FINAL Flashcards
dose/[] in blood
Met. phases?
I = Inactivate drugs (P450), but still lipid soluble II = Conjugation ->Now water soluble
Enzyme induction=?
Drug A->more enz.->less of drug B
codeine, B-blockers and tryciclic metabolized by?
Kidney urine Excretion=
filtration + secretion -reabsorption
Drug clearance=?
Qt of drug eliminated in given time
First vs zero order kinetics?
First = Constant fraction, normal Zero = Constant amount
Ligand gated ion channel Eg?
Nicotinic, GABA, glutamate, serotonin
Opiods, muscarinic
GCPR activation occurs when?
GDP->GTP and dissociation of alpha subunits
Affinity constant, Concentration of drug that bind to half the receptors. Low Kd = high affinity
Potency vs efficacy?
amount for effect
Max effect produced
Caffeine CYP?
Kinetics difference with elders?
Decrease: renal clearance, increase fat, decrease phase 1 metabolism, decrease first-pass
Kinetics vs dynamics tolerance?
K=Drug broken down more rapidly. Dose response curve (DRC) the same for same blood concentration of the drug.
D=Decreased effect when reaches receptors. DRC to the right at same drug concentration
Withdrawal effect are?
The opposite of drug effect
Tolerance is the idea of?
having to give more of the drug to have same effect
Down vs up-regulation of receptors?
Down: response to Drug that stimulates them (agonist)
Up: In response to drug that blocks them (antagonists). Risk for rebound effect.
Differential tolerance?
Indiv. doesn’t become equally tolerant to all effects of a drug to the exact extent.
Toxico studies? All are observationnal.
- Cohort: Exposed ->Is it bad (Either pro or retrospective)
- Case-Control: Similar problems ->Exposure to toxins?
- Cross sectional: Cohort+Case, lots of data
Odds ratio vs relative risk vs standardized mortality ratio?
Odds ratio: Risk of disease in a ration
Relative risk: Risk of disease in %
SMR: Risk of death ratio
Methylated mercury
MAle physio?
Seminiferous tubules-efferent duct-epidimys-vas deferens
Sperm takes?
LH does in male?
Leydig cell to produce testosterone (outside seminiferous) by increasing cholesterol availability. Testo concentration 10X higher in seminiferous than in blood
Testosterone converted into DHT by?
FSH does in male?
Sertoli cells: Nurse the germ cells (inside seminiferous)
Testosterone to E2 by?
Male hormonal contraception idea?
Estradiol+Testo = no sperms because not enough in seminiferous
cotton product infetility?
hyper proliferation of keratinocytes
Acne problems?
1-KEratin block duct (black spot)
2-Sebum block duct
3-INflammation sebaceaous gland
Retinoids/vit. A pathways?
Retinol (Vit.A) an alcohol ->retinol dehydrogenase->Retinal (Aldehyde)->Retinal dehydrogenase->Retinoic Acid (acid)
Vit. A mechanism of actions? (BP=binding protein)
Retinol +RBP allow inside cell->Retinol + Cellular Retinol BP (CRBP)->change to aldehyde than to acid-> Retinois acid (RA) binds to CRABP allowing inside nucleus->RA binds to retinoic receptors RXR/RAR->Activated dimer binds to RARE which cause gene expression
Hair cycle?
Growth->end of growth (ANAGEN)->transition (Catagen)->resting phase(telogen)
Baldnes cause/cure?
DHT. Finasteride blocks prod of DHT
Beta-carotene precursor of?
Vit a
Vit a role in vision?
In rods->Rhodopsin (GPCR) composed of retinal and opsin->light->trans-retinal detach from opsin->Na+ channel closes and cell hyperpolarizes->less inhibition of bipolar cells->stimulate ganglion cells->allow vision
Vit D pathways? Role? Bind to receptor?
UV->pre-vit D (cholesterol)->Cholecaciferol->liver:25-OH->kidneys:1,25-OH-
Absorption of calcium, b/c CALBINDINS bind calcium in GIT requires vitD3 to work. Also bone matrix, osteoclast regulation
receptor: Retinoid X receptor->change genes
Vit E?
Vit. K?
Synthesis of prothrombin from precursor leading to thrombin and coag.
MAde by GIT bacteria
Vit. C important b/c?
1.Electron donor (antioxidant)
2.Collagen synthesis
Vit B?
B1 (thiamine): Help convert food to energy. Deficiency cause beriberi
B2 (Riboflavin): tissue repair.
B3(Niacin): Cofactor P450. Defiency: Pellagr ->Dermatitis, Diarrhea,Dementia
B6 (Pyridoxin): brain, immune, RBC
B9 (Folate): DNA Synthesis. Deficiency: Megaloblastia anemia/fetal malformation
B12: Intrinsic factor to be absorbed. Deficiency: Pernicious anemia