Final Flashcards
cell body containing the nucleus, filled with cytoplasm containing special structures such as mitochondria
branch-like structure attached to the soma that receives information from the terminal buttons of other neurons
long thin tube transferring information from the soma to the terminal buttons
knob-like structure at the end of a neuron containing neurotransmitters (that are held in beadlike structures called synaptic vesicles)
terminal buttons
covering over the axon to insulate and increase efficiency and accuracy of message transmission
myelin sheath
the brief electrical impulse that causes a rapid reversal of the membrane potential
action potential
a drug that facilitates the effects of a neurotransmitter on a postsynaptic cell
a drug that blocks or inhibits the effects of a neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic cell
balance of diffusion and electrostatic pressure
membrane potential
junction between the terminal button of one neuron and the membrane of another
outermost layer of gray matter covering the brain; place of voluntary action, learning, interpretation
cerebral cortex
higher order thinking, planning, judgement, impulse control, motor movement
frontal lobe
auditory sensation and speech
temporal lobe
associated with emotional functioning and memory
limbic system
emotions, especially fear and aggression
motor system involvement, control of movement
basal ganglia
projects sensory information to specific regions of the cerebral cortex and receives information back
a group of cell bodies within the LGN of the thalamus; receives inputs from the retina and projects to the primary visual cortex
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
key role in inducing sleep; activity of these neurons causes inhibition of areas in the brain responsible for cortical activity and arousal
ventrolateral preoptic area (vlPOA)
critical for female sexual behavior
ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH)
area of the brain involved in formulating plans and strategies; regulation of emotions; plays role in moral judgement and decision making
prefrontal cortex
sensory interpretation and integration
parietal lobe
visual sensation and processing
occipital lobe
arousal (waking, sleeping) and filtering incoming sensory input (to discriminate the irrelevant)
reticular formation
regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance
regulation of the autonomic nervous system and survival behaviors (hunger, thirst, sexual response)
maintaining vital functions such as breathing and heart rate
a large bundle of axons that interconnects corresponding regions of the association cortex on each side of the brain
corpus callosum
critical for male sexual behavior; critical for parenting behavior
medial preoptic area (MPA)
associated with muscular movement, increases cortical activity, facilitates REM sleep, learning, and formation of memories
associated with movement, attention, learning, reinforcing effects of abused drugs
associated with an increase in vigilance and attentiveness; promotes arousal; plays a role in controlling REM sleep
associated with regulation of mood; control of eating, sleeping, and arousal; regulation of pain; decreased aggression; increases cortical activity and locomotion
an amino acid that is the principle excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and spinal cord
an amino acid that is the key inhibitory neurotransmitter to keep the brain stable
an amino acid that is the key inhibitory neurotransmitter in the lower brain and spinal cord
promotes wakefulness
associated with pair bonding to mates and offspring; released in response to meaningful touch, sexual intercourse, onset of labor, and nursing; associated with increased levels of trust
excitatory, promotes wakefulness; active during wakefulness, inactive during sleep
a chemical in the brain that builds and maintains cell circuitry as well as increasing the ability for LTP; improves signal strength between neurons; activates genes that increase production of serotonin, proteins to build synapse, and BDNF itself; strengthens growth of neurons and protects against factors leading to cell death
a neuromodulator that is produced as the result of metabolism of glycogen (which is the brains fuel)
associated with pair bonding to mates and offspring
a peptide hormone released in the stomach when it is empty that is an important hunger signal; increases eating behavior
provides long-term regulation of body fat by acting as an anti-obesity hormone; normally secreted by well-nourished fat cells; increases metabolic rate; increases activity level; decreases eating behavior