Final Flashcards
What Is MANIA?
Militarism Alliance Nationalism Imperialism Assassination
Definition: Militarism
Policy of building up and glorifying a strong military in preparation for war
Definition: alliance
Pledge to defend each other if conflict arose
Definition: nationalism
Extreme pride in one’s country
Definition: imperialism
Domination of one country by another
Definition: assassination
Murder of a political leader
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand:who. Where.
Who:Gavrilo Princip- member of Black Hands
Where:Schillers Cafe
Domino after Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
Austria Hungary blamed Servia for Ferdinand's death and declared war of Servia Germany pledged support to Austria Servia got Russia Germany vs Russia France allies Russia France vs Germany
Who was in the Triple Entente?
Great Britain
Who was in the Triple Alliance?
Austria Hungary
Schlieffen’s Plan: what was it?
Designed to avoid a 2 front war. The idea was to move quickly against the French. Before Russia had time to mobilize.
Schlieffen’s Plan: Did it work? Why or why not?
It did not work because Russia mobilized a lot faster than expected
Neither side is able to defeat each other
Western vs Eastern Fronts:Differences in opponents
Western: Britain and France vs Germany
Western vs Eastern Fronts: Differences in techniques
W:Long deep trenches to protect armies from fire
E:Russia pushed deep into Germany
New Weapons and Technology
Rapid-Fire Machine Guns Long Range Artillery Poison Gas Tanks Aircraft -airplanes -pilots known as aces had dogfights over battlefield -zeppelins Submarines(unterseeboot) u-boats
Ottoman Empire: why were they strategically important?
Location, cut supplies lines from Russia to other allies
Allied Powers?
Central Powers?
Ottoman Empire
Total War?
Nations realized winning required use of of their resources. Ex drafting, rationing
Required military service. All must sign up for the draft
Sinking of Lusitania: What happened? Why is it important?
Germany us d their submarines to sink this ship that had 128 Americans. Total death: 1200
Reason why US joined war
Spreading of ideas that promote a cause or damage an opponent
Ex. Poster urging civilians to save resources to help ration food and other products; conscription
US involvement: why did they get involved w/ Allies and difference made to the war?
Got involved bc of: Cultural ties Germany broke promises Zimmerman Note Difference made: Pushed Germans back and forced their surrender
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: who was involved. What did it say?
Russia, Vldmir Lenin
Pulled Russia out of WWI after 3 yrs
Zimmerman Note
German proposal to Mexico that if they fought vs US Germany would help them reclaim lost territory
Wilsons 14 points: what, said, important
List of terms to resolve WWI and future conflict Freedom of the seas Freedom of trade No secret alliance LEAGUE OF NATIONS
Spanish Influenza: cause and results
Americans had the flu and it spread. The outbreak caused 20 million deaths worldwide in a few months
Pay for war damage
Paris Peace conference:
Leaders and Goals
France: George Clemenceu- wanted to weaken Germany so it could not invade France again
Britain: David Lloyd George- wanted Germany to pay heavy reparations
Italy: Vittorio Orlando- wanted promised territory
US: Woodrow Willson- wanted 14 points especially League of Nations
Treaty of Versailles
Punishment for Germany
Germany has to pay heavy reparations
Severe military limits
Lost territory
No. WWII happened
League of Nations: USA
Not involved because US lawmaker voted against it. Didn’t want to join to avoid being in future wars. League weakened and had NO power to stop war.
Living space
3rd Reich
Ideas that Germany would dominate for 1000 years. Did for 12
Der Furher
The leader
Giving into demands in order to keep peace
Aryan Race
“Perfect Race”
Blond hair
Blue eyes
Native German people
Post WWI:People reaction
Hated the Versailles Treaty and how they got all the blame. Hated Gov’t
Post WWI: Name of new Gov’t
Weimar Republic
Post WWI: Ruhr Valley. Why did the French take it back
Germany fell behind on reparation payments to French
Adolf Hitler: Background
Born in Austria Fought in WWI Wanted to be artist but got rejected to art school Arrested for trying to overthrow Gov't Wrote a book
Adolf Hitler: political party
Nazi Party. National Socialist Workers Party
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf
My Struggle
Written in prison
Basis for Nazi beliefs
Munich Conference: involved and decision
Britain France and Germany
Brits and French gave appeasement
Nazi-Soviet pact
Russia and Germany secretly divided Poland
Lightning war-striking a devastating blow to an enemy very quickly
German Airforce
Vichy France
“Puppet state” S France
Scorched Earth Campaign
Destroying anything of value so Nazis couldn’t use it
Maginot Line
Huge wall in France separating France and Germany. Failed.
Hitler “backstabbing” USSR
Wanted their raw material- farms and forests
Crush communism
Operation Barborrosa
Advance in Russia and took Poland first
Battle of Stalingrad
Soviet Union vs Nazi
Turning point of war between Germany and Russia
What stopped Hitlers momentum in trying to conquer the USSR?
Scorched Earth Campaign and the cold winter
156,000 allied troops stormed into France and helped French stabling themselves again
Tehran Conference
Allies agreed to finally open 2 front in Europe. Huge invasion of French coast planned
Yalta Conference
Big 3 met to discuss post war goals:
Split Germany into zones of influence
Agreed Russia would help in Japan war 3 months after war
Hatred/discrimination of Jews
Secret police to identify Nazi enemies
Night of Broken Glass-Gestapo and Nazi thugs destroyed Jewish stores homes and senagogues
Mobile killing squad
Deliberate destruction of specific race or group of people
At first how were Jews excluded from public life
Political- not allowed to hold office
Social- Jews not allowed to marry non-Jews
Economic- Jewish business were boycotted
How did Nazis force Jews to identify themselves
ID cards with huge J
Given new middle names-Israel and Sarah
Forced to see the Star of David on all their clothing
Other “undesirable” to Hitler
Death camps:entry process and life
Jews forced into train cars and sent to camp
- shaved their heads
- Gave number tattoo
- One set of clothes
- Daily food
- cup of “coffee”
- rotten vegetables soup
- piece of bread
- maybe rotten sausage
Name of gas used
Zyklon B
Largest camp
Trials against Nazi officials
Nuremberg Trials
-Germans tried to say that they were just following orders. Idea was rejected and 12 Nazi defendants received death penalty
Puppet State
“Independent” state under control of a powerful neighbor
What was the name of the American that opened Japan up to the world?
Commodore Matthew Perry. US Navy
-1853 sailed into Tokyo Bay and forced to open markets
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: “reason” for creation and reality
Said they wanted to liberate Asia from Europe
Just needed the resources
US response to Japanese expansion
US began limiting trade to “punish” them
- banned selling scrap iron steel to them
- froze Japanese financial assets
- cut off soil shipments
Hideki Tojo: who? What did he want with US
Prime minister of Japan
Wanted war with US and began preparing for one
Attack on Pearl Harvor
- Japan bombed Hawaii w/ 180 planes, 6 aircrafts, 20 other ships
- goal: knockout blow before US could respond
- results in 2 hrs killed 2400 and killed 1200
- damaged or destroyed 200 US war planes
- sunk or damage 800 war ships including 8/9 battleship
Island Hopping: what? Why? Work?
Selectively attacking specific islands while ignoring others. To cut supplies and reinforcements lines allow Americans to move quickly to their ultimate goal- home island of Japan
Manhattan Project
Started by: Germany-Albert Einstein
Led by: Robert Oppenheimer
Goal: atomic bomb to defeat Hitler
Work: partially- were able to created but did not get to use it on Hitler like they wanted to
Dropping Atomic Bomb: necessary?
Thought it was necessary because the alternatives were
-Mass invasion of Japan
-Navel blockades and conventional bombing
-Drop bomb on deserted island near Japan to show strength
-soften allies demand
Drop it and kill two birds with one stone
Dropping Atomic Bomb: where was it dropped?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
In which city did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand take place?
Divine Right
The right to rule was given by God
A fleet of ships
French Protestants
Embrace of western technology, culture and ideas
Noble Russian landowners
Someone sent for religious cause
Mass starvation
Widows were killed after their husbands died-usually by fire
Indian soldiers
A private toll road
A person who manages and assumes the financial risk of new businesses
Jethro Tull
Inventor of the seed drill
James Watt
Improved the steam engine in the late 1700’s
Philosophy where the government has a hands off approach to business
The movement of people to cities
Karl Marx’s name for the Industrial Working Class
An apartment building for the working class
Drugs that prevent pain during surgery
Jeremy Bentham
British Philosopher and economist who advocated utilitarianism
A perfect, ideal society
The Prince
Book that detailed how to gain and keep power and stressed that ends justify the means
Theory that the sun was the center of the universe and the Earth revolves around the sun
A financial supporter of the arts
Money paid to church to lessen a persons time in purgatory
A government run by religious leaders
A cultural awakening or rebirth
A religious group that has broken away from an established church
Separate sections of cities where usually only one ethnic group lives
The Book of Coutier
Book that describes the Ideal Man
Which of the following was NOT a major cause of European Imperialism?
D.)Communist ideology
European overseas expansion was partly fuel by industrial companies need for this
A.) natural resources
This type of colonial rule was mostly commonly practiced by Great Britain
A.) indirect rule
Where was the conference that partitioned (broke up) Africa amongst European powers in 1884?
Which country gained territorial holdings in Africa that were roughly the size of the United States?
A.) France
The Sepoy Rebellion was caused by
B.) British insensitivity to Indian customs
Why did Charles the V abdicate the Spanish throne in 1566?
D.)he thought that it was impossible to rule 2 empires
In 1571 Spain defeated the Ottoman Empire in a great victory for the Spaniards and Catholicism at the Battle of
B.) Lepanto
Miguel De Cervantes wrote ——, which is considered the Europe’s 1st modern novel
A.) Don Quixote
In France, King Henry IV’s “Edict of Nantes” said that
C.) Huguenots were granted religious toleration
French King Louis XIV gave himself this nickname
D.) The Sun King
In France what was the Estates General
C.) a legislative body made up of all of France’s social classes
Why did Peter the Great spend time in Western Europe?
D.) to learn about European technology and modernization
What was the symbol of Peter’s absolute power and desire to create a modern Russia
B.) St Petersburg
What word describes Catherine the Great
C.)enlightened and efficient