus’ question that the baptism of John the Baptist was from Heaven, they would have:
accepted that Jesus was the Messiah
If the Jewish Leaders answered Jesus’ question that the baptism of John the Baptist was from men, they would have:
had a revolt
in the teaching on the “Armor of God”, it states that our battles are not against “flesh and blood” - which means that our battles are NOT against whom:
other people
which of the following is NOT one of the three lessons learned from the buyers and sellers response to Jesus?
Jesus doesn’t support capitalistic markert system
James 4:4 used this word to describe how people choose to ignore His call to love Him and love others, and instead live for themselves
According to James 4:1-3, selfish ambition is the cause of:
fights and quarrels
According to James 4:1-3, the reason that individuals do not have their desires is:
they do not ask God with the right motives
Which of the following is NOT one of the four ways that we illustrate our submission to God:
you seek out to do what you feel is best for you
According to James 4:7-10, when you grieve, mourn, wail,a and have gloom - these words describe our _________ to God:
when we focus on leading others to an understanding of the Kingdom of God, we make every effort for them to experience:
- peace
- mutual-edification
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to _______ your ground, and after you have done everything to _______.”
stand; stand
The verse above (armor of God) allows us to have an attitude and perspective to:
- to not blame
- to not complain
- to understand that the day of evil is apart of life; be prepared
Six laws that the teaching regarding “Boasting About Tomorrow” provides for us during each moment we live:
1) In regards to “when” we are to fulfill our responsibilities:
2) In regards to “how” we can recognize when or how our plans need to be adjusted:
3) In regards to being concerned or worried about “what” it is we are to do each day:
4) In regards to using the competitive model to develop self-esteem and self-worth:
5) In regards to the perspective given on how to prioritize the time we have been given.
6) In regards to the summary provided on how to determine “success” in the life we have been given.
1) Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today
2) Don’t allow too much planning to make you miss out on the call of the present
3) Don’t worry (God has all in control)
4) Humble yourself (avoid self-importance and the comparison trap – which leads to arrogance/depression)
5) Life is but a mist (since life is short, have priorities that reflect your awareness of this)
6) Success is determined by doing the “good we ought to do”
Armor of God:
1) ________– 1. Holds everything together 2. All other pieces build off of this foundation
2) ________– protects our emotional state (irrational fears, manic depression, etc)
3) Shoes of Peace – directs us toward righteous places (Heavenly wisdom – James 3)
4) Shield of Faith – protects us from outward temptations / situations
5) Helmet of Salvation – protects us from the negative thoughts & fears within our own mind
6) Sword of the Word – Gives us the weapon to attack evil forces that come upon us – so use it!
7) Prayer in the Spirit – The activity that roots us because it is the power of the Spirit that defeats sin
1) Belt of Truth
2) Breastplate of Righteousness